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10-20-2013, 03:34 PM

10-20-2013, 05:09 PM
I hope he really said that. Either way we should follow those words.

10-20-2013, 08:16 PM
I hope he really said that. Either way we should follow those words.
Damm right!!

02-06-2014, 01:03 AM
Who would not say the right words, words will be correct. only will do as I say?

we say in Russia: Better decent, honest enemy! What a liar, unworthy friend

02-06-2014, 09:05 AM
I thought they created their anti-gay laws because of muslim influence?

09-05-2014, 09:28 PM
I believe the latest stat is that by 2025-2035 the russkie military will be majority muslim....... not sure what US military will be though. Those fuckers breed at an average of 8 roaches to the breeding pair. They are killing western civilization by outbreeding western civilization. Spain has a birthrate of like 1.4, the US is around 2.1. Most of Europe, and I mean the hard core white Scandinavian countries will be outbred in the VERY near future. Fuck russia anyways...... putin eats shit!!

12-02-2014, 05:23 PM
I'm not sure who I'm quoting, "Why can't we all just get along??"
In Canada, we try to treat all people as equals, with respect and try to preserve their dignity/heritage/identity.
Humiliating a group for an individual's actions is illogical. So is generalizing based on stereotype.
"My stereo is louder than yours!!", "No, it's not.." BOOM. BOOM.
What's with this "east vs west" historically driven pissing contest??
Bombs BOOM louder than all your stereos.. Are nukes louder than JDAMs??
I've never heard one side by side.. "Snap, Crackle, Pop" BOOM. Vape.
Silence CAN be even louder.
Equality is a challenging goal!! Even if we aren't all equally knowledgeable, skilled and equipped-
ALL people deserve the right to hold their own opinions/beliefs- peacefully.
Nobody's trying to destroy your cultural heritage!!
If we all were a little more accepting than objectioning of the differences between us, maybe there would be less conflict??
Every one is unique, with a different story/path. No one path is better than another.
To throw another random quote in, "Live and let live"..
Until they try to kill you, then, "Live and let die".
Sometimes, I grow bored of the world's whining and bitching.. Just STFU already.
Stop making excuses, find/create solutions. Solve your OWN "problems".
OR live in the past and get left in the dust with the rest of the dirt....
Peace, z0ne OUT.

12-04-2014, 10:56 AM
I'm not sure who I'm quoting, "Why can't we all just get along??"
In Canada, we try to treat all people as equals, with respect and try to preserve their dignity/heritage/identity.
Humiliating a group for an individual's actions is illogical. So is generalizing based on stereotype.
"My stereo is louder than yours!!", "No, it's not.." BOOM. BOOM.
What's with this "east vs west" historically driven pissing contest??
Bombs BOOM louder than all your stereos.. Are nukes louder than JDAMs??
I've never heard one side by side.. "Snap, Crackle, Pop" BOOM. Vape.
Silence CAN be even louder.
Equality is a challenging goal!! Even if we aren't all equally knowledgeable, skilled and equipped-
ALL people deserve the right to hold their own opinions/beliefs- peacefully.
Nobody's trying to destroy your cultural heritage!!
If we all were a little more accepting than objectioning of the differences between us, maybe there would be less conflict??
Every one is unique, with a different story/path. No one path is better than another.
To throw another random quote in, "Live and let live"..
Until they try to kill you, then, "Live and let die".
Sometimes, I grow bored of the world's whining and bitching.. Just STFU already.
Stop making excuses, find/create solutions. Solve your OWN "problems".
OR live in the past and get left in the dust with the rest of the dirt....
Peace, z0ne OUT.

Enough Said, I agree.