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01-18-2013, 04:54 PM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/699_59313.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube_show.php?tubeid=2336) From aljazeerahttp://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube_show.php?tubeid=2336)

01-18-2013, 05:24 PM
And just how the fuck should they see that that was a reporter and not a hot dog salesmen (allan snackbar),passing by

01-18-2013, 06:24 PM
Regrets to his family, but how were the shooters to know he was not just another rebel.

01-18-2013, 06:41 PM
Al Jazeera is a respectable news organisation, rip.

01-18-2013, 07:18 PM
@JosefStalin....your funny

01-18-2013, 07:28 PM
@JosefStalin have u forgotten the aljazeera was the first tv statin to call coalition troops baby killers and they even put ied attacks on our troops on live tv and if ur realy russian u should know that during the chechneyan war aljazeera posted pictures of dead ruskie troops

01-18-2013, 08:15 PM
r.i.p man this shit got to stop!

01-18-2013, 08:32 PM
@USARMY999 Atleast they show the real side of war. Why is it ok for other tv stations to post pictures of dead taliban soldiers being pissed on, i even remember foxnews showing a video of an Apache mission where they kill multiple people , is that OK to you ?
Dont get me wrong btw, I disgust Alqaeda and anyone who helps them.

P.S: im not russian, its a joke.

01-18-2013, 08:37 PM
Why on earth would anyone risk their life to think Reporting on anything overthere is going to do any ounce of good. It's much safer to get an ApachClips account. :P

No helmet, no vest apparently, and my kid can walk faster than he runs. I hate to say it but IMO, You can't fix STUPID.

I hope he was at least smart enough to make sure his death benee paperwork was current before deciding to report on an unresolveable conflict with no end in sight.

01-18-2013, 11:43 PM
good news I hate aljazeera

01-19-2013, 02:38 AM
Hahaha, Now I understand why that Reporter in Generation Kill did the Serpentine!

01-19-2013, 07:54 AM
The guy was a trying to get a highly paid job with CNN or a Pullitzer.

No vest, no helmet and no idea.

01-19-2013, 08:44 AM
I will never understand why they insist on "playing" whack a mole. go a different route...something but not the same friggin hole.

01-19-2013, 10:33 AM
Poor fucker, should have zigged instead of zagged...

01-19-2013, 03:49 PM
I like how the guy just watches him, no covering fire no nothing.

01-19-2013, 11:07 PM
good fire discipline on the ssa,lure one out and shoot the other,cudoz on u

01-20-2013, 09:05 AM
Here's how it went with the reporter and SAA machine gunner/ sniper on the other side, Machine gunner: "You ought to do a story about me sometime!" Reporter: "Why should I do a story about you?!" Machine gunner: "Because I'm so fucking good! That ain't no shit nether! I done got me 157 dead FSA killed and 50 goats too... them were all certified!" Reporter: "Any reporters?!" Machine gunner: "Sometimes?!" Reporter: "How can you shoot reporters?!" Machine gunner: "Easy... you just don't lead them so much_ hahaha! Look theirs a reporter now! Bam, Bam, Bam! HA_ make that 158 dead FSA killed know! Ain't war hell?! Hhaahaha" :evilgrin:

01-20-2013, 06:35 PM
Ha! Probably fake and just another ploy by CNN for gun control.

01-24-2013, 04:23 AM
This guy is not Yves Debay. His name is Mohamed Al-Massalma an Al Jazeera Journalist.

01-24-2013, 05:05 AM
#don211279ÂÂ* The description says the aljazeera reporter died and that makes him the second reporter to die that week then it says another french reporter named Yves Debay died wednesday on the same week at a prison. So they never said the guy in this video was Yves Debay. :)

01-28-2013, 06:34 AM
LTOAD, great FMJ transposition!