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09-21-2012, 09:46 PM


Did Police Use Excessive Force Shutting Down This Motorcycle Rally?
Raphael Orlove

The 10th annual Streetfighterz Ride of the Century in St. Louis was filled with the same typical dumb stunts you see at any highway superbike meet up. When the police tried to cut everyone off with a roadblock, things got out of hand.

When the riders confront the roadblock, some of them try and attempt to dodge the cops. At around 2:10 in the above video bikers begin to cut across the grass and flee the wrong way up an on-ramp. Two patrol cars go to cut them off, striking one bike, and nearly hitting several others. We see in this helmet cam video that as two riders go up the on-ramp, another cruiser tries to block the path of one of the bikes. The cop car hits the bike, which manages to keep going.

Other than the road block itself, none of these pointed attempts to cut off any of the fleeing riders is successful. The riders are calling it excessive force. We think it's just grand stupidity on both sides.

Below is a video of some of the stunts performed during the ride. It's understandable that the police would want to bring this to a stop.

Though I'm not a lawyer, it looks to me like these riders were fleeing the cops, which may constitute a violent felony charge. Over the course of the event the Missouri Highway patrol issued 92 citations arrested 13 riders. That said, authorities have been known to arrest riders for no good reason.

While we can all agree that nobody was acting very wisely in this video, do you think the police used excessive force?

09-21-2012, 10:28 PM
I really didn't see anything excessive,I do agree with the " nobody was acting very wisely in this video" part.

09-21-2012, 11:42 PM
I've seen the results of a person driving on the wrong side of the road many times, it never ends well. These douches were creating situations in which they or other people could have been killed on a constant basis. There was no excessive force in any way shape or form.

On a side note, on a open road when I see bikers coming at me and they are riding the yellow line, I'll ride right on it and I guarentee my pickup will win over their bike (they've always moved so far). Respect life and others, if you don't you can pay the price.

09-22-2012, 03:59 AM
yeah, agree guys
so, why they are endanger/risk others? Moms, Kids, Dads, families?
ok, bikers are good, and bike parades are good too, i know, if it's organized well...
but these scumbags whos acting like this.....ehhh....if you wanna die, just drive to a concrete wall,
just don't risk others

ps.: there are not license plates on bikes? it is not required?


another vid:
(somebody can count how many bikers?)


09-22-2012, 01:39 PM
Jim motorcycles only have plates on the back.
Did you notice the white bike with pink wheels and frame at 2:03? lol

09-22-2012, 08:35 PM
I bet I saw about $10,000 worth of GoPro's go by.

09-22-2012, 10:02 PM
Living in mass for 50 years, driving 17 of those years you learn a lot about MV laws some of this pertains maybe not. IMO

Felony evading, that right there can get you rammed going up the one way ramp, is not only illegal its fucking stupid and dangerous to not only the bikers, Its a danger to all motor vehicles involved and the police will do what ever it takes to stop a bike, car, truck, tank what ever vehicle from going up that one way.

Driving to endanger, popping wheelies improper lane change misdemeanor Although its only a ticket it can cost you plenty in fines and points on your license. ( Insurance companies love that more money for them)

Improper lane change, not only falls in the driving to endanger charge but is a charge all by itself
Improper lane change Could get you another 75 dollars tacked on misdemeanor but still Its a charge that proves a point when it comes to surcharge that your going to try to fight.

The bikers that where issued citations, depending what it is just should man up or women up and take it on the chin.
This biker who had the helmet cam I am sure the state police had there dashboard cams on to.

The biker laying on the ground in the second vid most likely should have stopped if the officer had him instead of being a fool and trying to get away!

MORONS POPPING WHEELIES tend to ruin all these bike runs those are the idiots that should be locked up and banned from these runs
I also say no to excess force and like i said ITS JUST MY OPION

09-26-2012, 09:16 PM
couple more that that decided to run for it
