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View Full Version : todd akin : no science behind evolution

10-13-2012, 05:14 AM
http://thinkprogress.org/election/2012/10/12/1003121/todd-akin-no-science-behind-evolution/?mobile=nc m

I realise the source, so I would ignore the authors personal word's and just read akin's words. he is on the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology http://gop.science.house.gov/Members/Default.aspx

There seems to be a shocking amount of GOP who are simply anti-science.... I don't understand, why celebrate such ignorance?

10-13-2012, 06:29 AM
That is something that has always baffled the hell out of me. I'm a Conservative, but I believe the expanses outside of this blue ball are wondrous, exciting and just waiting for us to get out there and explore! I know a couple of people who are NASA employees. Very smart, Mensa types. Both believe in the Christian God. They will both have told me they have to keep that to themselves because they will be ridiculed and eventually run off for having those beliefs.

So while I'm baffled that many in the GOP seem anti-science and space, I'm baffled just as much when I consider that those in the science and space industry who believe in God have to hide.

Niel Armstrong was a Christian man who deeply held those beliefs. Why, since the Liberal movement of the 60's and 70's, has religion become such a thing to be ridiculed instead of respected?

10-13-2012, 12:08 PM
I personally do not respect religion. I respect people and unless proven otherwise continue to respect people, if they deserve respect, But I do not respect religion.

10-18-2012, 03:00 AM
...Why, since the Liberal movement of the 60's and 70's, has religion become such a thing to be ridiculed instead of respected?

well i would write out whats wrong with religion and how it influences our country (both good and bad),
it would be better to just visit