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05-30-2012, 02:07 AM
not even a few weeks have passed since obama met with the taliban and said to negotiate non violence future with the taliban in exchange for taliban prisoners this happens. obama is an appeaser and would stand down while America was being attacked if it ever is allowed to happen.

Dozens of Afghan schoolgirls hospitalized for third time in 2 weeks; Taliban blamed for ‘poison attack’
By Dylan Stableford | The Lookout – 10 hrs ago

A girl peeks out of a classroom window at a school in Kandahar, Afghanistan, Oct. 1, 2011. (Anja Niedringhaus/ …
Police in northern Afghanistan say 160 schoolgirls were admitted to a local hospital after they were thought to be poisoned by the Taliban. It's the third such poisoning of Afghan schoolgirls in less than two weeks.
The girls "complained of headaches, dizziness and vomiting before being taken to the hospital," Hafizullah Safi, director of the Takhar health department, told CNN. Most were discharged within a few hours, Safi said.
Officials suspect their classrooms were sprayed with a toxic chemical by militants who oppose education for girls.
[Related: Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl held captive since 2009]
Last week, more than 120 girls and three teachers were hospitalized under similar circumstances. The Taliban denied responsibility for the May 23 attack. The day before, 40 girls were hospitalized at a different school.
Historically, the Taliban has been opposed to girls attending school, and had previously called for schools to be closed in northern Afghanistan. Conservative government officials have also opposed girls going to school.
According to the BBC, some officials have attributed the attacks "to mass hysteria among schoolgirls," noting that few if any "have displayed long-term symptoms of poisoning." Others, though, say the sheer number of students displaying symptoms cannot be entirely attributed to hysteria.
[Related: Pakistani who helped track down bin Laden jailed]
And it's not the first time Afghan schoolgirls have been targeted. In 2009, hundreds of girls were hospitalized in the Kapisa province in eastern Afghanistan in three attacks over as many weeks. In 2010, more than three dozen schoolgirls were hospitalized in a suspected poison attack at another girls school.
Tuesday's apparent attack comes a week after President Barack Obama signed off on a plan for U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

05-30-2012, 03:30 AM

I know there are a great deal of contentions and split opinions when it comes to Obama as there are with a lot of politicians, but I want to question your statement of him being an appeaser.

It is clear that the war is increasingly unpopular in the US as it is in the UK; it was declared a war on terror, the threat was AQ and to an extent the Taliban of which a massive network has been reduced to little( the main threat being Pakistan not Afghanistan). I see it that yes Obama is an appeaser, to the US people, trying to bring troops home. Why should the troops stay and implement domestic policy in such an alien land? Its tragic how these people operate, it is barbaric and just an insane notion to me, but are the deaths of Americans and other allied soldiers worth domestic policy implementation. The Afghans have to control their own destiny, and so much stress has been caused during this conflict because Karzai doesnt have the balls to step up, he hides behind the Americans while he fills his pockets with the money sent to them by the US.

Until the Afghans come into the 21st century, we should leave them to their own devices even though the solution left behind is an abhorrent one.

As for standing down while America was attacked, really? Come on! I think that the US is more prepared for an attack on its soil than ever before. Much of the work carried out now relies on the secret services and we have all learnt lessons from 9-11, we are better prepared, gathering superior intelligence in the right places. No President, no matter what you're opinion of him would ever leave the door open. The network has been put in place to ensure if anyone comes in, they have to kick that door down. We live in a world where the threats are numerous, and coming from all directions, we can't be everywhere at once, and surely the best thing is defence of the homeland, and it can't be done when troops are tied into multiple conflicts around the globe.

05-30-2012, 03:57 AM
http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5juslzo8uDlD-tysdTAMG1lOl5GOw?docId=CNG.8d843cee9bc5c16ad9f8759 79194c29e.3e1

05-30-2012, 11:10 AM

I know there are a great deal of contentions and split opinions when it comes to Obama as there are with a lot of politicians, but I want to question your statement of him being an appeaser.

