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View Full Version : US Marines vs the Aussies.

07-11-2012, 11:34 PM

Kicken some Aussie ass! :D No offense to you Aussies. Just gotta say sounds like we won!

07-12-2012, 03:25 AM
Kicken some Aussie ass! :D No offense to you Aussies. Just gotta say sounds like we won!

Hate to rain on your parade, but I read it differently...
Besides all the jammed weapons that likely contributed to the outcome, the description says the Aussie guys eventually got the job done...:D

At the end of the day the numerically-superior force took the town, but not without sustaining heavy losses and meeting tenacious resistance by the platoon reinforced of Marines

07-12-2012, 08:13 AM
:D :D Thought I might get a response out of you! Good to see some of the training ops with both countries participating.

What has the reception of the Australian people been since the marines got there.

PS I consider it a strategic victory for the marines. :D

07-12-2012, 09:04 AM
I would assume that most of the true Australian people welcome the joint exercises and can appreciiate the soldiers and the work they are doing over here.

Personally I think our nation needs to better publicize and promote events like this, for public awareness if nothing else.. I for one support both our countries military, unfortunately there are the usual political trolls that bate and stir the pot, but overall I think the greater population really gets behind it...that's only my take though.

07-15-2012, 08:12 AM
Hats off to both nations involved. One side involving the greatest military in the world and other side being one of our greatest allies in the world.