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View Full Version : The Obama administration has pass over 5700 new regs...gun reg next....

12-02-2012, 04:31 PM
Check out this video on Foxnews.


What are your thoughts? I'm buying an M&P .223/5.56 AR15 Monday. And all the ammo I can afford.

If anyone has a good deal on a DIY 5.56, please let me know quickly. Thanks!

12-03-2012, 02:18 AM

12-03-2012, 09:23 AM
Why would anyone spot complaining about politicians when they are still around?

Hooter, I wouldn't worry about Obamas dream of banning a vast array of weapons. For it to have any real effect it would have to get through congress first, and that will not happen. There would certainly be some democrap support from the senate, but the repubes would put an end to it.

However for DIY kits, I've been shopping around and unless you know someone who works at a company it is hard to find anything that isn't back ordered a couple of months. To immediately get pieces that you want and are high quality it's almost easier to just buy a rifle and pick up pieces from local gun shops, or through cabelas, scheels etc. and piecing it together through there. Which honestly I like to buy the rifles complete from local shops, to support their business, and then add to them keeping the old pieces which I'll switch out for plinking so I keep some of my higher end stuff in better shape.

12-03-2012, 12:54 PM

12-03-2012, 01:54 PM
how many more laws need to be passed to have Barry's dream come true? what law needs to be passed that isn't on the books already?

12-03-2012, 05:50 PM
I agree with you guys, I fucked up and should of put this in Politics. I was just hoping we could talk about it without the politics.

Our 2nd Amendment Rights gives us the freedom to keep and bear arms. Our Founding Fathers saw a lot of the technology we use today coming out back then. Like semi-auto and full-auto weapons. Still, they decided it was more important for a man to keep and bear arms than to regulate those arms. Should every American Home have hand grenades? No. Nukes? No. But a fucking rifle that can fire full automatic? You're damned right we should have that capability. If every American home had an AK or M4 in it, and every American carried a semi-auto pistol or revolver, gun crime would be EXTREMELY RARE! Make it illegal and the dregs of society will WANT that shit just as badly as I want a Lamborghini Aventador or 2013 Mustang GT500!

Common sense ain't so fucking common these days.

12-03-2012, 09:44 PM
Not to be a Forum Nazi, but shouldn't this go in the Politics section?
its post election...
I thought The Pit would be free of news organizations complaining about politicians.


Did these grind your gears or get your panties in a wad?

12-03-2012, 10:47 PM

12-03-2012, 11:33 PM
I hope it was a long hot shower and you get back to your normal self.

Brenden you might want to look up Dianne Feinstein from Kalifornia.
She has been talking about new gun control laws before the election.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/22/dianne-feinstein-guns-2012-election_n_1692994.html
Who knows maybe Barry will just go out and write himself a new executive order.

12-03-2012, 11:38 PM
The Pit
This forum really people is for anything that wants to be hashed out, bashed on. Political or otherwise anything else members want to stomp the shit out of. Politics forum is mostly for Bashing or being for politicians, there views on politicians There stealing money from the general public Elections
The Pit is mostly for anything, like this if the member, who started the thread feel's that it should be placed here.

Now my opinion about Fox news I don't agree with there bullshit about throwing the country into chaos for ratings, it would not be the frist time They never get it straight.
They are raising pre election bullshit you all know that the Republicans will stone wall them to the max and it will go no where. The president could not pass a law or call and immediate bann on guns or assault or semi auto weapons without putting the country into a state of Marshall law. With that there he would be impeached for abuse of power. If you agree with me or not fuck him and fuck the UN. Kick the UN out of the country they would not last Who says we have to keep them here NO ONE or NO LAW

12-04-2012, 11:39 AM
Jamie, the only thing that Feinstein will be able to get done with her view of gun control will be to further restrict Californians from having weapons of any type. Any legislation that she brings up will certainly not get through both parts of congress. Obumma on the other hand could sign that executive order, however it would be political suicide for him and his party in the next election. That's the whole reason there has been very little to no discussion on the issue for the past 12 years, it would cost the democraps far to many votes and particularely the independent vote and the more moderate democrats as voters.

I also do not see the US supporting the UN small arms treaty, it would never get passed the senate or the house. Even if they did pass it I certainly wouldn't abide by it, and I would imagine it would get to the Supreme Court quickly and be over turned. I am not to worried about gun laws in the US until more NDAA and Patriot act types of legislation get passed, which they surely will whoever is the president.

12-04-2012, 02:47 PM
How to make fuck loads of money:

1. Add a dash of fear with a hint of paranoia and hatred.
2. ????
3. Profit.

12-04-2012, 09:09 PM

12-17-2012, 01:32 AM
How to make fuck loads of money:

1. Add a dash of fear with a hint of paranoia and hatred.
2. ????
3. Profit.

Wow i think you just summed up Obama's entire campaign.

12-17-2012, 09:29 AM
Wow i think you just summed up Obama's entire campaign.

It is very clearly used by both sides, but you are bind to this.