It is clear that the war is increasingly unpopular in the US as it is in the UK; it was declared a war on terror, the threat was AQ and to an extent the Taliban of which a massive network has been reduced to little( the main threat being Pakistan not Afghanistan). I see it that yes Obama is an appeaser, to the US people, trying to bring troops home. Why should the troops stay and implement domestic policy in such an alien land? Its tragic how these people operate, it is barbaric and just an insane notion to me, but are the deaths of Americans and other allied soldiers worth domestic policy implementation. The Afghans have to control their own destiny, and so much stress has been caused during this conflict because Karzai doesnt have the balls to step up, he hides behind the Americans while he fills his pockets with the money sent to them by the US.

Until the Afghans come into the 21st century, we should leave them to their own devices even though the solution left behind is an abhorrent one.

As for standing down while America was attacked, really? Come on! I think that the US is more prepared for an attack on its soil than ever before. Much of the work carried out now relies on the secret services and we have all learnt lessons from 9-11, we are better prepared, gathering superior intelligence in the right places. No President, no matter what you're opinion of him would ever leave the door open. The network has been put in place to ensure if anyone comes in, they have to kick that door down. We live in a world where the threats are numerous, and coming from all directions, we can't be everywhere at once, and surely the best thing is defence of the homeland, and it can't be done when troops are tied into multiple conflicts around the globe.

very simple

did obama take part in negotiations with the taliban regarding a multitude of issues just recently? answer YES

Did those talks include the suggestion that non violence be adopted by the taliban? answer YES

Is it not crystal clear to all who read this thread that only obama and his cronies think the taliban are going to actually adopt non violence? I would say yes OR I would say he knows exactly what we know that they will continue being violent yet he held negotiations anyway for some other purpose.

With regard to standing down while America is targeted...

Does anyone think obama will order an attack on Iran between now and the election? If your answer is no then he is standing down while our nations welfare and interest is threatened.

do I need to elaborate on what evidence of him standing down? as iran is enriching uranium above 20% and they are not changing course in their nuclear dreams. Nothing is being accomplished in diplomacy.

If after years of diplomacy and talks nothing is different then the only action left is military resolution.

The world is already a fucking mess with north korea having nukes and pakistan shows they are a terrorist nation with nukes.

The world cant let the scourge that is the islamic republic also have nuclear arms.

I agree we dont need to nation build in a-stan and we can bring home all troops and personnel from iraq and a-stan and pakistan.

My point wasnt that we need to stay and protect the children of these islamic countries my point is obama looks very stupid for suggesting to America or the world that he is going to negotiate with the taliban and they are going to cooperate with him.

It was best said by Bush "we dont negotiate with terrorist" and that is because there is no negotiating with terrorist.

05-30-2012, 12:11 PM
It was best said by Bush "we dont negotiate with terrorist" and that is because there is no negotiating with terrorist.

As i've noted in another thread, it was better said by Petraeus, a man with a fair bit of experience (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Petraeus#Decorations_and_badges) "I Do Think You Have To Talk To Enemies"


05-30-2012, 12:26 PM
He is discussing iraq and the insurgents which is neither al qaeda or the taliban. Does this help you understand?

05-30-2012, 01:04 PM
You can apply theory and application to different situations. Hence his commenting on British having a history of doing this , Does this help you understand?

And to be fair, he may he been talking about Afghanistan, hes using iraq as an example.


05-30-2012, 01:17 PM
Unfortunately Gazz you just fucked up. To Teabaggers CNN is the Commie News Network, and Gen. Clark is Dem Fag stooge traitor. How do you expect to be taken seriously with posts like these?

05-30-2012, 01:23 PM
Well I believe Bush was right in this since we now have history to show he was right. If Patreaus and Wesley Clark want to talk to al qaeda or the taliban that is their feelings so let them have them. As someone with common sense and also now history to look at it is stupid to talk to terrorist. Look at the taliban they are not changing. Look at al qaeda they are not changing towards peace.

What is you point gzz? You somehow believe that it is a good idea to talk to terrorist? Is that why your country let the Lockerbie bomber free?

Lets do a vote here ;;;;

It is good to talk to terrorist because it is sane to think they will turn to peace and someday be our brothers?

Or no its not sane to talk to terrorist because they follow a belief that has been brainwashed into them and it will never go away until they meet a few 30mm or a closely placed hellfire?

05-30-2012, 01:30 PM
Well I believe Bush was right in this since we now have history to show he was right. If Patreaus and Wesley Clark want to talk to al qaeda or the taliban that is their feelings so let them have them. As someone with common sense and also now history to look at it is stupid to talk to terrorist. Look at the taliban they are not changing. Look at al qaeda they are not changing towards peace.

