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07-17-2012, 06:43 AM
monthly poll

07-17-2012, 07:52 AM
I vote Obama.

07-17-2012, 09:23 AM
:( You left out write in. I can not vote for donal duck apparently, it is unconstitutional from what I have read. Still plenty of other people to write in though.

If I had to choose between the two though, I would literally flip a coin. I would feel disgusted to actually pick either or.

07-17-2012, 09:38 AM
I'm going with Romney even though I feel he is a weak candidate. I will take anything over what's in there right now, especially after these comical remarks...


It will be interesting to see who Romney chooses as his running mate. Condoleezza Rice's name is now popping up in some circles. When 92% of the black community is voting for Daddy Obama, making speeches in front of the NAACP and picking Rice as your running mate is absolutely pointless. I like Rice, but bringing her in will not sway the black vote, especially when Daddy Obama is selling the pathetic and lazy "get something for nothing in life" mentality. If I were Romney, I would bring in Rubio and attempt to garner some of the hispanic vote. Down the road, I would love to see Rubio make a run.

Either way, I don't see Romney winning this election.

07-17-2012, 09:51 AM
I can't vote for obvious reasons, but I would have voted for Obama simply because I view mittens as unelectable. If it was someone else running against Obama, maybe Paul, then I would have voted for Paul.

07-18-2012, 06:46 AM
I vote Obama.

Are you secretly living in the USA Mir? I assumed one would need to be a citizen in order to vote in this poll.

I'm thinking, why would they want me to cast a vote in another countries election?

It's basically a donkey vote..

07-18-2012, 07:24 AM
not voting for the commie. i wish col. west was running so i'm voting mitt. America frist

07-18-2012, 07:58 AM
i wish col. west was running so i'm voting mitt. America frist

Good choice with West. I would gladly take him.

I loved him on Frank Luntz's show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTSwl4PSpTs

His views on fiscal and personal responsibility sold me completely. Plus, the guy has a great story. He didn't come from political royalty with a silver spoon in his mouth. I'm sure he could have felt sorry for himself and expected others to pay his way through life, but he decided to travel the path that many other Americans have traveled before and after him. Unfortunately, not enough are doing the same these days. Why bother when you can call up Daddy Obama and live off the tax payer dime?

07-18-2012, 08:49 AM
Voting for Romney. I couldn't vote for that oxygen thief Barry in last and I will not vote for him this time.

07-18-2012, 09:48 AM
Are you secretly living in the USA Mir? I assumed one would need to be a citizen in order to vote in this poll.

I'm thinking, why would they want me to cast a vote in another countries election?

It's basically a donkey vote..

Well, thank you Captain obvious! That was a rhetorical answer ;)

07-18-2012, 01:19 PM
Obama is going down as the worst c in c and president in history. One and done and then even Jimmy Carter looks good now.

07-18-2012, 01:25 PM
You know guys, you all have such a luxury as voting... I mean, look at Russia, no matter which asshole you're voting for, it's always the same asshole who wins the election... Black magic is at work there :D

07-18-2012, 02:47 PM
MIR I just wish that people would not listen to the news and other talking heads about our candidates. For a real and honest perspective one needs to look at the voting history. I would like to have Ron Paul but his foreign policy of you live and let live is not a great platform.

07-18-2012, 04:03 PM
Obama is going down as the worst c in c and president in history. One and done and then even Jimmy Carter looks good now.

Not if 'ol mittens gets into power, he will steam straight ahead in setting that record.

07-18-2012, 04:19 PM
Not if 'ol mittens gets into power, he will steam straight ahead in setting that record.

Awesome gazz before he even has a record or something to show as a president you bash him. Just goes to show your a brainless zombie that regurgitates the same view and opinion regardless of what content gets posted.

07-18-2012, 04:21 PM
Awesome gazz before he even has a record or something to show as a president you bash him. Just goes to show your a brainless zombie that regurgitates the same view and opinion regardless of what content gets posted.

The guy is pathetic. How he is even a candidate amazes me. The guy is a flip flopping, Corporate puppet , pathological liar. I'm glad i don't have the option to vote for him, as that would mean he would potentially have power over me. Remember our bet about the election? still stands.

07-18-2012, 05:57 PM
Fuck the bet!!! You both stay no matter who will be the next spender of 15 trillion dollars!!!

