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View Full Version : Video: Iraq Veteran Gets Illegally Disarmed and Arrested While Hiking

04-18-2013, 11:28 PM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/63_82523.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube_show.php?tubeid=3456) "On March 16, 2013, my son and I were hiking along country roads among
pastures and fields with my 15-year old son to help him earn his hiking
merit badge. I always enjoy these father/son hikes because it gives me
time alone with my son. As I always do when we go on these hikes and
walks, I took my trusty rifle with me as there are coyotes, wild hogs,
and cougars in our area. In Texas, it is legal to openly carry a rifle
or shotgun as long as you do so in a manner that isn't calculated to
cause alarm. In other words, you can't walk around waving your rifle at
people. I always carry my rifle slung across my chest dangling, not
holding it in my hands.

At about the 5 mile mark of our hike, a
voice behind us asked us to stop and the officer motioned for us to
approach him. He got out of his car and met us a few feet later. He
asked us what we were doing and I explained that we were hiking for my
son's merit badge. He then asked me what I'm doing with the rifle, to
which I responded in a calm manner, "Does it matter, officer? Am I
breaking the law?"

At that point, the officer grabbed my rifle
without warning or indication. He didn't ask for my rifle and he didn't
suggest he would take it from me. He simply grabbed it. This startled
me and I instantly pulled back - the rifle was attached to me - and I
asked what he thought he was doing because he's not taking my rifle. He
then pulled his service pistol on me and told me to take my hands off
the weapon and move to his car, which I complied with. He then slammed
me into the hood of his car and I remembered I had a camera on me (one
of the requirements of the hiking merit badge is to document your
hikes). This video is the rest of that encounter. Up to this point, I
am not told why I am being stopped, why he tried to disarm me, or even
that I'm under arrest.

We did not set out that Saturday morning
to "make a point" or cause problems. Our goal was to complete a 10-mile
hike and return home without incident. My son chose a route that away
from populated areas but near our home.

The arresting officer is Officer Steve Ermis and the supervisor is Sergeant Minnicks of the Temple Police Department.

If you agree this was a gross act of exceeded authority, please help me fight these charges"

http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/2nd-amendment-legal-defense-fundhttp://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube_show.php?tubeid=3456)

04-18-2013, 11:34 PM
bad cop no donut

04-19-2013, 12:31 AM
his rights were def violated...and at no time was he resisting

04-19-2013, 04:48 AM
America, No longer the land of the free

04-19-2013, 05:48 AM

kudos to the kid!
you're a good boy!

04-19-2013, 07:35 AM
Hmm... interesting. See Im not American so I wouldn't know what the US law would say about this. What I do know is that there have been plenty of incidents lately with fire arms and tbh, if I was that cop, i would have stopped the man myself as well. The vet says it himself, this isnt Iraq, its Texas, so is it really necessary to cary an assualt rifle slung across your chest like that when you already have a .45 on your hip? Would it maybe have been better to have worn it over his shoulder instead? Im not saying he shouldn't have the gun, all Im saying is, maybe it would have been better to not carry it so readily accessable.

04-19-2013, 08:16 AM
"We did not set out that Saturday morning
to "make a point" or cause problems. Our goal was to complete a 10-mile
hike and return home without incident. My son chose a route that away
from populated areas but near our home. "

why do you need an assault rifle and .45 on the hike run?

04-19-2013, 10:07 AM
So I see two sides here... I don't know the law in the US, but assuming what you say is correct then they were in the wrong.... However, the Sarg has a point. In today's world, it is alarming to see somebody going for a walk with an assault rifle. I myself would probably have called the cops to alert them taht some guy is walking with a kid and has an assault rifle.
Now, what should have hapenned???? If I was the first cop on scene I would have approached with caution, and struck up a conversation. My words would have been, "Look, can you do me a favor and let me have your rifle for a few minutes so we can talk because in todays world, it makes me feel nervous to talk to somebody that has easy access to a weapon like that. We had somebody call in about you walking out here with your rifle and I just want to make sure everything is ok before I let go on your way."
I wouldn't just grab the weapon.... worst case, I would then announce to him, "Look, I'm going to disarm you for both of our safety because I don't know who you are" and then proceed.

