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10-04-2009, 11:24 PM
These are the times that try men's souls.
The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will,
in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country;
but he that stands it now,
deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
--Thomas Paine

Sooo true. That's a good one.

11-18-2009, 12:29 AM
My favorite quote from a military leader; so true.

"So long as their families are safe, [soldiers] will defend their country, believing that by their sacrifice they are safeguarding their families also. But even the bonds of patriotism, discipline and comradeship are loosened when the family itself is threatened."
-General William Tecumseh Sherman

11-18-2009, 12:57 AM
of course he was talking about the Germans in this quote and how a demoralized enemy no matter how well trained will be defeated if there is a precieved threat to their family

11-28-2009, 09:17 PM
"Fear has its use but cowardice has none."
-Mohandas K. Gandhi

12-06-2009, 04:05 AM
"Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves."

"Be more afraid of an army of sheep led by a wolf, than an army of wolves led by a sheep."

"Patience and persistence can bring down the tallest trees."

"Petting scorpions with a compassionate hand will only get you stung."

"Do, or do not, there is no try."

"The hawk breaks the back of his prey not because of strength, but because of timing."

"He who knows doesn't speak; he who speaks doesn't know."

"Those who are first on the battlefield and await the opponents are at ease; those who are last on the battlefield and head into a fight become exhausted. Therefore, good warriors cause others to go to them and do not go to others."
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"The true essence of a man is not what he has, but what he does."

"It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him into evil ways." "To be foolish and recognize that one is a fool is better than to be foolish and imagine that one is wise."

"Your soul - your life energy - is not bound by flesh. It can reach where your fingers cannot."

Talk is easy - ACTION is difficult. Action is easy - TRUE UNDERSTANDING is difficult!

One finds life through conquering the fear of death within one's mind. Empty the mind of all forms of attachment, make a go-for-broke charge and conquer
the opponent with one decisive slash.
- Togo Shigekata.

The undisturbed mind is like the calm body water reflecting the
brilliance of the moon. Empty the mind and you will realize the undisturbed mind.
- Yagyu Jubei

You might as well stand and fight because if you run you will only die tired
- Vern Jocque

It is easy to kill someone with a slash of a sword. It is hard to be impossible for others to cut down
- Yagyu Munenori

When the World is at Peace, a gentleman keeps his Sword by his side.
- Wu Tsu

Master the divine techniques of the Art of Peace and no enemy will dare to challenge you.
- Ueshiba

It is the very mind itself that leads the mind astray; Of the mind, Do not be mindless.

In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few
- Suzuki

To practice Zen or the Martial Arts, you must live intensely, wholeheartedly, without reserve - as if you might die in the next instant
- Taisen Deshimaru

The Ultimate Warrior leaves no openings
- Except in his mind

When the Way comes to an end, then change - having changed, you pass through.
- I Ching

The more you sweat in training, the less you will bleed in battle.
- Motto of Navy Seals

The Way lies at hand yet it is sought afar off; the thing lies in the easy yet it is
sought in the difficult.
- Mencius

To think, "I will not think" - This, too, is something in one's thoughts.
Simply do not think about not thinking at all.
- Takuan

Use your head, or somebody else might.

The dance of battle is always played to the same impatient rhythm. What begins in a
surge of violent motion is always reduced to the perfectly still.
- Sun Tzu

Not to borrow the strength of another, nor to rely on one's own strength; to cut off
past and future thoughts, and not to live within the everyday mind... then the Great Way
is right before your eyes.
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo

SHUCHU RYOKU - Focus all your energy to one point.
- Shioda Gozo

Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer
teachings there are. The Great Path is really NO PATH.
- Ueshiba Morihei

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target.
- Unknown

The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things
- The Buddah

Victory goes to the one who has no thought of himself
- Shinkage School of Swordsmanship

JIU YOKU GO O SEI SURU - Flexibility Masters Hardness

See first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body
- Yagyu

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself
- Chinese Proverb

When the student is ready, the Master appears.
- Buddhist Proverb

Be master OF mind rather than mastered BY mind
- Zen Saying

12-06-2009, 04:08 AM
My personal favorite.

"Out of every 100 men on the field of battle, ten shouldn’t even be there,
Eighty are just targets,
Nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle.
Ah, but the one,
One is a warrior,
And he will bring the others back."


12-15-2009, 12:55 PM
"Diplomats are useful only in fair weather. As soon as it rains they drown in every drop."
- Charles De Gaulle

12-15-2009, 12:56 PM
"A man's greatest moment in life is when his enemy lays vanquished, his village aflame, his herds driven before you and his weeping wives and daughters are clasped to your breast."
- Gengis Kahn

12-15-2009, 12:58 PM
"We looked straight onto death, and it looked away."
Major Gen. Shmuel Gonen-Gorodish,
Israeli Chief Of Staff in the early 70'.

