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View Full Version : Huckabee on Gun Control

05-10-2013, 01:27 PM
Mike Huckabee

We all know we need more gun control, because gun crimes are skyrocketing, right? But is any part of that sentence true?...We hear every day that Washington must act against guns because people are getting shot in record numbers. So it’s no wonder a new Pew Research poll found that over 80 percent of Americans believe there are more gun-related murders now than in 1993. But in fact, they’ve fallen by 49 percent. In 1993, there were 7 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people. By 2010, it was down to 3.6 deaths. We forget that thanks to 24-hour news channels, any killing anywhere in the US is reported around the clock, giving a false impression that murder is rampant. That falsehood is amplified by politicians who use it to promote their agendas. But in fact, as more guns than ever have been sold over the past 20 years, gun-related deaths have dropped by half. It seems the only gun-related crime that’s really skyrocketed is politicians shooting their mouths off without engaging their brains first.

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