What is you point gzz? You somehow believe that it is a good idea to talk to terrorist? Is that why your country let the Lockerbie bomber free?

Lets do a vote here ;;;;

It is good to talk to terrorist because it is sane to think they will turn to peace and someday be our brothers?

Or no its not sane to talk to terrorist because they follow a belief that has been brainwashed into them and it will never go away until they meet a few 30mm or a closely placed hellfire?

I trust distinguished Generals with years of experience, that's what I believe. And as far as i know, my country didn't release al-Megrahi. I also believe a large amount of fighters are simply poor, jobless teens, which as Petraeus said could be reconcilable.


I linked the video more for the context, the fact they went straight onto talking about Afghanistan as if Petraeus's comment was about Afghanistan, rather than actual content of the video.

05-30-2012, 01:30 PM
Gazz, didn't know you were Scottish. I thought you were from the Norfolk area!

05-30-2012, 01:35 PM
Oh I'm a country boy allright.

Also, the taliban would never give up right?


(good video) (3 and a half thousand country wide given up arms, so useless talking to these people...)

05-30-2012, 01:47 PM
gazz there are ANA that turn their rifles on our men. Wouldn't they be even more trustworthy at a point than a former taliban fighter? Do you think you have proven anything? What will happen when America and the remaining ISAF completely leave A-stan? It is easy to give up fighting a losing battle when you are protected by American forces but what happens when we are gone? This is a little more complicated than your able to understand but I am trying to be patient as always.

oh and the other thing that still is towards the original point...violence..... these guys that are talking about stopping their efforts to wage war will still go throw acid on their own daughters if their daughters get raped and bring shame to their family...right gazz?

05-30-2012, 02:08 PM
Yes I have clearly shown that talking with the taliban, on some scale, works. As the video shows. What will happen when ISAF leaves? no idea, that's not what we are talking about. It is very complicated, that's why I listen to experienced generals and keep an open mind about Economic, Social, Political AND military action to help end this complicated insurgency, You with your blank, baseless rhetoric of "no talking with terrorists!" seems to not understand the complexity. I also have no idea what these people will do to their daughters, or family.

05-30-2012, 02:09 PM
Oooo... hot debate hehe :D

Real situation is much more complicated. There were always negotiations with Taliban, even under G. W. Bush. Core of Taliban is not so big at all, most of its force are local tribes. Those tribes were restricted in growing weed under Taliban, now they make deals with US government to make sure that they can grown even more but in return they wont fight with NATO troops. Production of opium has increased roughly 40 times since invasion.

What we hear is what media got from the politicians, but it's just the tip of the iceberg here.

They always talked with Taliban and its not Obama who doing it... CIA has many advisers and specialists who say what should happen, not Obama. It's a normal way. Been like that for few thousands of years.

05-30-2012, 02:19 PM
Another reason anyone might want to listen to Petraeus is he has a Ph.D in International Relations. Oh I don't know, I guess that makes him somewhat qualified I guess.

05-30-2012, 02:29 PM

And I'm not saying (before somebody accuses me of it) that negotiating/talking should be the ONLY method, I fully support military action as well. I'm just keen to explore any possibility that could help bring our troops home and help make this somewhat successful. Insurgency is a complex issue that I'm not going to pretend to know it all about, but we need to explore ALL our options, restricting our war methods seem pointless. Something like this:


Why remove options for the sake of , "oh it probably wont work"...

05-30-2012, 02:34 PM
Even though you are partially right....
I'm pretty sure GW Bush never negotiated with the Taliban after 9/11.

"CIA has many advisers and specialists who say what should happen, not Obama."
Then why is Obama considered Hero Status by dems/liberals for the "killing" of Bin Laden?

We all know advisers have roles in the decision making, some people tend to look past that.

05-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Bush himself? No never, neither did Obama. But on the local level its been going on forever. As long as you can keep those tribes out of war, its better for you.

I have no clue about Obama's status, all i know is there was an explosion in production of weed and opium in the last 10 years.

USSR did the same thing btw.

As long as those tribes are happy and not sending their guys to fight, NATO/USSR/Russia will go an extra mile and allow them to do what they need.

