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View Full Version : Video: usa police violence

05-25-2014, 03:07 PM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/326_8453.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5458-usa-police-violence) wow its too badhttp://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5458-usa-police-violence)

05-26-2014, 07:10 AM
just goes to show what utter scum most of US police are like

05-26-2014, 08:41 AM
I thought this was a military site, not a one sided biased hit piece site where a few deride cops.

05-26-2014, 09:21 AM
not much better here is Australia.....but, dont be a dick and you wont have a problem

05-26-2014, 11:41 AM
I thought this was a military site, not a one sided biased hit piece site where a few deride cops.

Police videos are allowed. This site won't become a biased hit piece site on police. I beleive that police actions should be reviewed in some cases.
This video isn't intended to be a review that's why they covered the audio with "music".
It's better to comply with the officer(s) then to keep escalating the situation. You call always sue later if you feel your rights are violated.
Seal666 what kind of police brutality videos did you find on Iran?

05-26-2014, 12:45 PM
Every single clip has been taken out of context.

05-26-2014, 01:25 PM
Lol bmgtz, one of my favorite sayings is "don't start no s*** wont be no s***"

05-26-2014, 03:10 PM
Every single clip has been taken out of context. My Ass !! There is NO excuse for anybody, Men & Women alike who are already handcuffed, anybody who is laying on the ground unconscious to be repeatedly kicked & punched in the face & body. Anyone that thinks it is needs to feel what its like! There is no excuse for Anyone to cause permanent mental & physical damage to any other person just because They got too exited by the situation or there overinflated pride got in the way of there decision making !! Fucking Weak ! Just like the trigger happy bitches that unload on a noncompliant homeless Guy in a wheelchair waiving a three inch pocket knife around, because They feel there life is in danger . All the above need to be FIRED & Real Men & Woman that can control there pride & emotions should be hired in there place

Skivvy Stacker
05-26-2014, 10:19 PM
If you don't know the particulars of Graham v. Connor (1989) then you have no way to properly judge whether or not the appropriate level of force was used.

05-27-2014, 12:08 AM
Every single clip has been taken out of context. My Ass !! There is NO excuse for anybody, Men & Women alike who are already handcuffed, anybody who is laying on the ground unconscious to be repeatedly kicked & punched in the face & body. Anyone that thinks it is needs to feel what its like! There is no excuse for Anyone to cause permanent mental & physical damage to any other person just because They got too exited by the situation or there overinflated pride got in the way of there decision making !! Fucking Weak ! Just like the trigger happy bitches that unload on a noncompliant homeless Guy in a wheelchair waiving a three inch pocket knife around, because They feel there life is in danger . All the above need to be FIRED & Real Men & Woman that can control there pride & emotions should be hired in there place

I agree and it happen to me But I do not hold it against the rest of the police force, that goes and does there job on a daily basis. Don't forget when these guys have to go to a call, they are meeting people at there worst 90% percent of the time.
Now on this video, Apacheclips has always been and will always be Pro Police. If you want to post something positive about them fine, If not I will delete them immediately upon there upload and I do not care who has posted a comment or not.
Apacheclips has always been a positive place, not a place to bash our military or Police Be it from any country ,with exceptions and every member knows what those exceptions are.
A Question what was the purpose of posting this video? These video's belong on Youtube not here! I think it is an insult to our veterans that they have to see this Why? Because alot of them who are coming back are Police officers in the civilian world, Also alot of police officers have died protecting people because they where simply just doing there job.
There will always be bad apples on every police force and when they are caught i hope they pay, in more ways then one We give them a job to uphold the law enforce it but not like animals.

PS Seal666 I traced your ip you post vids about our police? Give us a few from iran where they slove there confrontations easily, buy shooting women men in the head Look at your own country before you take a look at this one

05-27-2014, 02:06 AM
I know all the paticulars on Ghram vs. Connor ,Krueger v. Fuhr, Hunt v. County of Whitman,Tom v. Voida, & many more... Its been a passion of Mine for many Years. Ghram vs. Connor is a joke anymore because most potential excessive force cases are reviewd & ok'd by the officers immediate superiors wich means after the accused are conveniently cleard... whoever is still crying excessive force needs to retain the services of a good lawyer & sign on for a long uphill battle. If You want to talk paticulars its as simple as this: An officer may use only that force which is both reasonable and necessary to effect an arrest or detention. Anything more is excessive force. Payne v. Pauley. 2003. Really You dont have know dick about Ghram vs. connor to properly judge almost every clip on that video. Most controversial police videos are just that', controversial. Any moron can tell You that using force on a non combative that is already cuffed & a threat to no one is excessive. & nothing controversial about it. Iam sure the Guy who made the video was well aware of it,

05-27-2014, 02:11 AM
@bmgtz ,,,...Iam sorry Brother, I meant to hit the like button not the dislike

05-27-2014, 09:26 AM
@serpa6....wow i didnt think you are former cia agent and start to spaying about me when you dont like my video.......do you know what is freedom......i just showed truths that took by american people......open your eye and accept truth.........and about iranian police.....they have many many many way to reach where usa police stands in violence.....