I have to say, US gun laws are kinda fucked up, especially in today's world. I get that you're no a nut case, but it's too easy for somebody to get an assault rifle and then proceed to use it maliciously. I'll be honest, If I was a cop, even if there wasn't a call and I drove by you I would have stopped you. Doesn't mean I'd arrest you, but I would have stopped to talk and find out WTF was going on and why you need to walk down the street with a Rifle like that.

04-19-2013, 10:11 AM
dmitroid: because of this "As I always do when we go on these hikes and walks, I took my trusty rifle with me as there are coyotes, wild hogs, and cougars in our area. In Texas, it is legal to openly carry a rifle or shotgun as long as you do so in a manner that isn't calculated to cause alarm."

04-19-2013, 02:37 PM
This proves the point that not all cops are good.

04-19-2013, 02:39 PM
FYI: I live only a short way from Temple. I can tell you first that we do not see ANY video prior to this of how he was conducting his self.

People in rural Texas are very comfortable around firearms so if someone called in I cant help but think he was not being all the way truthful.

Now that being said , it is 100% legal to walk down the street with your rifle on your back. I did this just a few days ago but , however it was unloaded with the breach open and a trigger lock , didn't want to push my luck.

Bad Company
04-19-2013, 04:55 PM
i get stoping and talking to him but they when over the line for sure. good post Bg

04-20-2013, 02:57 AM
so sick of pigs.
it's pathetic how such menial power goes to their head.
Hopefully they get fired immediately. I hate this attitude like we should abandon civil liberties because they've become unpopular.

04-20-2013, 04:53 AM
This happened in Texas of all places.

When all's said and done, this is a US citizen (Vet at that) exercising his rights. He's within the law. Personally I don't see why anyone needs to take a hike with a 45 and an assault rifle, but that's not the point.

The point is, it's our right. And if you within the local laws then why are the police of all people putting their meat hooks on this guy.

I bet that Bright Red Bandanna is what set this all in motion. :P

04-20-2013, 05:59 AM
Any person carrying the most lethal firearm in America in public is certainly going to draw attention. You may very well have a right to carry a firearm but don't think for one second that you get swarmed by law enforcement if you decide to do so. Your welcome!

04-20-2013, 09:01 AM
Slippery Slope.
I'm all for Open Carry and 100% gun rights.

Unfortunately we do not know what really went down before the video started recording.

We do not know who initiated the buffoonery here, but guess what....criminals open carry too.
In this day and age, especially after watching the Boston bombing unfold around us.....it's not that hard to exercise some common sense.

I would agree to let a LEO take a few minutes of my time to run my name and make sure I'm not a convict or wanted for something.

I don't know about you guys, but public safety is highly highly important to me.

04-20-2013, 11:52 PM
My point on this and i have a couple of messages for members about AC and its policy on Law Enforcement.

These officers yes had the right to stop. But unless there was a call in the area of a violent or volatile nature or maybe this person was a know trouble maker, then fine they could handle the call just they way they did.
I agree partially with gutro, about stopping him and asking him to secure his weapon's before it went any further, In asking him anything. If the man would be belligerent then that tells me, he has something to hide or other issues. I would have only asked twice and i would have told him its for my safety and for him and his son's and that I don't know who i am talking to.
Him as being a police officer and a human being also wants to go home at the end of his shift and also has a family.
Most people would cooperate immediately with out hesitation. I am also 100 % in agreement with open carry. But i feel it presents more of a danger to me and people around me where i live that is why i will go and get and C&C permit.
This all depends on where you live there are places here i would not show a firearm. I would carry but not show it, I could get robbed for it or worst, that is why i will get a conceal and carry you would not know unless you tried to rob me or bring harm to me or my family.
This man had one and should have told the officer about the pistol when his ar was secured. What he did was not a smart move, But these officers should learn the laws and they are not above the law. Like i said they are humans like us and have to follow the law like we do.
Under the Law in the US this was and illegal detainment, Buy that is just what is shown in vid, we do not know. His boy did a good job in videoing the stop. But i just hope it was for there good and there was nothing else wrong, in why the police stopped this man.
About carrying a firearm on a on hike, you best! You do not know what you are going to come across angry deer Think they don't exist try again, snakes depending where you live mountian lion, cougar bear, etc. etc. There are other things out there that can kill you beside other humans, in this case yes on a hike he every right to have it out in the open and locked an loaded!

