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07-23-2012, 11:43 AM

I agree whole heartedly with everything said here. I do think that America is great, but is no longer the greatest. Does it have the potential to be, without a doubt but it no longer actually is. I wish that the politicians of today would actual speak and think like this.

07-23-2012, 04:11 PM

07-23-2012, 05:33 PM
I tend to keep in mind that this is HBO doing politics. These are the same people who continue to employ Bill Maher and grace my television screen with "documentaries" from Alexandra Pelosi, the wackadoo's equally nutty daughter.

The Sopranos.

Boardwalk Empire.

The Pacific.

Band of Brothers.


That's where my interest ends with HBO. Their political driven movies/series/documentaries are about as informative, balanced and truthful as the Messiah's attempt to explain the Healthcare Bill to American citizens.

07-23-2012, 07:22 PM
I also have limited interest in HBO series or documentaries. Deadwood, Band of Brothers, OZ and the Pacific were all I have ever cared for. The speech, all be it TV and a fictional political debate, I thought was more of an attack on Americas current social, political, and mental values. My generation being the worse, sacrifice, intelligence, drive, commitment, honesty. I thought that the clip was an attack on America today, seeing as how most of those values have been lost. Also I took the opening bit with all three guests a slap towards the current state of United States politics. The liberal being the lady, and the conservative being the fella.

Perhaps I read a bit to far into it, or maybe I only hear what I want to hear? That's how I see it though, I see it as more of a complete slap to the current state of US politics and society in general.

Mr frosty:

Check your dates on the starfish program, then check the date on "The Tsar Bomb" think the US was chest thumping? Here I'll help you, Starfish prime took place in july 1962 if I remember right, and the tsar bomb was october 1961, if memory serves me right. Check out which one was larger, or the largest ever.

"most old news people, and politicians have said the SAME thing over and over again. todays politicians will barely even talk to each other and most just stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to budge on issues due to increases partisanship."
This I agree with whole heartedly, I thought that the clip poked at that exact point. Perhaps I was wrong?

07-23-2012, 07:40 PM
I absolutely love it...


07-23-2012, 08:07 PM
I also have limited interest in HBO series or documentaries. Deadwood, Band of Brothers, OZ and the Pacific were all I have ever cared for. The speech, all be it TV and a fictional political debate, I thought was more of an attack on Americas current social, political, and mental values. My generation being the worse, sacrifice, intelligence, drive, commitment, honesty. I thought that the clip was an attack on America today, seeing as how most of those values have been lost. Also I took the opening bit with all three guests a slap towards the current state of United States politics. The liberal being the lady, and the conservative being the fella.

Perhaps I read a bit to far into it, or maybe I only hear what I want to hear? That's how I see it though, I see it as more of a complete slap to the current state of US politics and society in general.

I've watched every episode in order to see the typical and comical liberal bias from HBO for myself and I guess you and I have differing views on the series. To each their own. That's just one of the beautiful aspects of living in this country, differing aspects/opinions.

The other beautiful aspects?

Las Vegas in general and double-cheeseburgers with bacon...lol.

07-23-2012, 08:10 PM
I hate Fox, it's like MSNBC or CNN. They are all so bias in their opinions they hold no merit, it's like watching HBO it's all opinionated with their own agenda. Funny clip though, I haven't ever watched newsroom (don't think I care to), I am certain there is some truth to what they are saying in the fox clip though.

I thought that those three minutes in the clip I posted were quite accurate given the current state of the United States though.

07-23-2012, 08:23 PM
I've watched every episode in order to see the typical and comical liberal bias from HBO for myself and I guess you and I have differing views on the series. To each their own. That's just one of the beautiful aspects of living in this country, differing aspects/opinions.

The other beautiful aspects?

Las Vegas in general and double-cheeseburgers with bacon...lol.

Shit bacon and pie, homemade apple pie to be exact. We posted about the same time, I haven't seen the show or the context in which it is writen, so I will stand ignorant on that point as a whole. I saw the slap at the NEA, as being a loser, was quite great and that is a more liberal organization. I also thought the attack on the fella who said "freedom freedom freedom" (which would be a typical republican response, seeing as how liberals truely do want to control every aspect of our lives) to be truth full and honest. I also saw the attack on "sorority girl" as an attack on the typical far left wing radical who does not vote, preaches change and praise, and lives in complete hypocracy.

I also loved when he talked about how things used to be, there was a dirve behind the United States worker a common goal to make the country better and do well for yourself and family through capitalistic means. A farmer used to be able to work 100 acres, and make a pretty dang decent living for a large family, while buying a took which was manufactured in the larger city 25 miles away. We are so "efficient" now that we don't have to have those people around anymore, instead we have a machine in a factory making billiions upon billions for one person, and a large corporate farm farming 100000 acres of land to pure profit while hiring 8 dollar an hour mexican workers to do the remedial tasks. There is no common goal anymore, just to get rich and get as rich as you can as fast as you can a fuck everyone else. The politics of it all, are what influence it all.

07-23-2012, 08:24 PM

07-23-2012, 08:53 PM
Mr. Frosty agreed, but wouldn't size be the beating chests? Given the fact that either nation had no real knowledge on the effects of an EMP from a nuclear device at the time I would take the EMP affect to be minor when it comes to chest thumping. The Tsar bomb was actually scaled down from 100mt to save the crew and reduce fallout, and 100mt would have been some serious chest thumping.

>>>"and from what i learned in history class no country had really ever had good morals. "<<<

Agreed. I still love nukes though!