Problem with Afghanistan is that its made from hundreds of tribes. Those tribes have their personal interests at heart in the first place. And keeping them happy means less fighting.

So they just do it.

05-30-2012, 02:51 PM
The Bush administration did not negotiate.
Military advisers make plenty of mistakes as well...no matter what their qualifications are.

The explosion of hash and opium/refined heroin is due to corrupt ass Karzai, corrupt United States government officials, and the DEA.

It's really not a secret and has nothing to do with peace negotiations. Why did NATO really deny the Russians from aerial spraying poppy crops in order to crush the drug trade??

What was the real reason why the Taliban deemed poppy growing un-islamic? To get American money and black market manipulation....those crops weren't destroyed, they were harvested and stored out of sight.

It's all a fucking joke. A sick joke that impacts thousands and thousands of lives.

05-30-2012, 03:01 PM
This one is new to me. I had no clue that they were against it.

Greed is always present in those situations, but you can't say no to my point just because of it.

What i think is that NATO doing all they can right now to get the hell out of that shit hole with out loosing their face in the process. It's not like US and NATO lost, you just can't win there, because there is nothing to win against. Taliban never wins, it's just next to impossible to kill them.

Because you never know who to shoot.

As for Opium and weed, i know it's true. They make deals with tribes in order to make sure that they wont fight for Taliban.

05-30-2012, 03:13 PM
Who does this weed and opium go to after harvest? Who buys it? Who exports it?
Who really controls all this shit?

Those are the real questions that we all need to ask.

http://www.rferl.org/content/NATO_Russia_Can_Contribute_More_To_Afghan_War_Effo rt/1992808.html

05-30-2012, 04:23 PM
We have negotiated with terrorists numerous times under Bush. Prisoner exchanges have taken place. The Sons of Iraq was a movement to get people to stop helping the terrorists. It worked while we were paying them. Once the Iraqi government took over it crumbled because of their unwillingness to pay them. What Odumba did is negotiate in the open were as Bush did it behind closed doors.

05-30-2012, 05:18 PM
to get back to my point what is the point of negotiations? To what end?

To stop the taliban from killing and raping and conform to a civilized a-stan?

What about al-qaeda(terrorist) do you think you can negotiate something with them?

I dont care about did bush or is obama it is clear there is no agreement about who when or what is negotiating with the terrorist.

The point again is what is being negotiated? There will never be peace or non violence negotiated.

obama did come out and tell the world he was negotiating just a few weeks ago yes? So what has he accomplished?

The taliban are throwing acid on young girls or raping young boys right now today.

al qaeda is chanting about "obama the ape" and "obama obama we are osama."

If there have ever been any negotiations before obama they certainly failed so why would obama be at it again if what some of you believe that Bush did it too?

So again it is a fail

whether you agree Bush did or didnt negotiate or obama is negotiating still or whatever to negotiate with terrorist is a fail each and every time.

There is no success story from talking with them. They kill and do their terrorist acts today with no regard.

05-30-2012, 06:40 PM
to get back to my point what is the point of negotiations? To what end?

To stop the taliban from killing and raping and conform to a civilized a-stan?

What about al-qaeda(terrorist) do you think you can negotiate something with them?

I dont care about did bush or is obama it is clear there is no agreement about who when or what is negotiating with the terrorist.

The point again is what is being negotiated? There will never be peace or non violence negotiated.

obama did come out and tell the world he was negotiating just a few weeks ago yes? So what has he accomplished?

The taliban are throwing acid on young girls or raping young boys right now today.

al qaeda is chanting about "obama the ape" and "obama obama we are osama."

If there have ever been any negotiations before obama they certainly failed so why would obama be at it again if what some of you believe that Bush did it too?

So again it is a fail

whether you agree Bush did or didnt negotiate or obama is negotiating still or whatever to negotiate with terrorist is a fail each and every time.

There is no success story from talking with them. They kill and do their terrorist acts today with no regard.

So what did he accomplished? Do tell us your internal info...

You seems to have the information none of us does...

Answer one simple question, what did Obama did? Where he failed?


05-30-2012, 07:55 PM

05-30-2012, 08:05 PM
The White House said President Barack Obama misspoke on Tuesday when he referred to a "Polish death camp" while honoring a Polish war hero.