07-18-2012, 06:25 PM
One and done

Eagle, as much as I would absolutely love to agree with you on this one, I see Daddy Obama winning four more years. He's black and he's promising the low-lives in this country something for nothing (the lazy Euro way of life).

and then even Jimmy Carter looks good now.

They're definately neck and neck as it stands right now. Get back to me after four more years, he will have Carter beat.

07-18-2012, 06:35 PM
Pitty, i think that you have a very wrong impression of Euro way of life... We dream of your way of life with all those benefits... 3 month is tops what you will get here.... Euro way of life is a way of very hard working people... Much more work then in USA. I personally know 4 people who worked in US, all of them had same opinion, working in US is much more easier.

07-18-2012, 06:48 PM
Euro way of life is a way of very hard working people... Much more work then in USA.

Come again?


Quite frankly MIR, I really don't give a shit what happens in Europe. If Russians want to live how they want to live, great. If they want to vote for who they want to vote for, I say more power to them and I wish them all the best. It's none of my business and I simply don't care. The same goes for Great Britian, Germany, Italy, France or Spain. Again, I wish them hapiness and all the best, but their voting preferences or way of life doesn't concern me to the point where I feel the need to push my views on them.

In short, I find it funny when a foreigner feels the need to tell us what laws we should or shouldn't have in place or what candidate we should or shouldn't vote for, as if their comical governments/candidates are perfect. We fought and won a war for independence to avoid such idiocy. In my opinion, some need to mind their own f-ing business, something we (Americans) are told to do quite often to say the very least.

For the record MIR, by NO means am I referring to you. Please don't take offense. This was not meant to be an insult toward you.

07-18-2012, 07:04 PM
Awesome gazz before he even has a record or something to show as a president you bash him. Just goes to show your a brainless zombie that regurgitates the same view and opinion regardless of what content gets posted.
Eagle he has a record and its not that good. Being from mass and what Romney did to that state, I will not vote in this election. I think Obama and Mitt both rode the short bus together.
I hate Obama and well being from mass and what Romney did to that state, I would hate to see what he is going to do to all of America

07-18-2012, 07:56 PM
voting for Obama even though I vehemently disagree with a lot of his policies, (probably for very different reasons than folks on here) although I thought about voting for an independent like Buddy Roemer, at the end of the day I don't vote to make myself feel good, I vote politically for the best realistic outcome, to take the vote away from Romney because I don't want a new cold war or more financial deregulation and instability.

07-18-2012, 08:01 PM
^the sheep says what Baaaah BaaaahBaaaah ^

07-19-2012, 12:35 AM
^ this dude makes no argument?

07-19-2012, 02:42 AM
Well, thank you Captain obvious! That was a rhetorical answer ;)

MIR, I appreciate your participation here, it is a good thing, but without being a fucking smart arse again please explain to me, how the three words...
I vote Obama in anyway qualify as rhetoric. That is, unless of course you consider yourself an expert theorist on the subject of American politics?

Rhetoric is quite often used by trolls to create arguments, not sure whether that was your point, but nonetheless your terminology has me wondering...

In fact, while you're at it, can you please explain the phrase
That was a rhetorical answer
Any if you try and quote something from the urban dictionary, you will likely only confirm my suspicions that you have come here to troll and/or hit the bottle again.....

07-19-2012, 03:45 AM
MIR, I appreciate your participation here, it is a good thing, but without being a fucking smart arse again please explain to me, how the three words... in anyway qualify as rhetoric. That is, unless of course you consider yourself an expert theorist on the subject of American politics?

Rhetoric is quite often used by trolls to create arguments, not sure whether that was your point, but nonetheless your terminology has me wondering...

In fact, while you're at it, can you please explain the phrase
Any if you try and quote something from the urban dictionary, you will likely only confirm my suspicions that you have come here to troll and/or hit the bottle again.....

We all talk about situations and political leaders in other countries aren't we? You can't vote anywhere but US either, can you?

If it was a question for US only folks, then it wasn't mentioned.

I prefer Obama from the outside US position, you do understand that what's going on in US effects entire world. So that's why i choice Obama.

When did i ever quoted something from anywhere in a conversation?

When i talk about something with some one, i use my own linguistic skills.