12-30-2009, 10:25 PM
Hi Guys- I'm new here so I thought I'd contribute a few I've picked up over the years. They many not be fully accurate as I have paraphrased them but you get the idea_

"They tried the Fortunes of War and were losers"- Julius Caeser- The Conquest of Gaul.

"The acme of skill (for a General) is not to fight 100 battles and win 100 battles; the acme of skill is to subdue your enemy without fighting." Sun Tzu Art of War.

"The capable General above all values freedom to manoevure" Sun Tzu

"The general whose army marches 1000 miles unopposed will arrive in better condition than the general who marches his army 1 mile opposed." Sun Tzu

"Cry havoc and unleash the dogs of war" Shakespere.

01-04-2010, 11:49 PM
Always glad to have a new poster Peter. Some good ones too.Welcome aboard.

01-04-2010, 11:49 PM
"Those who have not yet realized danger are generally the bravest soldiers."
-Colmar von der Goltz, German field marshal, World War I

01-05-2010, 01:15 AM
"Cry havoc and unleash the dogs of war" Shakespere.

I've never been leashed up.... just running around the world for thousands of years.


01-18-2010, 07:37 AM
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H. L. Mencken

01-18-2010, 09:48 AM
"It's the Soldier"
By: Charles M. Province

A protest raged on a courthouse lawn,
Round a makeshift stage they charged on,
Fifteen hundred or more they say,
Had come to burn a Flag that day.
A boy held up the folded Flag,
Cursed it, and called it a dirty rag.
An OLD MAN pushed through the angry crowd,
With a rusty shotgun shouldered proud.

His uniform jacket was old and tight,
He had polished each button, shiny and bright.
He crossed that stage with a soldier's grace,
Until he and the boy stood face to face.

"Is worth dying for, good men are dead,
So you can stand on this courthouse lawn,
And talk us down from dusk to dawn,
But before any Flag gets burned today,

My father died on a foreign shore,
In a war they said would end all war.
But Tommy and I wasn't even full grown,
Before we fought in a war of our own.
And Tommy died on Iwo Jima's beach,
In the shadow of a hill he couldn't quite reach
Where five good men raised this Flag so high,

I got this bum leg that I still drag,
Fighting for this same old Flag.
Now there's but one shot in this old gun,
So now it's time to decide which one,
Which one of you will follow our lead,
To stand and die for what you believe?
For as sure as there is a rising sun,
You'll burn before this Flag burns, son.

Now this riot never came to pass.
The crowd got quiet and that can of gas,
Got set aside as they walked away
To talk about what they had heard this day.
And the boy who had called it a "dirty rag",
Handed the OLD SOLDIER the folded Flag.

So the battle of the Flag this day was won
By a tired OLD SOLDIER with a rusty gun,
Who for one last time, had to show to some,

01-18-2010, 10:25 AM
Patton Quotes

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
- General George Patton Jr

"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."
- General George Patton Jr
"I want you boys to hurry up and whip these Germans so we can get out to the Pacific to kick the shit out of the purple-pissing Japanese, before the Goddamn MARINES get all the credit!"
- General George S. Patton, Jr

Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller

"Paper-work will ruin any military force"
- Lieutenant-General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller

"Take me to the Brig. I want to see the "real Marines". "
Major General Chesty Puller, USMC - while on a Battalion inspection.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of
us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"
- Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, USMC

"You don't hurt 'em if you don't hit 'em."
- Lieutenant-General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller

General Douglas MacArthur

"In war there is no substitute for victory."
- General Douglas MacArthur

"I have just returned from visiting the MARINES at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world!"
- General Douglas MacArthur

"You are remembered for the rules you break."
- General Douglas MacArthur

01-24-2010, 10:48 PM
"In war, the policy of least exertion always risks being paid for dearly"
- General Charles de Gaulle

01-24-2010, 10:52 PM
"I don't run democracy. I train troops to defend democracy and I happen to be their surrogate father and mother as well as their commanding general."
- Lt Gen Alfred M. Gray, USMC

01-24-2010, 10:56 PM
"We have severely underestimated the Russians, the extent of the country and the treachery of the climate. This is the revenge of reality."
- General Heinz Guderian, letter to his wife 1941

01-30-2010, 07:10 AM
Well I have some Patton lines:

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom."
- General George Patton Jr

"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
- General George Patton Jr

"Pressure makes diamonds."
- General George Patton Jr

"I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight."
- General George Patton Jr

"Go forward until the last round is fired and the last drop of gas is expended...then go forward on foot!"
- General George Patton Jr

"Just drive down that road, until you get blown up"
- General George Patton, about reconnaissance troops

Ahhh....gotta love Patton.

