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View Full Version : Are You Southerners Racist?

06-25-2013, 04:20 PM
The Supreme Court of the United States just ruled. Pendants, Commentators, Talking Heads, Writers Bloggers and such are loudly moaning and lamenting that Jim Crow is back and "African-Americans" and "Latino-Americans" and "Undocumented Guest-Workers" will be prevented from exercising their right to vote.

Serious Question:

Where you are, are people who want to vote prevented from doing so?

06-25-2013, 07:29 PM
The Supreme Court of the United States just ruled. Pendants, Commentators, Talking Heads, Writers Bloggers and such are loudly moaning and lamenting that Jim Crow is back and "African-Americans" and "Latino-Americans" and "Undocumented Guest-Workers" will be prevented from exercising their right to vote.

Serious Question:

Where you are, are people who want to vote prevented from doing so?

Undocumented Guest workers are not citizens.

Their ass gets no right to vote since they are not citizens. The Democrats want the Latino vote, so they want Pedro to tell Chuy and Guadalupe to get their 45 housemates to go vote for "the Blue party, oyyyyyyyyy". That's why there is Democrat (and mostly Northeastern states) opposition to this. States, wherever they are geographically in the US, SHOULD be allowed to enact their own voting identification laws and SHOULD be allowed to enforce them.

How are you going to trust some ass wipe who comes up to a voting booth and says "Oh I'm American. I don't need an ID?" How fucking stupid is that?

06-25-2013, 07:46 PM
Ok Shatto, if it's not about their nationality and only citizenship... Then fuck no. Only if you have a passport you can vote, no exception.

06-25-2013, 08:28 PM
Zo, Ve must all haf papers?

06-25-2013, 08:35 PM
Race/racism is the recourse of the weak minded. In other words, its a crutch. I have experienced MUCH more black on white racism since moving to the south than I have visa versa.

06-25-2013, 11:03 PM
My feelings I am in Florida and there is so much about this subject in this state My wife came from Portugal and had to wait 2 years to get a passport and get cleared by the US goverment. I feel let them go through the legal process pay for the passport wait the allotted time. Not come here and expect just because you escaped from a country and went to one that provides for its people that you are going to have a free ride.
My wife had to have a job within a year These people come here and expect our goverment to provide food shelter and money to them Straight away. Emergency ok but still.
But that is only for people who legally crossed here or came from over seas the way they where suppose to, Those are the ones that want to make it here in the US They want to support there country be in there military and belive in the dream
Not someone seeks refuge here then ships there whole family here and 8 live in a 2 bedroom house Half of them in that house hold will not get jobs and think the welfare train in a free ride that is there mentallity 50 percent of them
On the other 50 percent they are the most hardest working people i know but can you trust them its like play ing roulette you dont know
If they can afford to pay a mule 3000 dollars to get them across a desert then they can wait to get a passport there are other problems they are escapeing yes but what Wanted by drug cartels they are criminals who knows but you sitll have to do it the legal way or no way at all

06-26-2013, 12:55 PM
There is a member here that has been trying to get to the states. He is not having any luck, if you have any ideas I'm sure he would very much appreciate it. He is trying do it the legal way. I told him to fly to Mexico and then sneak across the border if he gets caught yell " no hoblah blah englesh I here to vote for Obama"

06-26-2013, 03:45 PM
I was born and raised in the south, and I am not a racist...I hate everybody equally.

06-26-2013, 11:54 PM
There is a member here that has been trying to get to the states. He is not having any luck, if you have any ideas I'm sure he would very much appreciate it. He is trying do it the legal way. I told him to fly to Mexico and then sneak across the border if he gets caught yell " no hoblah blah englesh I here to vote for Obama"

what is his name maybe i will pm him it all depends on the country they all have different protocols for migrating to another country

06-27-2013, 12:03 AM
Race/racism is the recourse of the weak minded. In other words, its a crutch. I have experienced MUCH more black on white racism since moving to the south than I have visa versa.

It is very true what you are saying Clo, i lived in the northeast all my life racsium does not exist up there. Down here when you say hello to any one that are not white they look at you like you are crazy. If you hold the door open for a African American women, they look like they are going to shit there pants.
If you talk to them its different though I find, it is they immediately change there whole attitude because they know that you are from the north and racsium does not exist up there, they talk to you like if you where there best friend. Its pretty messed up if you ask me