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View Full Version : !!!CANT FIND!!! Looking for an old video of a syrian girl read thread plz help

09-09-2012, 03:13 AM
Sorry guys but ive been searching for this video FOR EVER still no results any links are helpful. (Description) Odd but i believe it is a younger(20-24) turkish girl fighting in syria with the rebels. It's some what of an older video on the older site but its this not so bad looking girl that is laying in a makeshift hospital drawing her last breaths saying that "you are not alone and fight". Something or other like that and her friend is filming the whole thing but cuts out after she struggles to get what she has left of her life to say. Not really graphic she was covered of what i think to believe were fatigues and you dont see the moment of death but it is a great motivational clip and I AM DYING TO SEE THIS VIDEO AGAIN to possibly use it in a film...Please if anyone reads this and this seems familiar and or know of this video I am talking about PLEASE PLEASE respond. (I could be wrong of her nationality and or country of what she was fighting for but it is totally pre ghadaffi death and somewhat of a short clip)