02-17-2010, 12:37 AM
"Those that would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither" Ben Franklin

03-23-2010, 08:23 PM
"Strike hard and fast and do not separate"
- General Heinz Guderian

03-23-2010, 08:24 PM
"The mind of the enemy and the will of his leaders is a target of far more importance than the bodies of his troops."
-Brigadier General S.B. Griffith, II, USMC

03-23-2010, 08:27 PM
"The battle we are now approaching demands a colossal measure of production capacity. No limit on rearmament can be visualized. The only alternatives are victory or destruction... We live in a time when the final battle is in sight. We are ready on the threshold of mobilization and we are already at war. All that is lacking is the actual shooting."
- Reich Marshal Hermann Göring (Goering), Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (1936)

05-31-2010, 12:39 PM
My old Commanding officer gives this speech before deployment

Colonel Tim Collins' Speech

Colonel Tim Collins' speech to around 800 men of the battlegroup of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment, part of the 16 Air Assault Brigade given at their Fort Blair Mayne camp in the Kuwaiti desert about 20 miles from the Iraqi border on Wednesday 19 March 2003.

And I believe its now pinned up in the American White House.

We go to liberate, not to conquer.
We will not fly our flags in their country
We are entering Iraq to free a people and the only flag which will be flown in that ancient land is their own.
Show respect for them.

There are some who are alive at this moment who will not be alive shortly.
Those who do not wish to go on that journey, we will not send.
As for the others, I expect you to rock their world.
Wipe them out if that is what they choose.
But if you are ferocious in battle remember to be magnanimous in victory.

Iraq is steeped in history.
It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birthplace of Abraham.
Tread lightly there.

You will see things that no man could pay to see
-- and you will have to go a long way to find a more decent, generous and upright people than the Iraqis.
You will be embarrassed by their hospitality even though they have nothing.

Don't treat them as refugees for they are in their own country.
Their children will be poor, in years to come they will know that the light of liberation in their lives was brought by you.

If there are casualties of war then remember that when they woke up and got dressed in the morning they did not plan to die this day.
Allow them dignity in death.
Bury them properly and mark their graves.

It is my foremost intention to bring every single one of you out alive.
But there may be people among us who will not see the end of this campaign.
We will put them in their sleeping bags and send them back.
There will be no time for sorrow.

The enemy should be in no doubt that we are his nemesis and that we are bringing about his rightful destruction.
There are many regional commanders who have stains on their souls and they are stoking the fires of hell for Saddam.
He and his forces will be destroyed by this coalition for what they have done.
As they die they will know their deeds have brought them to this place. Show them no pity.

It is a big step to take another human life.
It is not to be done lightly.
I know of men who have taken life needlessly in other conflicts.
I can assure you they live with the mark of Cain upon them.

If someone surrenders to you then remember they have that right in international law and ensure that one day they go home to their family.
The ones who wish to fight, well, we aim to please.

If you harm the regiment or its history by over-enthusiasm in killing or in cowardice, know it is your family who will suffer.
You will be shunned unless your conduct is of the highest -- for your deeds will follow you down through history.
We will bring shame on neither our uniform or our nation.

(On Saddam's chemical and biological weapons.)

It is not a question of if, it's a question of when.
We know he has already devolved the decision to lower commanders, and that means he has already taken the decision himself.
If we survive the first strike we will survive the attack.

As for ourselves, let's bring everyone home and leave Iraq a better place for us having been there.

Our business now is north.

I can't post links as yet, However if you log into youtube and type Tim Collins then you can view.


06-28-2010, 08:19 PM
"It is only the dead who have seen the end of war”
- Plato

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
- Albert Einstein

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
- Albert Einstein

"To be a leader means to be able to move masses"
- Adolf Hitler

"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys.
Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu

"The purpose of all war is peace. "
- Saint Augustine, 354-430

"Confusion in battle is what pain is in childbirth - the natural order of things."
- General Maurice Tugwell

If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid. (No source, just love this one)

"Tracers work both ways."
- US Army Ordnance

"Being in the army is like being in the Boy Scouts, except that the Boy Scouts have adult supervision."
- Blake Clark

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
— Napoleon Bonaparte

“The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.”
-Joseph Stalin?

“In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.”
-Jose Narosky

“War creates peace like hate creates love.”
- David L. Wilson

and the last one for tonight...