Perhaps that expression is used in a different way in English, then it's my wrong doing. I translated it in my head, literally, from Russian. And we can use it in this context. Then that's my bad.

07-19-2012, 04:30 AM
What's voting independent seen like in America? Do people consider it a wasted vote?

07-19-2012, 04:34 AM
@ MIR - Ok, a simple mis-interpretation is no big deal and I was not saying you can't voice your own opinion about the topic.

But actually voting in the poll to me, is counterproductive and, gives a false outcome at the end of the day, THAT was my point.

07-19-2012, 05:05 AM
@ MIR - Ok, a simple mis-interpretation is no big deal and I was not saying you can't voice your own opinion about the topic.

But actually voting in the poll to me, is counterproductive and, gives a false outcome at the end of the day, THAT was my point.

Mate, and who voted apart from me? Are they all from US? I voted, and i said my vote. Are you sure that every one from US voted and i was the only one from EU?

As i said before, i express my opinion because i'm interested in US's international policy.

07-19-2012, 05:18 AM
Dude at the time of your OP, YOU were the only non-American voter in a poll clearly directed at AMERICAN voters.

Apparently, you didn't see it that way and somehow felt you were providing a valid vote by selecting one of the candidates.

TBH, I dont give a fuck either way where your vote goes or the reason why you think your opinion counts. Sure type away and have your say, but don't be a troll by throwing in a donkey vote to a poll clearly not aimed at you.

End of story bro, I will leave it at that...

07-19-2012, 06:10 AM
As i said before, i express my opinion because i'm interested in US's international policy.

Having interest in our foreign policy is one thing, telling American citizens who happen to disagree with the Healthcare Act to "get over it" and "stop acting like cry babies" is another story. The last time I checked, Barry's Healthcare Act has nothing to do with American foreign policy...


It's not effecting your wallet nor is it effecting your way of life, so it may not be as important to you. For those of us who actually live in this country and disagree with the policy, simply "getting over it" doesn't really fly. I hope you can understand.

07-19-2012, 08:06 AM
"Assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people." -Mitt Romney.

Then signed the bill to permanently ban the weapons in his state.

Know who you are voting for. Neither will be getting my vote.

07-19-2012, 04:05 PM
What's voting independent seen like in America? Do people consider it a wasted vote?

No not really We only had one come really close in the 90's that the Democrat's and Republicans really worried about and stole alot of the vote that man was Ross Perot He was a bussiness man from texas and really had a economic package except he wanted to privatize everything People correct me if I am wrong Please.

07-19-2012, 04:29 PM
Benda, mate, what do you want from me? It's an open internet resource, with an open poll... I expressed my opinion. I was the first to vote. I didn't crawl under a rock, i said who i voted for. Remove my vote, who are the other 4? Where did it said that it was US only vote?

I really don't see where you're coming from.


Telling to get over it and trying to tell you what to do is a different thing. I had nothing to do with that health care pact. I told to get over the fact that it's a reality now. My wallet was hit way more by our local health care pact, i didn't died in the process.

P.S. I wasn't offended in any way by your post mate :)

07-19-2012, 05:02 PM
I can't believe there are even 8 people in the country who would vote for Mitt Romney, I guess some people think it's patriotic to invest in foreign banks to evade taxes, outsource jobs consistently, and destroy American companies and jobs by pretending to offer consultation and then bankrupting them by paying himself huge and unwarranted dividends in the process.

I guess their mindset is anything but Obama, because there is nothing more anti-American then providing Americans with healthcare and opening the door for people with pre existing conditions, I'm sure they're all communists who deserved to die, probably in the muslim brotherhood too.

I wonder if people on here realize Reagan raised taxes on the middle class higher than Obama to pay for social security... oh well, I don't really care, someone voting for Mitt Romney is already way beyond the point of being reached with logic or historical evidence... Rest in peace to all the minds stuck in deep FOX freeze, it's quite sad.

07-19-2012, 07:54 PM
I believe you are correct Serpa.Had he not come across as extreme,off kilter,or what ever the hell you wanna call it.He could of sucked in a lot more votes.I remember him saying in one of the debates." If America wants to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas,we could be self sufficient."
Well.....We've been over that,where the hell is his idea?