The president's remark had drawn immediate complaints from Poles who said Obama should have called it a "German death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland," to distinguish the perpetrators from the location. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski called it a matter of "ignorance and incompetence."

05-30-2012, 09:10 PM
here is a recent news release where obama says he doesnt negotiate with terror groups.... so again he just day by day by day decides one minute from the next what ever suits his confused ass at the moment.


05-30-2012, 09:14 PM
So I find it hard to believe that any president would baltently go about conduction foreign policy decisions with blantent disreguard for American security in the future. I do believe that every single foreign policy step each and every president takes is very well calculated (perhaps not so much in the past, but MUCH more so in the past 2 or 3 decades). What is at stake for these politicians one may ask? MONEY!!!!!

Politicians, presidents included, more than likely ( in my humble unsubstatiated, non provable opinion) crave on thing and one thing only. Power, I just said money before right? Well you can not be poor or even average now days to hold any kind of sway so to have the power to aquire the vast amounts of wealth that you will never be able to spend and secure your future. Being president is no longer about doing what is right for America, unless it involves security of the country to maintain security of their pocket books, and in fact enlarge them quite a bit (along with a few other wealthy friends along the way).

So you see there is NO reason for Mr. Obama to do anything irrational in the way of national security. There is a plan in place, I am sure, and it will take fruit soon and his pocket shall be that much larger.

That being said, and I do truely mean it. There is no reason or any kind of way the US should negotiate with terrorist organizations. With one exception, Sgt. Bergdahl isn't back on US soil, or back in uniform. It has been far to long for that soldier to have been in their hands, I don't care what it takes to get him home but they need to do it and do it now. In regards to the Afghani government negotiating with the taliban, fuck em go for it. It's their shit hole country let them do with it what they will.

05-30-2012, 09:20 PM
here are some terrorist on youtube talking about bidens comments and how he is a big pussy. biden is obamas VP so the responsibility of biden being a dildo rest on obamas shoulders.

Uploaded by MUJAHIDEENLION2215 on Jan 1, 2012
طالبان Mujahideen Afghanistan Islamic Emirate

The Kuffar have failed the 10 year waged war in Afghanistan the same land where the Kuffar British Russians were Vanqusied and today are dust

The Essential nature of man is to repeat the mistake of those before them Afghanistan is the graveyard of their Empires

This Islamic Year 1433 and Grigorian Year 2012 the US Vice President had stated

"The Taliban Per Se is not out enemy"

This cowardly bowing action of the humiliated Kuffar is just the lesson of History




05-30-2012, 09:35 PM
al qaeda in Bonn Germany...... If that ever takes place here in America I can assure you there will be dead men with beards.


sorry kind of off topic technically but still terrorist out in public talking their allah achkab shit should get rubbed out.

05-30-2012, 09:41 PM
If you don't want to negotiate, what do you suggest? 10 more years in Afghanistan? Will you be doing any of the fighting?

Since we can't go into Pakistan and take on the safe havens, if we choose to stay we will be fighting indefinitely in Afghanistan.

05-30-2012, 09:50 PM
Who is talking about staying?
Pack it up and leave. It is as simple as that.
We can leave the same way we came......

And we have been going into Pakistan. May 23-24 2012, U.S. Drone strike kills 10 in Pakistan.

05-30-2012, 10:35 PM
No i dont care about staying and nation building that is a failed policy. Let the nation that got their ass handed to them fix themselves. Let that pile of ruble be a reminder that they should think twice about fucking with America because 10 years is over but it could go on for 10 more if we decided to stay.

Literally you would have to stay indefinitely and just keep waiting for more taliban to pop out of their mom, grow up in the cave, learn their chants of allah ackbar, pick up a rusty old AK, and then push the 30mm button on them. There is no winning in the historical way like pushing hitler to his death or bring in a defeated army with their white flags waving. The taliban and al qaeda are brain washed terrorist that will be singularly a terrorist or in a group terrorist.

They will never negotiate or concede a real treaty or peace agreement. Their only desire is to kill infidels or be killed trying to kill infidels. Its that simple. I dont want us wasting our men and women on these shit bags. The kids are only innocent until they are capable of saying their first allah ackbar at age 1 or 2.

The final thing is what way do we deal with it from today into the future? drones? pakistan is not going to let that continue forever ever even if we pay them. Which paying them is only paying the taliban and al qaeda directly too.