From a youtube video. Very inspirational!
"If you're in the government, you do whatever you can. You talk, you negotiate, you debate, everything you can do keep me from going over there. Once you get me over there, turn your back, close your eyes because i'm gonna fricken wreck shop"
- Marcus Luttrell.

11-07-2010, 01:57 AM
Well I have some Patton lines:

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom."
- General George Patton Jr

"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
- General George Patton Jr

"Pressure makes diamonds."
- General George Patton Jr

"I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight."
- General George Patton Jr

"Go forward until the last round is fired and the last drop of gas is expended...then go forward on foot!"
- General George Patton Jr

"Just drive down that road, until you get blown up"
- General George Patton, about reconnaissance troops

Ahhh....gotta love Patton.
As I walk in The Valley of the Shaddow of Death, I shall fear no evil because i'm the baddest motherfucker in that valley

11-07-2010, 10:52 AM
"War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it."
-Desiderius Erasmus

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
-General George S. Patton

"Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."
-General George S. Patton

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George S. Patton

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson

"Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait."

"There are two ways to come home, stepping off the plane and being carried off the plane. It doesn't matter how I come home, because I am prepared to give all that I am to ensure that all my boys make it home."
-from a letter written by U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Paul Ray Smith to his parents before he deployed to Iraq where he was killed in action on April 4 2003 and was awarded the Medal of Honor after his death in recognition of his actions during the invasion of Iraq

11-07-2010, 07:16 PM
"The power of example is very important to people under stress."
- General Sir John Hackett, British Army

"The warning message we sent the Russians was a calculated ambiguity that would be clearly understood."
- Alexander Haig

"The problem with sports and war is that God is on everyone's side."
--Duane Alan Hahn

"There can be no peace but that which is forced by the sword."
-Henry Halleck, nineteenth-century American military writer and inept Civil War general

11-08-2010, 10:15 AM
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys.
Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Eris loves all her shining sons!!!!!

11-08-2010, 06:58 PM
Peacekeeping is not a job for soldiers, but only soldiers can do it.
- Dag Hammarskjöld, Former UN Secretary-General

The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned.
- Dag Hammarskjöld, Former UN Secretary-General

"Democracy has no convictions for which people would be willing to stake their lives."
- Dr. Ernst Hanftstaengl

11-08-2010, 08:31 PM
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of War.
- William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

The purpose of all war is peace.
- Saint Augustine, 354-430

Dont worry baby...thats just artillery fire.

11-08-2010, 09:32 PM
"There is a soldier inside all of us. Some people unleash that soldier when they are sitting on a bean bag chair playing COD: Modern Warfare 2. Others unleash that soldier by playing paint ball or "tactical simulations". How did I unleash the soldier in me? Easy: I signed my signature at the bottom of an enlistment paper. :P"


11-08-2010, 11:09 PM
”We will either find a way or make one.”
- Hannibal (247-183 BC), Carthaginian general.

"Victory, speedy and complete, awaits the side that employs air power as it should be employed"
- Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur Harris (1892-1984)

"Peace is an extension of war by political means."
- Robert Heinlein

11-09-2010, 11:05 AM
In war, truth is the first casualty.
-Aeschylus 525 -456 BC

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
-Jean-Paul Sartre

They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.
-Ernest Hemingway

11-09-2010, 12:08 PM
"Always keep your clothes and your weapons where you can find them in the dark"
- Robert Heinlein

"The highest generalship is to compel the enemy to disperse his army, and then to concentrate superior force against each fraction in turn."
- Col. Henderson, George Francis Robert (1854-1903),
British soldier and military writer

"The rules of strategy are few and simple. They may be learned in a week. They may be taught by familiar illustrations or a dozen diagrams. But such knowledge will no more teach a man to lead an army like Napoleon than a knowledge of grammar will teach him to write like Gibbon."
- Col. Henderson, George Francis Robert

11-09-2010, 12:47 PM
"Always keep your clothes and your weapons where you can find them in the dark"
- Robert Heinlein

haha!!! I think I live my life based around that quote. Seriously...
Never knew where it came from... Thanks Mel!!!!

In the feilds the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
-Black Sabbath War Pigs

11-09-2010, 01:53 PM
haha!!! I think I live my life based around that quote. Seriously...
Never knew where it came from... Thanks Mel!!!!

