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08-14-2013, 01:01 PM
I think Edward Snowden is a hero. He is an iconic patriot and will be a Hero of American History. What are you guys thinking. I am just a youngster so I value every bodies opinion please express it.

08-14-2013, 08:15 PM
I think he is a hero. We have been lied to too many times.
Now there are reports that the DEA wants at the information the NSA has collected.
The traitors to this country are Congress and The White House. All their assets need to be seized to include their spouse . The we start auctioning it off on ebay until they balance the budget. They should never get the Congressional retirement package they voted for themselves.

08-14-2013, 09:40 PM
Snowden is a hero in my eyes. While I certainly do not argee with some of the information that he revealed, the EU spying and spying on China, what he has done (offered proof) of our governments spying and storing of US citizens information without warrent or due process supercedes the other crimes he has committed.

While we all knew that this was going on, it is different to have proof much like a court case. This also has pushed the issue to the forefront, and pulled atleast a few more peoples noses out of their bosses asses or their smart phones to see what's going on.

Our constitution, while it may be out dated in some aspects, still has fundamental values and concepts which are key to a free society and a promotion of individual worth. The government interfering with our freedoms and privacy is detrimental to the concept of the United States as we have always known it.

Bush started it, and Obama's expanding it.

08-14-2013, 10:45 PM
Don't forget this.
Read the comments.


08-15-2013, 04:43 AM
Hey Jamieooh this guy is smart. Thanks for the eye opener I am gone check into this gentleman's articles. Typically I can't stand these dip shits babbling I'm talking about mainstream radio. They are all ignorant but this guy actually port forth some good info. And furthermore who said Federal Agencies could all the sudden start overseeing themselves? Was it the Patriot Act that started all this?

08-15-2013, 08:26 PM
Heh, next thing we know, they will have our time table for when we taking a dump ;)

08-15-2013, 08:29 PM
Heh, next thing we know, they will have our time table for when we taking a dump ;)

if you take your cell phone to the bathroom they just might have you schedule. Hope you don't have a camera phone:lol:

08-15-2013, 09:49 PM