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View Full Version : Help a Brother Out? - Kickstarter

07-25-2013, 03:06 AM
Hey guys! Havent been around much since the new site, at least the forums. I'll cut to the chase though. A close friend and Marine Scout Sniper has come up with an idea that he thinks would help deployed troops and others called the MS Clean which stands for the Magazine Shaped Cleaning kit. However, in order for it to be produced, he needs to get dies made, which cost around $30,000, so he started a kickstarter campaign. He has over $27k out of $30k raised and only 3 days left. Figured I'd stop buy to try and get some support for him. Any little bit helps. Anyone unfamiliar with Kickstarter, you just pick how much you want to pledge and get a reward according to how much you pledged. However, the cool thing about it is that nobody will get charged until the goal is met. So, thanks again guys. You have all helped so much in the past, I need to start hanging around more.


07-25-2013, 04:22 PM
At the Field Base:
How about air. Just like a mechanic uses to blow off dirt.
A tank of solvent, like the mechanic uses. Dip the magazine, loaded or not, swish, and use the above mentioned air or let air-dry.

Sorry. Way back....as an MP I never had inspections and certainly never cleaned anything. And my personal armory is old fashion hunting rifles, so I have no clue about cleaning magazines.

07-25-2013, 10:15 PM
For the non tactically minded of you who cannot see the practicality of this idea. It will fit snug into an existing mag pouch which eliminates the need for any other special pouches or pockets. And it is plastic which cuts down on noise and rattles.

07-25-2013, 10:47 PM
If the kit could have a all in one tool, I think it would sell better. But All in one should be coated with plastic or felt plastic being the choice and being packed in the kit to eliminate noise rattling Why i say an all in one is how many times have you wanted to have a pair of needle nose pliers when the dam pins are giving a problem coming out you have to tap them to get lose to dismantle or a Jam