In the feilds the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
-Black Sabbath War Pigs

You are a character Eris.:tongue0016:

11-10-2010, 12:21 AM
You are a character Eris.:tongue0016:

Of course you know....this means war
-Daffy Duck


11-10-2010, 07:36 PM
"The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave..."
-Patrick Henry
1736–99, political leader in the American Revolution

"Guard with jealous attention to the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force."
- Patrick Henry

"Discipline is simply the art of making the soldiers fear their officers more than the enemy."
- Helvetius

04-26-2011, 12:47 AM
“It needs but one foe to breed a war, and those who have not swords can still die upon them.”
JRR Tolkien

“The purpose of all wars...is peace.”
Saint Augustine

"I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them. "
Clara Barton
(December 25, 1821 – April 12, 1912) (( She is best remembered for organizing the American Red Cross....and a personal role model of mine))

04-26-2011, 08:18 AM
"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything."
Harry S. Truman

04-26-2011, 03:26 PM
Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.
-Ronald Reagan

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure.
-Thomas Jefferson

When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
-Ronald Reagan

and finally, not a military quote- but a useful one :D

"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away--and barefoot."
-Sarah Jackson

04-26-2011, 08:45 PM
"War is the mother of everything."
-Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (535-475BC)

"Out of every 100 men, ten shouldn't even be there,
Eighty are just targets,
Nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle.
Ah, but the one,
One is a warrior,
And he will bring the others back."
- Heraclitus

"In peace sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature, and fathers bury sons."
-Heroditus, greek historian c. 484-425 B.C.

04-26-2011, 11:29 PM
speak softly and carry a big stick----T.R. ....if it hasnt already been posted

06-09-2011, 12:27 AM
you do not greet death kindly you punch it in the throat repeatedly as it drags you away

USMC Master gunnery Sgt

06-09-2011, 09:07 PM
"Force has no place where there is need of skill."
- Heroditus

"A war put off is not a war avoided."
- Charlton Heston

"The enemy bombards our front not only with a drumfire of artillery, but also with a drumfire of printed paper. Besides bombs, which kill the body, his airmen also throw down leaflets which are intended to kill the soul."
-Field Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg, 1847-1934
Head of German army in First World War

08-12-2011, 04:07 PM
"Generally speaking, the way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death." - Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings, The Ground Book

08-12-2011, 05:29 PM

08-12-2011, 07:40 PM
"Dont worry baby.....thats just artillery fire"
-to remain anonymous

Kimberly Cook
05-05-2012, 03:06 AM
According to me........
"Do not touch anything unnecessarily cautious lies in front of pretty girls in dance halls and parks, the spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and people on the street can be - . do not have unwittingly. "
IS Really funny???

05-05-2012, 05:43 PM
Kimberly, there is a good reason you got banned...

05-05-2012, 10:56 PM
I'm Lost in this one banned who?????

05-06-2012, 03:14 PM
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure.


05-06-2012, 06:56 PM
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston C.

05-06-2012, 07:54 PM
a few of my own mixed in with my favourites..i live by them all

One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly... Friedrich Nietzsche
I am not Christ or a philanthropist, old lady, I am all the contrary of a Christ.... I fight for the things I believe in, with all the weapons at my disposal and try to leave the other man dead so that I don't get nailed to a cross or any other place... che
innovate don't imitate.. unknown
it is far better to ask a stupid question and live a moments ignorance.. than not ask the question and live a lifetimes ignorance.. wanny
trust no one.. you'll even let yourself down.. wanny
I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he's wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil... malcolm X
a wolf in sheeps clothing still does the work of a wolf.. bible
is life always this tough or just when your a kid... always like this... (film) leon
i have a firm grip on my realities.. both of them.. wanny
the come down from enlightenment is a bitch.. wanny
the best heroes are unknown.. wanny
violence is a necessity if it stops you becoming a victim.. wanny

05-06-2012, 08:31 PM
violence is a necessity if it stops you from becoming a victim.. wanny
I have to say Wanny....I like this one very much.:thumbsup: bro.

01-14-2013, 04:54 PM
How about rooting for our side for a change, You liberal moron, - WWII propaganda poster

09-30-2013, 11:16 PM
I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery. But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders

We signed up knowing the risk. Those innocent people in New York didn't go to work thinking there was any kind of risk.
Pvt. Mike Armendariz-Clark, USMC; Afghanastan, 20 September 2001
As reported on page 1 of the New York Times

The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!
Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945

Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat.
RAdm. "Jay" R. Stark, USN; 10 November 1995

You'll never get a Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!
Capt. Henry P. Crowe, USMC; Guadalcanal, 13 January 1943

The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle.
Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing, U.S. Army
Commander of American Forces in World War I

They (Women Marines) don't have a nickname, and they don't need one. They get their basic training in a Marine atmosphere, at a Marine Post. They inherit the traditions of the Marines. They are Marines.
LtGen Thomas Holcomb, USMC
Commandant of the Marine Corps, 1943

And from my favorite president of All Time

Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem.
Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985