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07-05-2012, 11:40 AM

07-05-2012, 12:06 PM
chris rock al sharpton louis faraCONN kanye west they know they have an audience for their political statements that revolve around feeling united under their made up oppression of being black in America. They all are millionaires and have no idea what being a slave is but they are hatful of America despite their mexican help and illegal immigrant chauffeur.

It was fucking old before obama got elected and it is way past stupid now with their black/white president sitting in the white house.

07-05-2012, 12:31 PM
Heres my take on twitter and tweets....
Just giving more assholes the opportunity to think anyone gives a shit about what they have to say.

And heres my take on those assholes that have that have to say those things. Fuck you, if you dont like it take a history lesson beyond the third grade, pass it, and get the fuck out.

07-05-2012, 12:45 PM
Wanna know how I feel? Go fetch the rope....

twitter and facebook is garbage. Stupid sheep.
I value privacy.

I do not need more control mechanisms in my life.

07-05-2012, 12:48 PM
I wonder at what stage the black community gets over the fact that a hundred years ago they were treated like animals - live in the now not in the past is and always will be my motto.

That's why I also don't feel guilty about what happened with Germany in the past.

07-05-2012, 02:02 PM
Most blacks do not understand history and slavery. They do not understand how the white man(especially American whites) acquired the slaves from Africa etc.

They do not understand that some freed Negroes became slave owners themselves and were just as harsh as the white slave masters. William Ellison in South Carolina was one of the largest Negro slave owners....
Justus Angel, Mistress L. Horry, and Richard Edward DeReef are some great examples.

Some of those rich free negroes owned white and Native American slaves(some people will call them servants)

I'd like to run a broomstick up Chris Rock's asshole.

07-05-2012, 03:04 PM
I think what Chris Rock said was meant as a joke seeing as how he is a comedian.

07-05-2012, 03:08 PM
I think what Chris Rock said was meant as a joke seeing as how he is a comedian.

I hope you are joking lol

How many white comedians had to apologize for 'racial jokes'?
But it's ok for blacks to make fun of whites, Mexicans, and Asians using stereotypes and racial slurs......

It's not a joke. He is genuinely racist.


07-05-2012, 03:20 PM
Nope, no joking here. I can see how what he said is distasteful but there is a comedic truth to it.

07-05-2012, 03:27 PM
And what comedic truth would that be Texan74?


Well I guess you are right...
I do find double standards...especially with race funny.

07-05-2012, 03:31 PM
Twitter and Facebook are just shovels that people use to dig thier own graves. It gives you a closer look at how people really are.

07-05-2012, 03:41 PM
I love how every time a liberal comedian says something stupid, it's simply passed off as, "he's just a comedian, that's what they do.". Unless of course you're name is Michael Richards or Imus, right? Then they're fired and exiled to St. Helena.

"Comedians" like Bill Maher and (insert just about any black comedian here) can call Sarah Palin a "cunt", Bush a "dumb redneck" and use the term "cracker/honky" on a regular basis, but what happens if a white comedian calls Obama a "incompetent moon cricket", Pelosi a "dumb liberal bitch" and refer to blacks as "lazy porch monkeys"? Holy shit, we would never hear the end of it from the liberal left.

I'm all for free speech and these morons can say whatever they want in my book. It's the blatant double standard that I find amusing.

07-05-2012, 03:49 PM
This is comedy


07-05-2012, 03:54 PM
That's fine if you didn't think it was funny, and as for the double standard in comedy about racism, and it actually goes beyond racism for example what happened to Tracey Morgan. I just wish everyone (blacks, whites, mexicans, gays, etc.) could chill out and take a joke, for what it is. A joke. But sadly I have zero desire to get into a pointless online debate about a pointless topic. Yall have a nice day, I have homework to do before I go out tonight. Happy Birthday America and God bless

Aww yes I love Louis CK, I wanted to post a video of a comedian named Patrice O'neal arguing about a similar topic on fox news but I dont have enough post to do so. If you want to look it up its on youtube, its called "Patrice Oneal schools brawd on funny"

07-05-2012, 04:01 PM
HAHAHA Sixx, thanks for the Lewis CK...here's more


07-05-2012, 04:05 PM
Miller and Norton are KING...



07-05-2012, 05:30 PM
nothing wrong with being white. white pride world wide. white people giving this planet everything sense the beginning of time.

07-05-2012, 05:58 PM
762 I knew you were down...

Yeah!!!!! and we even built the Pyramids of Giza!!!
88! Never forget the 14 Words!!!

lol j/k
or am I?

07-05-2012, 09:10 PM
Thanks for the laugh Pittsburgh,THAT shit was good.:thumbsup:

07-05-2012, 10:32 PM
Chris rock is a fucking rimjob giving faggot ass mother fucker. Just my personal take. He represents the double standards applied in this country on a daily basis. Not to mention the NAACP, they sure as hell better support the KKK's bid to adopt a highway. If they do not they are ensuring their number 1 place in the double standards book of douches. There is no reason why there shouldn't be a anglo american month.

This shit really pisses me off, my ancestors immigrated here in the 1886 and 1889. My family and myself had nothing to do with anything before that. When I discuss these things with my black, friends they get offended by some of my thoughts. Jesus man my family and myself had nothing to do with any of it! My family was German and Pollock before they got here nothing more, however it is simply because I am white that they are offended. Fuck that. That is the double standard that is in America, simply because of the past it is ok to label every white person racist simply because they are white, or atleast responsible for what happened. Fucking stupid.