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06-04-2014, 02:08 PM
If you drive ....
Dex was checking with his real mechanic scan tool, because he is a
real mechanic, and commented; "you've been driving without
your seat-belt."
I said I only drove out the driveway then buckled-up.
He said that if the belt isn't buckled when the transmission is
put in gear it shows that the belt was not used.
Did you know that Police and Insurance Companies have scanners
and can get that information?

06-04-2014, 08:06 PM
Can they check this when ever they want or after an accident?

06-04-2014, 09:40 PM
Can they check this when ever they want or after an accident?
Pretty soon jamie the way things are going they will pass something that when they stop you they will be able to check and I wont doubt it will be wirelessy

06-05-2014, 12:27 AM
I hate to be the bearer of bad news here..... 50% of cars newer than 2012 have a black box that will provide speed of vehicle, braking percentage, g-force incurred, direction of vehicle, what airbag deployed, and of course whether or not you were wearing your seat belt. Not only that your vehicle will call the emergency in when an accident happened (ONSTAR). The latter of which is nothing new. The plus side to this new technology is a robust post crash analysis database that will be used to make vehicles safer, the ability to shut your car down in the event of theft and coordinates of its whereabouts, and if you lock your keys in it you can call them and they will remotely unlock it for your silly ass. The downside is all audio can be monitored (this may apply for meth addicts only), in the event the strong arm is trying to catch you they need only call the company to turn it into a foot chase, and big brother does not need to put a tracker on your car he already has one hard wired to the shit. The Tesla line of electric vehicles are all wireless up linked to the system which enables them to update your software anytime.