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View Full Version : UK violent crime, gun control arguement.

01-10-2013, 07:48 PM
Here is a great example of how a society functions without weapon ownership. A great reality check for mr piers morgan. Even though Alex Jones is a general nut, he does still speak some truths. I just wish he would have been able to make a much more valid arguement than he did while on Piers.


01-10-2013, 09:44 PM
Deport Piers Morgan! Fuck him!

01-10-2013, 09:52 PM
Agreed. I hate and european scumbag coming to the US and dictating to us how we are "fucking up" in their words. I'll bet he was shaking in his boots over that Alex Jones petition to get him removed from the country. After all he can't go back to his own country, he would have to answer to the fake news stories he propogated in the UK media. I don't mind European peoples discussing their opinions, on say a forum, but when its a national news networks prime time viewing platform it becomes an issue for myself, particularely when they lie.

01-11-2013, 02:16 PM
Like I've said before gun control pfffffft !


01-11-2013, 02:24 PM
"violent crime" is defined and measured differently by country to country. Making direct comparisons pointless (plus they used dailymail, so figures..)

He repeatedly said UK has banned guns, this is not true, we have banned certain types but we have not banned guns. For "fact checking" they made a few dubious claims themselves. Its once again another bias video intentionally (or through ignorance) misrepresenting the stats.

01-11-2013, 05:11 PM
The UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, China; all of them want us to bend over the table for the UN to come in and disarm us. They salivate at the thought of collecting those DANGEROUS ASSAULT WEAPONS, throwing them in a pile in Times Square, "Noo Yawk City" and smashing them with a steamroller, then igniting a huge fire and melting them down for MSNBC, Russia Today and the BBC cameras.

Fuck that shit.

You can kowtow to somebody whom you trust and consider legitimate. Oh and you can pay their military budget too, since WE pay 25% of the military budget and 22% of the operating expenses of the United abomiNations.

01-12-2013, 02:13 PM

Emotions cause dumb reactions. Like electing unqualified people.

Emotions also cause us to want to exile people we don't like but,
to be fair, wouldn't we also have to rid ourselves of the good ones?

Doesn't Morgan make our point for us?