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View Full Version : Tea Party is the American Taliban: The Newsroom clip

08-29-2012, 12:21 PM

08-29-2012, 12:39 PM
lol, HBO at it's finest.

I guess this is why the ratings for "The Newsroom" are pathetic. I watched a good chunk of the first season and it was just too bad for me to handle. Maybe the kool-aid drinking dolts who watch Current-TV on a 24/7 basis would appreciate it more? Either way, I don't see the show lasting.

08-29-2012, 12:44 PM

08-29-2012, 01:00 PM
just like alot of shows on HBO I heard it has very few good moments.
and the rest is just mindless dribble with bad camera angles.

They put out "The Sopranos", "Deadwood", "Band of Brothers", "The Pacific" and "Boardwalk Empire" - Then they turn around and put out shit like "The Newsroom". They also do some great sports documentaries. It's mind-boggling to me.

When HBO decides to do politics, it's as if they actually believe every one of their viewers is some far-left moron. I'm not talking democrat here, I'm talking hardcore liberal loon. When I first heard of "The Newsroom", I was obviously skeptical. Again, this is the same station that keeps a low-life like Bill Maher employed and decides to grace my television screen with ground-breaking documentaries produced by Alexandra Pelosi (skeletor's daughter) and Rosie O'Donnell.

After watching the first half of the season, HBO didn't let me down. As expected, they failed once again when it came to one of their politically motivated shows.

08-29-2012, 02:03 PM

08-29-2012, 02:08 PM
When the Tea Party begins flying airliners into skyscrapers and blowing themselves up on a regular basis in the name of their God and personal beliefs, then they can get back to me with the comparison game. Until then, they can continue convincing and stroking-off the Obama zombies.

I'm not buying their bullshit.

Look, I don't agree with everything the Tea Party has to say, but just because they have differing beliefs and opinions than myself, that doesn't mean I'm ready to tag them as a terrorist organization and compare them to the taliban. As much as I disagree with certain left-wing groups, I wouldn't compare them to the taliban.

I guess it's okay if it's a conservative-leaning group though, right? Give me a break.

08-29-2012, 02:17 PM
Even though I don't agree with a lot of your posts.....
I thought you were squared away upstairs.

American Taliban?
Perhaps you should go over and serve a few tours in Afghanistan and experience the differences.

08-29-2012, 02:29 PM

08-29-2012, 02:37 PM

08-29-2012, 02:39 PM
Why are you so worried Mrfrosty?

This is America. Do these people not have the right to believe and practice what they want?
All I see is a bunch of hypocrites all the way around. Everyone is trying to push their views, values, ideals etc on someone else.

There are options. In our country NO ONE is forced to have religion crammed down their throats.....same thing with Atheism, intelligent design etc. THERE ARE OPTIONS....learn what they are.

You can counter politics and religion. It has been done and it's still being done as we speak.

What's wrong with letting motherfuckers live their lives?

That is the problem with US as humans. Conflict and violence is in our nature....doomed species, born dead.

Fuck the world.

08-29-2012, 02:50 PM

08-29-2012, 02:59 PM
u dont see scientist picketing churches, or trying to get science education in sunday school!

Would you put money on that statement?

08-29-2012, 03:03 PM

08-29-2012, 03:14 PM
That vid with lawrence krauss outside the creationists museum doesn't count!



08-29-2012, 05:36 PM
Why should I care what parents are teaching their own children? If parents want to teach their children that abortion is wrong, more power to them. If parents want to teach their children that gay marriage is wrong, more power to them. I may not personally agree with them and I don't in MANY cases, but that's their own beliefs. It's none of my f-ing business. They're not pushing their views on me or my family, so why should I give a flying shit what they teach in the confines of their own homes?

Now, if they are screaming, "PRAISE JESUS!" and flying airliners into skyscrapers and blowing up shopping malls in the name of their God and beliefs, then I would have a huge problem and I would look at them no differently than I do your typical Taliban. This may come as breaking news to some on the left, but there are plenty of people who have differing views and beliefs in life. Apparently, that will equate them to the taliban.

Yeah, that sounds very American to me. Disagree with our views and you're part of a terrorist organization...lol. Wow. Really? This is where we are as a country?

After reading this article from the liberal NY Times, I guess this guy is part of the American taliban...


Oh wait, he's not on the right or conservative....completely scratch that example. We can't compare him or others who think like him to the taliban. Off limits, right? Just out of curiousity, how many Tea Party-related shootings have there been?

