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View Full Version : While I'll never watch CNN again

06-03-2012, 05:30 PM
It all started with Romney's fundraiser in Vegas with Donald Trump. I've always known Cnn to hold a little bit of a bias in the Democrats direction. But it got out of hand the other day. Wolf Blitzer invited Trump to be on his show under the pretext that they would be discussing jobs and the economy. Blitzer completely ignored the agreement and proceeded to lambast Trump over the Birther issue for a good 5 or 10 minutes, pretty much mocking trump. This not only went on during the interview, but CNN replayed and replayed the interview in order to overshadow Romney's event. If it were just one video it'd be one thing, but CNN went on for days with this. This of course goes with their liberal bias. One look at the hosts of CNN can support this thought, Fareed Zakaria-Muslim, Don Lemon-Homosexual, Anderson Cooper-Homosexual, Erin Burnett-doesn't even hide here liberal bias, Peter King-not too bad.


06-03-2012, 07:02 PM
Trump is an egotistical nut job. I agree that Blitzer crossed the line on this one, at the same time it's virtually the only thing that Trump has talked about in the past 2 years. Either way the likes of Trump, Santorum, Romney and Palin really deter me from ever voting for the republican party. Trump, Palin and Santorum mostly, they got it right when they chose Romney to run (then again I do like Ron Paul). Either way no voting for either major party this year. This is also why I don't watch fox, they constantly cut people off don't let them talk and change the subject matter frequently. Horse shit news stations these days!

06-03-2012, 07:19 PM
Absolutely, Trump's an ass. I have misgivings about where he was born and what religion he really is, but it's a losing cause. There is no hard proof he was born in Kenya or that he was or is a Muslim. So you shouldn't even bring it up as all it does is make you look stupid as Blitzer showed. I was just amazed how they went on and on like they were reporting a story when it was clear they were just trying to overshadow the fundraiser. I definetly do not see Blitzer going after Bill Maher for crazy shit he says, and I'd have to say Maher is way more out there than Trump. It was all about trying to get Romney to disavow trump and give back his money. And that is not the job of a so called journalist. They are there to report on the campaign, not to influence it.