07-19-2012, 08:28 PM
Benda, mate, what do you want from me? It's an open internet resource, with an open poll... I expressed my opinion. I was the first to vote. I didn't crawl under a rock, i said who i voted for. Remove my vote, who are the other 4? Where did it said that it was US only vote?

I really don't see where you're coming from

You're pushing the envelope here, let me tell you.

As I said, I've made my point clear in four posts now. You're now sounding like a broken record. If you really want to pursue this matter further, I strongly suggest that you do it via the PM system.

Otherwise move on and add something productive.

07-19-2012, 11:08 PM
I understand the concern for Romney from those that know him as governor. I was shouting to all that would listen that he was the most liberal candidate the GOP was offering. Now though I would take bill Clinton jimmy carter or Richard Nixon over the Marxist in chief.

The truth is state politics is a different animal than presidential politics. Romney was a republican in a liberal state so he tuned his game to his audience which is what politicians do. As a republican president who if elected would be catering to his republican base he would not tread on traditional American rights and liberties like Obama has.

07-19-2012, 11:28 PM
Come on now Eagle, you vote for the party and not the individual person. To vote for Romney is to vote for Bush or chenney, those guys had as many cronies as Obama, and took the events of 9/11 to give the government as much power as it can get in the name of "national security" in the Patriot Act.

Obummer is no better, last years NDAA has opened doors for future politicians to alter the law in the name of national security. Romney or Obama will do the same when elected into office this year, which is quite unfortunate for the United State citizen and their way of life. Saying Obama is worse than Romney would be like saying, the kid who can break everything my way is better than the kid who can break everything your way. Until there is viable political reform, spending limits, and further restrictions put in place on the politicians we will only get farther from what we are as a country, and diverge from what we are supposed to be as a country.

There needs to be an elimination of parties, a political clause that says parties can not exist, so that we can get back to the fundamentals of American society, where public service is exactly that and not a retirement plan.

07-19-2012, 11:58 PM
Come on now Eagle, you vote for the party and not the individual person. To vote for Romney is to vote for Bush or chenney, those guys had as many cronies as Obama, and took the events of 9/11 to give the government as much power as it can get in the name of "national security" in the Patriot Act.

Obummer is no better, last years NDAA has opened doors for future politicians to alter the law in the name of national security. Romney or Obama will do the same when elected into office this year, which is quite unfortunate for the United State citizen and their way of life. Saying Obama is worse than Romney would be like saying, the kid who can break everything my way is better than the kid who can break everything your way. Until there is viable political reform, spending limits, and further restrictions put in place on the politicians we will only get farther from what we are as a country, and diverge from what we are supposed to be as a country.

There needs to be an elimination of parties, a political clause that says parties can not exist, so that we can get back to the fundamentals of American society, where public service is exactly that and not a retirement plan.

I agree with you totally actually. I can't really argue and to say Romney won't jerk us off is just wishful thinking really.

So still I think Romney will fuck us over less because Obama is such a fucking cock sucker literally (gay buddies in Chicago) he would eliminate the constitution today if he could and at least I believe Romney believes in capitalism and the constitution.

07-23-2012, 10:07 AM
honestly ill vote for the lesser of two evils the gop is selfish and are backstabbed and jabbing at others within their own party. If santorum replaced romney ill still vote obama. The two gop hopefulls are hypocritical and are "faker" than meat from taco bell

07-23-2012, 04:09 PM
Telling to get over it and trying to tell you what to do is a different thing.

I'm confused, telling people to "get over it" is not telling people what to do?

I had nothing to do with that health care pact.

I personally never said you did.

I told to get over the fact that it's a reality now.

Unfortunately, it is a reality, but shutting up and dealing with it doesn't fly in my book. Not something like this.

i didn't died in the process.

I never said I was going to "die in the process". I will just have to fire good employees and lose money out of my pocket in order to support lazy Obama zombies. I guess I should just tell the employees I fire to simply "get over it" and to "stop acting like crybabies" after they busted their asses off for my company in order to support their families, I guess?

Again, if you're content or happy with it in your country, more power to you. I totally respect that. I wouldn't tell you to "get over it" or call you a "crybaby" if you happened to disagree with something your government pushed or enacted. I can't stress that enough.

I stated my point/opinion. I'm done with this topic.