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View Full Version : Barack Obama condems 'those who slander the prophet of Islam' at UN

10-02-2012, 12:13 AM

Is this who you want for your President for the next four years?
Give me your feedback.

10-02-2012, 12:40 AM
He wont condemn one from using a Nuclear Bomb or even having one... but he'll condemn a person for trying to stop them.

10-02-2012, 03:43 AM
He also explained why they don't ban the video because its enshrined in US law and constitution that protects free speech. And how he and majority of Americans are Christians and do not ban blasphemy . Are we ignoring that part?

10-02-2012, 11:16 AM
Only good Americans with names like Smith, Jones, or Beagle are protected by the 1st Amendment and certainly not those people with foreign commie names like Hussein or Thompson, or the other 49%.

10-02-2012, 11:20 AM
You are all dead anyway.
Stop your bitching....

10-02-2012, 02:52 PM
You are all dead anyway.
Stop your bitching....

Am i... Am i dead? Am i real?

10-02-2012, 03:27 PM

10-02-2012, 04:27 PM
Obama is legitimizing the excuse that if something offends you religiously you can murder and riot

This was a fucking awful report. is "sun news" anything like UK sun? ie dogshit? it seems so. Awful, Awful fucking reporting. If you take this sort of "news" and think "Hey this might be true", don't breed please.

10-02-2012, 05:41 PM
I bet all of you peterkissers will still be arguing long after the election.

The system is broke. Do you think that your vote and thoughts count?
Get real. Obama is shit, Romney is shit, and Washington is the septic tank. You are the septic safe toilet paper.

The quicker that you understand that YOU ALL are being taken for a ride....the better off you will be.

The only way is revolution. Tear it all down and start over.

10-02-2012, 08:17 PM
Mitt Romney rapes kids, I read it on the internet.

10-02-2012, 09:03 PM
Mitt Romney rapes kids, I read it on the internet.

I lol'd

10-02-2012, 10:29 PM
...The system is broke.

The only way is revolution. Tear it all down and start over.

An American Spring?

10-02-2012, 10:40 PM
Become and atheist and take a Fuckitol pill They say hell is on earth I wonder what heaven is like Mass orgys strippers by the dozen Opps pushed the wrong button That was the down button But i see a few familar friends I have here on the site :D
@Gazz you are real no one could be that big of an asshole and not be lol jk

Master Troller Gazz i am your father

10-02-2012, 10:51 PM
An American Spring?

American Winter.
Red Snow....

I cannot wait until I can round up the enemy and methodically dispense bullets into foreheads.(sanctioned of course)

Until then, I'm on stand-by....
Orders will be disseminated by Triple M controllers.

You will report as well...or fall victim.

10-03-2012, 10:30 AM
Sounds good to me Sixx..... Please forward any known muzzie locations as targets are prioritized.

Funny how all those who have been supporting obama still will do it even after such remarks. Going down with the ship.

10-04-2012, 11:05 PM