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09-29-2013, 01:45 PM
Below is the email communication with my Ethiopian sister in-law who is with UNICEF and works in Nairobi, Kenya.
Of course, you start at the bottom for the first message.

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Michael Shatto
10:18 AM
To: Tegest Bellete

My sister Leslie was having fits of worry. She has a problem with getting an idea and it takes over, but this time it seems it was her sensitivities that were attuned to you.

Judy and I were horrified to read your email. Then incredibly relieved that our sister in-law is safe.

Thank God you are safe, and for the Police and other security people I saw in the pictures. Here, they would have never gone after the bad guys without body armor and SWAT leading the way after trying to make contact and talk about it. I'm not saying that to degrade our "Thin Blue Line" that separates us from anarchy, because we do things differently, but to complement the bravery, selflessness and competence of the men I saw going into the fray. I am proud of them.

Indeed, we should, and do, pray for peace.
But, prayer alone is only part of the solution. Unfortunately, too many turn to appeasement and negotiation which is absurd since you cannot negotiate peace with someone who intends to kill you. We will have peace only when the enemies of civilized society are eradicated.

I suppose that, by now, Lemma is there and you holding onto each other in gratitude for being able to hold onto each other.

Love you both.
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Subject: RE: Nairobi
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:01:24 +0000

Dear Mike,

I am one of the survivors from the Wastgate incident. I was under gunfire for three hours...... I am lucky and a blessed woman to be rescued and alive. God is great and merciful. I lost one of my colleagues in this terrorist attack. His daughter, 13 years old, was evacuated to USA on Thursday since she was shot at her hand and leg while she was in the car with her dad. We have to pray for peace.

Thanks and best regards
Tegest Bellete
2:01 AM

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Michael Shatto
To: Tegest Bellete
From: Michael Shatto
Sent: Fri 9/27/13 6:44 PM

To: Tegest Bellete
I presume you were not shopping the other day?


09-29-2013, 10:16 PM
I am glad to see that your sister in law is safe, and yes shatto that is very close to home
Pray for the ones that did not make it RIP
I hope the little girl recovers fast I deepens my heart to see her lose her dad right in front of her.

I want to add these vermin responsible for this horror I hope we can erradicte them all I know that might be imposible but Make them so afraid of the world that they will not to be associated with the vermin terrorists or make them so afraid that they would not want to be in this world