@ SW I hope you know that AC is pro law enforcement Keep your branding names to yourself.
@EXconsivertive No you would not have swarms of police diving down on you there would be 2-3 crusiers in the response any trouble like shots fire pray to whoever you want to that you get out of it. You see i have friends that are Leo's and they laugh at people that makes suggestions like that .

@ All members AC is pro law enforcement vids like this are put up for debate, also this guy was a vet but there should be no outcome in difference of opinion because he is. But it also was not put up to mock the police department, they fight there own fight every day and it seem that no one appreciates it Till they are needed.

04-21-2013, 10:46 PM
Hey how about just telling the officer what your doing! Instead of being hostile, just be straight with the officer.

The conversation would have went like this. Officer: What are you doing carrying that rifle?
Guy: I am hiking with my son and im carrying it for protection from wild animals.
Officer: We got a call about a guy walking around carrying a Rifle and it alarmed some folks. Let me hang on to the weapon while I conduct my investigation. Ill need to see your ID Please. Guy: Here you go sir its in Condition yellow and here is my ID. Officer: Well your check out with no warrant and your not a felon.
Guy: I am sorry for startling folks just so many coyotes and wild hogs.
Officer yeah well some folks get riled up these days with all the bad stuff going on. Just try not to startle anyone as much as possible. Ill let dispatch know what is going on. Here is your ID and rifle back I took the magazine out and locked the bolt back. Guy: Thanks officer well son lets get on our way.

But nope you had to be an asshole right off the bat and bait the officer so you can have a video.

04-21-2013, 11:29 PM
I watched the video till the end this guy has every right to sue these officers for everything they own I was watching and yes detain yes they should have disarmed them frist like i said in the frist comments He finally calmed down enough for them to run there warrent check But then the game changes They arrest him FOR WHAT! RESITING LAME WHAT WAS HE RESITING THERE MORANIC BELIEFS BEING ABOVE THE LAW.
What really pissed me off is they actually made his son cry I hope now that Him and his son sue these cops That sgt should be demoted he does not know his job He is tryin to save face and all he actually did was get him and his other officer's in a pile of trouble that they will be lucky to keep there jobs

04-23-2013, 10:26 AM
All i see in this video is a guy acting like a total asshole. His rights... bla bla bla.... Your rights are useless if you don't use your brains while using your rights. Boston attack happened just some days ago, of course police and citizens will be more alert, it's called common sense...

In description i see him saying that he always takes it for hunting some wild animals. But WHY the fuck, you couldn't have just said that to the officer and been a dick ass instead? All that guy acts like is a wanna be Rambo. .45 and an assault rifle? Well, yes, LOGIC SCREAMS here: wtf you need that?

He says himself that they're not in Iraq. YES BRILLIANT, but he forgot that himself! Whole police is on the edge now, they will act.
You don't have to be the smartest kid on the block to understand that.

He got what was coming to him.

04-23-2013, 11:06 AM
The guy broke no laws. The officers had no right to take his weapons from him for however long they like. This is what our country is coming to my fellow Americans. Soon you wont be allowed to possess a pocket knife because it might scare some sissy, since we seem to have plenty of those these days. These cops need to grow a pair and take a glance at the constitution. For shame for shame.