So dont pay them shit and keep hitting them with drones and force them to make a move when you keep popping them with the drones and they want us to stop. See what happens then and move on from there. This no doubt will become a giant regional clusterfuck with all islamic middle eastern countries joining the fight. Look at saudi arabia they are pissing about a Mcdonalds toy that is insulting their muhumid.

It still to this day makes me wonder why they give a shit about their koran and muhamed yet can burn their own daughters with acid?

05-31-2012, 03:42 AM
I have already shown that talking with them can be a success on certain levels, a lot of the fighters are poor jobless youth, this is fact I've shown this. This is also not new, this is not an Obama thing...




This is not an Obama initiative, this isn't even an American idea. Yet everyone blames Obama like he is the only one who wants this. Did it in Iraq, Brits did it in Ireland and Malaysia, its been happening for years as that's how counter insurgency is done, you need to engage politically , militarily , economically... but nope, Obama is doing it so its wrong! Pathetic. Oh and if Obama can take full blame for this, he can take full credit for killing osama. Or is it only bad things?

05-31-2012, 11:48 AM
I have already shown that talking with them can be a success on certain levels, a lot of the fighters are poor jobless youth, this is fact I've shown this. This is also not new, this is not an Obama thing...




This is not an Obama initiative, this isn't even an American idea. Yet everyone blames Obama like he is the only one who wants this. Did it in Iraq, Brits did it in Ireland and Malaysia, its been happening for years as that's how counter insurgency is done, you need to engage politically , militarily , economically... but nope, Obama is doing it so its wrong! Pathetic. Oh and if Obama can take full blame for this, he can take full credit for killing osama. Or is it only bad things?

Damn it asshat you just posted three links that support my argument do you not understand English or something?

First link quote from it"Gordon Brown, the UK prime minister, who will host the talks, said on Monday that over the long-term it might be possible to encourage many of those waging war against international troops to stop.

It is "right to believe that over the long-term we can split the Taliban," Brown said.

"I think any Afghans can play a role if they focus on the future, and not the past"

Gen Stanley McChrystal,
US and Nato commander in Afghanistan

If the Afghan government "can bring over some people previously associated with the Taliban by the renunciation of violence, this would be of value to the peace process," he said.
British officials said that international funding for Karzai's programme was likely to be agreed at the London meeting.

A key component of Karzai's strategy would also be to help Afghans provide for their own security by building militias that would include former Taliban fighters."

That is a fucking GIANT FAIL as I have stated already.

The second and third links involve the UN and their opinion which we all know is a waste of fucking time.

So again lets invite terrorist to sit down chat with us over tea and crumpets and they will see our way and become peaceful..... LOL:lol:

05-31-2012, 11:59 AM
A giant fail? Except for the 3 and a half thousand that have joined peace talks as the NATO video I showed? Or would you rather these 3.5k people attempting to kill our troops? I don't. And even then my point was to show blaming this all on Obama is pointless and pathetic .

05-31-2012, 12:00 PM
Gazz, happening for years?
Like the way the Brits handled the ‘Mau Mau' uprising?

How about India? Indians are still suffering because of what the British did.
You know what is funny, The British viewed Indians as sub-humans......but in reality Indian civilization was far superior to the colonizing England. Their downfall was that they lacked modern war fighting weapons and equipment. Which resulted in allowing England to conduct atrocities, cultural annihilation, and exploitation of Indian people/resources. Total destruction....scorched earth policies etc.

A prime example why WE as in Americans believe in the Second Amendment.

05-31-2012, 01:49 PM
The truth hurts doesn't it Clodius.
Slob Euro cock much? Or do you hate the United States that much that you feel the need to jump on the bandwagon with the rest of the two ill informed Europeans commenting?

What years did you serve again and how many?

Just curious.....

05-31-2012, 01:51 PM
Thanks Sixx, now I know what it means to be a reviled Nazi exterminating douchebag. My only consolation is you are as much reviled (as I am being a citizen) , if not more so in the world than what Gazz could ever be. I guess I feel twice as scumbaggy because I have dual citizenship!

05-31-2012, 01:58 PM
Answer my questions. Don't dodge.

What years did you serve again and how many?
Highest rank held?

