View Full Version : U.S. CASUALTY Totals OEF,OIF

06-27-2009, 05:16 PM
As of June 26, 2009 For OIF Total Deaths 4,319 includes 13 DOD employees , KIA 3.455 includes 9 DOD employees, non hostile Deaths 864 includes 4 DOD employees. Wounded in Action returned to duty 17.559 , Wounded in action not returned to duty 13,809 . For OEF in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan-Total Deaths 708 includes 1 DOD employee, KIA 477 includes 1 DOD employee , Non-Hostile Deaths 231 , Wounded in Action returned to duty 1108 , Wounded in Action not returned to duty 1955 Official DOD numbers http://www.defenselink.mil

06-28-2009, 04:50 AM
Media would have you think far worse. Fuck major media I usually watch Pentagon Channel.

06-28-2009, 12:12 PM
Media would have you think far worse. Fuck major media I usually watch Pentagon Channel.

That was what I thought when researching the numbers. I had to double check and make sure they for were june26th 2009