08-29-2012, 05:49 PM
i may not like what they teach THEIR kids(not my problem), but most of the time they push for laws that apply to EVERYONES kids.(ok now it's our problem)
that's why i posted the video on the Dover trial about intelligent design.
with the help of "the discovery institute" (aka creationists) they made a BS book and tried to get it into science class
it wasn't peer reviewed, and was clearly no science in any way shape or form.

in the doc i posted, they show how initially the book was drafted as a creationists book, but after a court case ruled that creationism should be kept out of schools all they did was change creationism to intelligent design.
(i shit u not they obtained early drafts!)

and why do you believe i wouldn't acknowledge a liberal whackjob...

but there are plenty of people who have differing views and beliefs in life.

Oh wait, he's not on the right or conservative....completely scratch that example

my beef is with people who try and mess with science in public schools, that includes liberals and republicans.

08-29-2012, 05:57 PM
Bottomline, you're not getting shot, blown up or beheaded because you disagree with certain views of the Tea Party. Until you give me an example(s) of the Tea Party blowing people up and executing them whole-sale, the taliban comparison is completely moronic and not worth discussing. I'll leave it up to the brain trusts at HBO to produce a real fair and balanced "documentary" on the subject...lol.

Afterall, what they say is the truth. Later. ;)

08-29-2012, 06:13 PM

08-29-2012, 06:17 PM
that's not the point though!
its about comparing how these groups think.
and the political rhetoric.

How people "think" is none of my business. That's the beauty of living in this country. Freedom to "think" what you want, no matter how offensive some may find it is not a crime nor should it be equated to a terrorist organization. Is that not what our forefathers fought for and what our young men and women continue to fight for to this day? I may not agree with plenty of differing opinions, but every day of my life I thank my lucky stars for those who have and still are willing to fight for those differing beliefs.

The morons in the KKK "think" differently than I do. The morons in the Black Panthers "think" differently than I do. Hardcore liberals definately "think" differently than I do. Hardcore conservatives "think" differently than I do. Muslims definately "think" differently than I do. Christians "think" differently than I do. Jews "think" differently than I do. Barney the purple dinosaur "thinks" differently than I do. Do you see what I'm getting at here?

08-29-2012, 06:21 PM
The tea party is no where close to the Taliban. That is a very poor reference. The tea party is a political movement, backed by a much more christian religious background with a broad United States cultural background. The taliban are a militaristic, strict fundamentalist islam, and their culture is strictly sharia law based with very few local customs. That is a huge difference.

While the tea party may be virtually all christian, the majority are not fundamentalist christians who are fighting a holy war against a specific culture, ie the taliban. The taliban have limited the culture in afghanistan and pakistan, something the tea party would not stand a chance of doing here in the United States due to the wide variety of cultures in this country and amongst the tea parties supporters. Not to mention this country is half and half, there is no way the tea party would be able to pass any of their more fundamentalist views.

If members of the tea party want to preach their faith that is absolutely fine with me, it would be one of and probably the most important issue that this country was initially founded upon. There is also very little way that they would be able to impose anything, such as sharia law here in the United States. The constitution forbids it, and our culture and social movements prevent it.

Culture goes a long way, and our country is so diverse with people from every inch of the globe living here and participating in the political process. While the political process is flawed, the very existance of the tea party shows that, it is still the best out there and is still governed by the constitution. While I do think the laws are starting to supercede the constitution, or atleast bypass it in a "legal" manner or in the name of national security, they still stand and will stand once things get pushed to far.

BTW agree completely with Sixx and Pittsburgh and all your guys' comments.

08-29-2012, 06:29 PM
The tea party is no where close to the Taliban. That is a very poor reference. The tea party is a political movement, backed by a much more christian religious background with a broad United States cultural background. The taliban are a militaristic, strict fundamentalist islam, and their culture is strictly sharia law based with very few local customs. That is a huge difference.

While the tea party may be virtually all christian, the majority are not fundamentalist christians who are fighting a holy war against a specific culture, ie the taliban. The taliban have limited the culture in afghanistan and pakistan, something the tea party would not stand a chance of doing here in the United States due to the wide variety of cultures in this country and amongst the tea parties supporters. Not to mention this country is half and half, there is no way the tea party would be able to pass any of their more fundamentalist views.

If members of the tea party want to preach their faith that is absolutely fine with me, it would be one of and probably the most important issue that this country was initially founded upon. There is also very little way that they would be able to impose anything, such as sharia law here in the United States. The constitution forbids it, and our culture and social movements prevent it.

Culture goes a long way, and our country is so diverse with people from every inch of the globe living here and participating in the political process. While the political process is flawed, the very existance of the tea party shows that, it is still the best out there and is still governed by the constitution. While I do think the laws are starting to supercede the constitution, or atleast bypass it in a "legal" manner or in the name of national security, they still stand and will stand once things get pushed to far.

BTW agree completely with Sixx and Pittsburgh and all your guys' comments.

Thank you, sir. Well said.

08-30-2012, 03:16 AM

08-30-2012, 03:37 AM