General or honorable discharge?

I'm just trying to understand your views.

I too know what it's like to be reviled.....I lived in Europe from 1983ish to 1998.
I'm not all that clueless. I know how they feel.

05-31-2012, 02:06 PM
Answer your questions? Why, because YOU DEMAND. Sorry but my cock is already shrinking due to age so you win.

05-31-2012, 02:20 PM
Not really dude. I'm not demanding anything. You have previously said you served, can I not ask you those simple questions?
And there is nothing to win. You cannot win on the internet. Ask Gazz and Eagle.
I think your cock issues are possibly due to genetics. Not old age......not something that I want to think about since I'm a fag hating American.

Shouldn't you be proud of your service? I know I am.

You don't have to do jack shit. You are the one that said you were in the military at one point of your life. I'm just curious about those details.

I want to paint a visual picture of the person I am communicating with.

I'm thinking you are full of shit. Perhaps I am correct? Just a little?
C'mon tell the truth :D

I want you to make me suck cock and force me to eat my shoes. Can you do that for me?

05-31-2012, 02:26 PM
Dudes, relax a bit ;) Look at that awesome hamster instead :)


05-31-2012, 02:44 PM
MIR how do you think they trained the hamster to do that?
I've seen hamsters play dead before but this doesn't look right :) Like he's used to receiving pain.....

I think he has fishing line tied around the midsection...and he is being pulled into the wall by someone.

05-31-2012, 04:58 PM
MIR how do you think they trained the hamster to do that?
I've seen hamsters play dead before but this doesn't look right :) Like he's used to receiving pain.....

I think he has fishing line tied around the midsection...and he is being pulled into the wall by someone.

Mate, i have no clue how they did that :P But its way to cool :P

05-31-2012, 06:05 PM
PzychoSixx what was your rank and all that?

05-31-2012, 06:12 PM
PzychoSixx what was your rank and all that?

Tell me about yourself first.
We haven't been introduced.

05-31-2012, 06:16 PM
Army Scout
7 years

05-31-2012, 06:23 PM
I'd have to agree. Talking to these guys will get you next to nothing.

05-31-2012, 06:28 PM
6 years

Y'know.....you didn't have to make a new account to post dude lol *wink* I thought I fixed your issue bro.

AFSC: 3P051 1998-2005
AFSC: 3P071A 2005-2008
2008/9 Medically retired due to service related injuries.

I wanted to do 20+
Fate had something else in store for me.....

05-31-2012, 06:34 PM
what are you doing now that you are retired?

And by the way, I will probably end up hated like gazz on here, I tend to have a differing opinion than most.

I checked and I still couldn't log in, so I just made a new one, thanks though.

05-31-2012, 06:44 PM
what are you doing now that you are retired?

And by the way, I will probably end up hated like gazz on here, I tend to have a differing opinion than most.

I checked and I still couldn't log in, so I just made a new one, thanks though.

Hate is a strong word. I don't think Gazz is hated(Same thing with MIR). I think he is often misunderstood and some of us(myself included) are set in our ways and not so receptive to different views and opinions.

Gazz and MiR are actually good people with intelligence.

Who cares if you get disliked for your opinions. I'm disliked as well.
Fire your opinions away....Don't hold back. (as long as it doesn't turn into a troll fest :) )

05-31-2012, 06:45 PM
People who have A "differing opinion than most" aren't hated on here... They just take a lot of shit.

Hope you can hang ;P


Fuckin Sixx.... Beat me to it

05-31-2012, 06:49 PM

I'll type evil laughter like a German-------> HrHrHrHrHr :) or is it hurhurhur?

05-31-2012, 06:55 PM
Nobama is a trained hamster.

I'll laugh like an American now

05-31-2012, 07:02 PM
The very first comment, it said Obama was negotiating non-violence with the Taliban. Then it added a news clip about a school that had been poisoned. I don't think that lies at the feet of the Taliban. I think that just your ordinary, Islamic Afghan is capable of doing that. Not that the they're not capable of it. But the jist of it is Obama's a pussy. Can't disagree with that really.

06-01-2012, 12:14 AM
what are you doing now that you are retired?

And by the way, I will probably end up hated like gazz on here, I tend to have a differing opinion than most.

I checked and I still couldn't log in, so I just made a new one, thanks though.

