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View Full Version : Please take a moment silence and pray for those souls lost in the MH17 terror attack

07-19-2014, 05:56 AM
Please take a moment silence and pray for those souls lost in the downing of flight MH-17 terror attack. If this wasn't sad enough Obama has made it even sadder. I think this terrorists act maybe the final nail in the coffin of our constitution and our country and Obama is the hammer doing so. As horrible this terrorist attack is for all the countries whose citizens were murdered including our own, the most disgraceful part is how Obama refuses to stop fundraising and partying, so he could do what any other US presidents would of done. First with or without permission of this none existent self proclaimed new country any previous President would of declared this was a terrorist attack and then would have demanded heavy sanctions or declared it a war crime against the Geneva convention. Next any other President would of in a few hours of attack sent US military forces along with the Ukrainian military to the crash site protect the NTSB investigators, protect and recover the remains of the murdered and their belongings so the grieving families can bury their loved ones. These so called " Ukrainian citizens " who took over east Ukraine and shot down the flight are really around 90% active or ex Russian military and FSB agents. The most horrible things that let you know they went from trying to claim land for Russia are now full blown terrorist because they are not only looking to steal the black boxes to cover their tracks so investigators won't be able to know what was said and happened but they are stealing all the luggage ( belongings ) and worst off all even stealing clothes and jewelry from the murdered victims. What more does it take for American to see their government could care less about them. I'm so pissed I can't say anymore. - R.I.P. MH-17 victims God Bless - Lets

07-24-2014, 02:49 AM
Sorry but is this satire?

07-24-2014, 02:57 PM
Sorry but is this satire?

Sorry but is this satire?

No it's not satire, I just was pointing out that the president is commander in chief and for him to not do anything about a terrorist attack that killed an American is just another step towards our rights being eroded away. As president he is supposed to protect our country and its citizens and their rights from any threat be it foreign or demotic but time after time whether not taking action after terrorist attacks like in the Ukraine or not calling the fort hood shooting just what it was a terrorist attack, and not sending military help to Libya as soon as the attack started which resulted in the death of 4 Americans including our ambassador, instead he arrests a film maker within a day and says we arrested him not for making a film but for some other reason and then gives him a jail sentence that was unprecedented for what they claimed he did. All this and much more just shows how he would seem to rather say to hell with the rights of Americans, they don't need the right of privacy, or the right of protection from warrantless wiretapping of our phones and computers, or even the right of being innocent until proven guilty. In the end the only people he feels have rights are our enemies and Muslims. - Lets