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View Full Version : Navy SEAL Outed By Fox News Is Now Being Targeted By Jihadist Web Sites

08-25-2012, 06:46 AM

If CNN or MSNBC did this, Fox would be foaming at the mouth, bleeding from the eyes. They would tie it to the whole "liberal" mindset and Obama's policies and "leaks".

08-25-2012, 01:02 PM

08-25-2012, 01:45 PM
Never assume anything you do is "private" or "anonymous"......especially when any media outlet is involved. Im not saying anyone invites it upon themselves, or deserves their privacy invaded...just that there are people out there who make a living at invading the privacy of others.

08-25-2012, 02:08 PM

08-25-2012, 02:35 PM
I hate all those sites. Some of them will make it look like you're a willing member and give out your info to anyone with a credit card. And some just have them in plain site along with the names of your family members. It's pretty scary when you google your name or screen name. So far I havent found a picture of myself anywhere, but thats only because I dont post pictures of myself on the web. My screen name comes up with all kinds of silly images though.... haha.

08-25-2012, 02:44 PM

08-25-2012, 07:24 PM

If CNN or MSNBC did this, Fox would be foaming at the mouth, bleeding from the eyes. They would tie it to the whole "liberal" mindset and Obama's policies and "leaks".
I agree with you that reporter should have not released the name and everyone involved with approving this story should be fired. They just helped the terrorist get a step closer to finding the people involved in the raid.