Hated are you kidding everyone has an opinion and its just that an opinion Hey I agree with Sixx and Eris we dont hate them Those 2 your talking about fell free to tell them what you think Everyone here likes to hear other people and what they have to say on the daily issues that go's on in the world Hell people love me if I dont get attacked in the forums its like a day without sunshine keeps me on my toes if you dont agree with me No problem it your Option. Feel free What unit did you serve as a scout any tours Be free to tell your story People would like to hear about your time when you served
26 yankee div 126thst sig bat company C 78-84

06-01-2012, 12:27 AM
I was a scout in the 2ACR. I got out in 2002. I saw Iraq was about to pop off and I joined the Army guard and volunteered to go. I didn't get to go till Feb 04, spent 12 months in country. Hung out just south of Baghdad. Had a bad time with the California Guard so I got out after that. We had a bunch of gangbangers in the unit. They were robbing people at checkpoints. Then to top it off, a Iraqi tried to run me over, crashed his car into the humvee, and tried to run away but we shot him. They tried to get us on murder, took away my weapon and stuck me in a tent by myself for two weeks. So yeah, I got out after that. I wish I would have stayed in and gone with a active duty unit. But you live you learn.

06-01-2012, 12:51 AM
I was a scout in the 2ACR. I got out in 2002. I saw Iraq was about to pop off and I joined the Army guard and volunteered to go. I didn't get to go till Feb 04, spent 12 months in country. Hung out just south of Baghdad. Had a bad time with the California Guard so I got out after that. We had a bunch of gangbangers in the unit. They were robbing people at checkpoints. Then to top it off, a Iraqi tried to run me over, crashed his car into the humvee, and tried to run away but we shot him. They tried to get us on murder, took away my weapon and stuck me in a tent by myself for two weeks. So yeah, I got out after that. I wish I would have stayed in and gone with a active duty unit. But you live you learn.

Good guard units are not that hard to come by, those from California are kind of rough as you have stated ( not gonna lie was not impressed with the Alabama, Nevada or Georgia guard on my adenture either). You should have chose a different state bro :) , some units are a lot different than others. Then again active duty is the same way.

Either way thanks for your service, and welcome to AC. A good group of folks gather here.

Sixx, serpa thanks for your serivce too, haven't done that yet didn't know much about you guys yet. Jamie too I know a bit more about you though.

06-01-2012, 01:44 PM
Yeah, I was living in Cali at the time so I kinda was stuck. We actually ended up getting bitched out to Washington state. Talk about being red headed step children. I heard some good things about the Florida guard.

06-01-2012, 02:28 PM
back on topic. Fuck Obama

06-05-2012, 07:50 PM
Appeasement and pandering to terrorists I can live with...GObama.


06-05-2012, 09:10 PM
But can you live with this?

06-05-2012, 09:29 PM
But can you live with this?

This is becoming a common theme with obama and his staff. They know the law or they hear the supreme court ruling yet they ignore it and do whatever they want. He is not our president he has become a dictator.

06-05-2012, 10:08 PM
But can you live with this?
For national sec issues absolutely, for crim justice issues not really. I live in the sticks and need a sig booster for my cell which works in conjunction with GPS apparently. Point being if someone with the necessary technical resources wants to find me I probably just made it a lot easier. Most modern cell phones have "anti-theft" built in...

06-05-2012, 10:22 PM
For national sec issues absolutely, for crim justice issues not really. I live in the sticks and need a sig booster for my cell which works in conjunction with GPS apparently. Point being if someone with the necessary technical resources wants to find me I probably just made it a lot easier. Most modern cell phones have "anti-theft" built in...

Where does "national security" as a term end then? A drug dealer, a possible (I stress possible) murder suspect, a rapist, a person who has denounced the government, a multiple offense speeder, a drunk driver, a jay walker. Ok yeah that is a lot, the point still stands though. The NDAA, and the Patriot acts (patriot acts in particular) took a serious bite out of the lives of United States citizens. I agree we need security, and it comes at a high cost take a look at the death toll from the past 10 years. If we sacrifice our given rights as people for security there is no longer a point in having a democratic government.

The government has taken and will always do whatever they want and blanket it in the phrase, "national security" and that is the wrong answer to the problem we are facing. Al queda wins if we lose what we have built our nation on.