04-23-2013, 11:18 AM
The guy broke no laws. The officers had no right to take his weapons from him for however long they like. This is what our country is coming to my fellow Americans. Soon you wont be allowed to possess a pocket knife because it might scare some sissy, since we seem to have plenty of those these days. These cops need to grow a pair and take a glance at the constitution. For shame for shame.

So, you suggest that he should break a law before he can be approached by police? Do you know how that guy acted before the video?
Or in other words you just know shit and talking shit.
Sissy at the Boston marathon?
Your grown pair is only good enough to post at the forums. Maybe you should grown some brains before you grown a pair?

Soon soon soon... Soon we should have had about 20 ends of the world by now.... never happened.... Keep your pocket knife, an alien may land near you and you may need it....

05-03-2013, 02:24 PM
Hopefully he sues the SHIT out of them. I wouldnt stop until every officer involved is unemployed. The officer handled that completely wrong, blew the whole thing out of proportion. People asking why he needs that rifle, can you read? Theres feral animals where he is hiking, this isnt your culdesac, most of all, its legal.

05-03-2013, 06:02 PM
Hopefully he sues the SHIT out of them. I wouldnt stop until every officer involved is unemployed. The officer handled that completely wrong, blew the whole thing out of proportion. People asking why he needs that rifle, can you read? Theres feral animals where he is hiking, this isnt your culdesac, most of all, its legal.

We can read. But why he couldn't say that? Can he speak? The whole incident could have been avoided.

05-04-2013, 11:29 PM
We can read. But why he couldn't say that? Can he speak? The whole incident could have been avoided.

I joined just to agree with this sentiment. The OP thought the best thing to do when an officer confronts him is to get loud and challenge his authority? With no one else around? Furthermore, you have a rifle strapped to your chest: he doesn't know if you are joe gun owner or insane. Should the cop of sat there and had an argument about constitutional rights with a guy who is yelling at him with a gun strapped to his chest?

There is a time to fight for your rights. That is in front of congress or a court house. It is not when wearing a weapon and yelling at a cop.

05-04-2013, 11:33 PM
Hopefully he sues the SHIT out of them. I wouldnt stop until every officer involved is unemployed. The officer handled that completely wrong, blew the whole thing out of proportion. People asking why he needs that rifle, can you read? Theres feral animals where he is hiking, this isnt your culdesac, most of all, its legal.

It is legal to do a lot of things. I can legally have tannerite. But if I walk around with a box labeled "Explosives" I'd hope the police would take notice. Should the cops just of waived to a guy with a gun, walking around outside with a kid, without any further thought to it? I don't know about you but when I older guy + gun + kid does not default to "nothing wrong here." Coyotes and boars, the guy was also carrying a .45 concealed. More than enough for that. If there is a rampaging boar army, yeah then an AR-15 becomes necessary, but something tells me there aren't boars goose-stepping through Temple, TX.

FYI: I live only a short way from Temple. I can tell you first that we do not see ANY video prior to this of how he was conducting his self.

People in rural Texas are very comfortable around firearms so if someone called in I cant help but think he was not being all the way truthful.

Now that being said , it is 100% legal to walk down the street with your rifle on your back. I did this just a few days ago but , however it was unloaded with the breach open and a trigger lock , didn't want to push my luck.

That is another thing: your rifle was on your back. This was slung in front of the OP. The time it would take the OP to grab a rifle right in front of him and raise it to kill the cop is obviously a lot less than it would take the cop to draw a pistol from his holster. That definitely played into the cops thoughts. Again, fight for your rights, but instead of "its not illegal officer" the OP could of said "I was worried about coyotes and wild boars, I've heard bad stories about them."

I mean, if "it isn't illegal" to have the gun was a valid excuse, how many more dead cops would we have where the cop couldn't draw until the perp had already risen the gun? Wearing a forward sling would be the most popular thing for criminals by tomorrow if that argument could hold water.

05-16-2013, 09:10 AM
Hmmm people complain the cops don't do enough, Then they complain they do to much. No win situation