05-27-2014, 01:46 PM
Kind of a one sided video. You need to support your local Police not and not be a SH*t hinder and hinder them. Yah everyone wants to ride around drinking and driving and smoking their dope being an Outlaw. But what does that get ya? Arrested, in jail on the wrong side of the law cursing the dam Corrupt cops! Get a job, be a role model for you children and Grow up. If the Police act the way they do because we break the law, act like gangsters, country hicks and be dumb-asses. Posting stupid videos demonizing the police because someone got in a extreme situation is just hurting all of us because it undermines the order in our society. And Just remember all the people crying Police brutality are not coming to your aid when your in trouble they will be causing the trouble and carrying your TV out the window while your laying there bleeding. THAT is ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-27-2014, 01:52 PM
Why haggle about the police, for the most part they do there job and everybody excluding a few people (several members here on this site) will call them to play big brother. If this type of shit wasn't circulated it would be much much worse in my opinion. These videos are a way to keep them in check and doing their job. Here where I am from a young man was recently awarded 10 million dollars because his dad Keneth Elis the third got into a altercation with a few officers at a gas station and when backup arrived they shot him in the neck and killed him. He had just gotten back from Iraq and was suffering from PTSD. This incident sparked a DOJ investigation because of the amount of money involved. Shit like that makes people not trust the law and opens the door to all kinds of shit. So I say keep them in check.

05-27-2014, 04:15 PM
Those opinions are both Great, Guys. @seal666 ...YOU .... You need to be a little more mellow in how & what You post. Especially being that You dont live here. If You Yourself have never interacted with the police here, then You should not post one sided videos of them. Its too sensitive of a subject for a person inn your position to be bringing up,. And You better be careful How You talk To the Boss [ Serpa6]

05-27-2014, 05:16 PM
bdbllbffr yes you are right i never interact with usa police and i think iam likey......but i didnt say any thing i just uploaded a video took by american peole just this.........but you banded me to upload.....why...idont know......

05-27-2014, 09:08 PM
Why haggle about the police, for the most part they do there job and everybody excluding a few people (several members here on this site) will call them to play big brother. If this type of shit wasn't circulated it would be much much worse in my opinion. These videos are a way to keep them in check and doing their job. Here where I am from a young man was recently awarded 10 million dollars because his dad Keneth Elis the third got into a altercation with a few officers at a gas station and when backup arrived they shot him in the neck and killed him. He had just gotten back from Iraq and was suffering from PTSD. This incident sparked a DOJ investigation because of the amount of money involved. Shit like that makes people not trust the law and opens the door to all kinds of shit. So I say keep them in check.

Now here this I think i said that the few bad that we pay to uphold the job we pay them to do should not carry out there jobs like animals and I also said they get there just deserts and more Like getting fucked in jail by a big motherfucker named bubba.
Keep them in check ok lets But don't forget what we pay them to do!! To keep all the sick motherfuckers out there in check which outnumber police our military and law abbiding citizens of this country.
@Seal you a joker? CIA agent you are a ass, I served in this country's military and have seen plenty and done plenty in my time on this earth. Your not talking to a 20 yr old but that does not give you the excuse for posting this vid I still want to see the corruption from iran Where your leader is not calling the shots some 80 yr old flea bitten goat smelling old man still is. So lets see what goes on in your part of this great earth Dickhead police are not just confined to one country they are everywhere and yes should be exposed But not on this site
To all who agree with me and dont Dont forget what Apacheclips is about being positive and to see what are soldiers where in how they fought and to show what the media does not show I do not have to go on You all know what it is about.
Yes it is ok to go off topic but not in this way.

05-27-2014, 09:36 PM
Serp your right, in my area we have been dealing with a little bit more than usual with the local PD, but every other town I have lived in I can honestly say the police are good fellas, fair and mindful of your rights and also right and wrong. To which I say thank you to all the PD on this site for dealing with jackasses like myself and my friends and not losing your cool, and thank you for doing a job that nobody ever has anything good to say about you. I appreciate you all and so does everybody else.

05-27-2014, 09:52 PM
bdbllbffr yes you are right i never interact with usa police and i think iam likey......but i didnt say any thing i just uploaded a video took by american peole just this.........but you banded me to upload.....why...idont know......
You are not banned from uploading I just checked the upload server and there is a problem give it a few I am going to restart and try to upload your video

05-28-2014, 12:34 AM
Did not, could not ban or forbid You to, seal ....just suggested is all. I ve enjoyed all Your uploads so far infact

Skivvy Stacker
05-28-2014, 06:05 AM
There is a severe lack of understanding among the public as to what actually constitutes "police brutality" and "police misconduct". Quite often, the videos I see that attempt to paint the police as a form of "gestapo" unit actually show them acting in a way that is totally consistent with established, LEGAL guidelines regarding the use of force. And often, the videos I see that attempt to paint a police encounter as an "over reaction" don't begin with how the situation developed, but with what the videographer THINKS is going on.
Yes, I have seen some obvious and disgusting police misconduct on the web, and in nearly every case those officers have been dealt with in the appropriate manner. But not every single encounter you see on video is a negative encounter, and not every action the police take is some sort of "violation of a citizen's rights".

05-28-2014, 09:05 PM
I agree that most videos trying to depict "police brutality" fail to include the whole story. And most times the actions are determined that reasonable force was used. What Iam saying is that most of the clips in that video were the abuse of suspects who were already cuffed & posed a threat to no one. Again I say There is NO excuse for anybody, Men & Women alike who are already handcuffed, anybody who is laying on the ground unconscious to be repeatedly kicked & punched in the face & body. Anyone that thinks it is needs to feel what its like! There is no excuse for Anyone to cause permanent mental & physical damage to any other person just because They got too exited by the situation or there overinflated pride got in the way of there decision making !! Any person who can try to justify those actions Is a badge Licker & has personally never felt the pain of that kind of abuse. Never had a loved one such as an elderly Grandparent or a innocent teenaged son or daughter having their teeth bashed in because some fuck with lended power acted on their emotions. Unless Your an extra stupid person , Its pretty obvious what is right & what is wrong. Iam not ganna say anything more on this shit because I feel way to passionate about it, So if Your just saying shit to be just saying, then please hang it up