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05-28-2012, 10:38 PM
Outrage as TV host says he is 'uncomfortable' calling fallen soldiers 'heroes'

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 07:24 EST, 28 May 2012 | UPDATED: 13:08 EST, 28 May 2012
An MSNBC broadcaster has caused outrage by saying he feels 'uncomfortable' branding soldiers who have died in battle 'heroes'.

Chris Hayes, a liberal commentator who hosts Up with Chris Hayes, said the word is used to justify further war.

His stuttered comments - made on Memorial Day weekend - have sparked outrage among veterans organisations and across the internet.

The TV host said: 'I think it is very difficult to talk about the war dead and the fallen without invoking valor, without invoking the words "heroes".

'I feel... uncomfortable, about the word because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war.'

He went on: 'I don't want to obviously desecrate or disrespect memory of anyone that's fallen, and obviously there are individual circumstances in which there is genuine, tremendous heroism: hail of gunfire, rescuing fellow soldiers and things like that.

'But it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic.' He then added: 'But maybe I'm wrong about that.'

A spokesman for a veterans organisation, Veterans of Foreign Wars, suggested Hayes put himself through the anguish of war before criticising soldiers.

'If Mr. Hayes feels uncomfortable, I suggest he enlist, go to war, then come home to what he expects is a grateful nation but encounters the opposite,' Joe Davis told The Daily Caller.

'It’s far too easy to cast stones from inexperience.'

Bloggers and users of social networking sites also condemned the comments, with 'Chris Hayes' trending on Twitter after the broadcast.

Newsbusters blogger Mark Finkelstein said Hayes's stuttered speech 'almost seems a parody of the conflicted intellectual'.

'What does it say about the liberal chattering class, which Hayes epitomizes, that it chokes on calling America's fallen what they rightly and surely are: heroes?'
Conservative commentator Warner Todd Huston wrote on blog Wizbang: 'I’d like to remind you that many of those Neanderthals that you despise so much died for your right to hate them.'

'Fire Chris Hayes!' One Twitter user, Kathleen Morgan, wrote on the site. 'His outright DISDAIN for our valiant men and women is disgusting!'

Hayes, who has never served in the armed forces, has hosted his weekend show on MSNBC since last September.

He has appeared as a guest host and commentator on shows including The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell and The Rachel Maddow Show.

He also remains Editor-at-Large of the left-leaning The Nation

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2151055/Chris-Hayes-Outrage-TV-host-says-uncomfortable-calling-fallen-soldiers-heroes.html#ixzz1wDskiYmQ

05-28-2012, 10:56 PM
That is why I watch neither, fox (republican) and MSNBC (liberal). I honestly will watch CNN, then after watching CNN if a story really sparks my interests I will simply go onto the internet. The internet has thousands and thousands of sources and references to researc cirtually any issue, topic, or story. As is the same with any of the above mentioned news organizations, take everything with a grain of salt and remain educated.

On a side note, which is actually the main topic of my response, every news outlet today is as bias as the next. Keeping an open mind is the most important thing, and a drive to find the truth through many sources is often the answer.

PS this guys a douche

05-28-2012, 11:01 PM
I rarely watch FOX news either. I search the internet and read a couple different news articles covering the same story.
I'm a libertarian.
If an MSNBC employee was on fire in front of me I wouldn't piss on them to save their life.

05-28-2012, 11:05 PM
lol same here for both networks. libertarian is a great way to go, I remember you saying you never discuss politics >:) . I am a long the same lines, constitutionalist is the way I prefer to go, I suppose there is no real difference at all though. I wish that the media and the news were not sensationalized, and tailored towards one party or another. There is no reason for personal opinions or beliefs to filter into a reporters coverage of an event. This is an example of how much corporate influence has over our daily lives, and how much we can no longer trust what we read. Then again there is the internet, which was meant to have been censored last year, which can allow people to keep an open and informed mind.

05-28-2012, 11:11 PM
I agree brenden.
The TRUTH is important.
Chris Hayes acts as if soldiers start wars. Politicians start wars.

05-28-2012, 11:23 PM
We end them though!!! That really is the beauty of American politics to me, it isn't a depot or a dictator that is guiding these wars. It is a civilian, even though a lot our presidents have had military service, that is and has guided us through every conflict America has been in. Thier choices are not always right or perfect, but there has never been a president that has completely sacrificed this country, and I don't perceive there to be one in the future. It can get a little rough and there can be differences, however in the end we are still the best nation in the world and as fucked up as our government is it sure as hell could be a lot worse. That being said it still needs a monumental change, to maintain what we already have.

05-28-2012, 11:33 PM
That is why I watch neither, fox (republican) and MSNBC (liberal). I honestly will watch CNN, then after watching CNN if a story really sparks my interests I will simply go onto the internet. The internet has thousands and thousands of sources and references to researc cirtually any issue, topic, or story. As is the same with any of the above mentioned news organizations, take everything with a grain of salt and remain educated.

On a side note, which is actually the main topic of my response, every news outlet today is as bias as the next. Keeping an open mind is the most important thing, and a drive to find the truth through many sources is often the answer.

PS this guys a douche

Do you really think that CNN is better than MSNBC? To me, it seems like "same shit, different assholes".
I personally believe that Fox is less conservatively biased than other news stations are liberally biased

05-28-2012, 11:43 PM
Do I think that CNN is less Bias than MSNBC, yes. Do I think they are accurate in their reporting? No. Do I hold them in higher regards to non bias reporting? Yes. Fox is extreme as is MSNBC, are either of them accurate no. Is CNN accurate no. That is why further research on the net, seeing how it is virtually the only independent news you can get any more, even though you have to do it cross referencing everything. I am by no means saying that CNN is the holy grail for news reporting, it is typically liberal but there is more fair interaction than on any other news station.

That being said I truely hate Fox, and I truely hate MSNBC, i do not care for CNN but it is the lesser of both evils. News stations like these three are the exact reason why there is such a seperation between both "political" parties in the US right now. Niether has a solution to anything other than how to make them selves take a shit by shoving their own fingers up their ass. These media outlets help nothing in any way shape or form, they only make matters worse. I am begining to think the constitution and the free republic are lost.

05-29-2012, 03:45 AM
A recent survey showed fox news viewers where less informed than people who watch no news, from an outside perspective it really is a disgusting "news" channel (daily show did surprisingly well, comedy show with more truth than fox and MSNBC, classic). But having said that, as brenden put it they are all bias and pretty shit , unbiased news simply does not exist. MSNBC, daily mail, the sun, RT all suck shit.

There are some better ones like BBC , npr, Al Jazeera etc but even then they are not immune . Best idea is to use Google news, read numerous sources (some intentionally opposite to your bias, like me and fox news) keep an open mind.

05-29-2012, 05:51 AM
I know this sounds wierd but if you watch the news on the pentagon Chanel you will see no slanting of the stories.

05-29-2012, 07:56 AM
What's wrong with Russia today Gazz? Pretty descent news channel, somewhat biased but in general good news stories and facts.

05-29-2012, 08:42 AM
CNN is owned by Ted Turner who felt Jane Fonda was a good piece of ass to marry. So the last fucking channel I would watch is CNN. Fox is republican slanted but they regularly have democrat guest with their other republican guest to get both opinions. Since there are like 95% liberal sources of media like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, HNN(headline news also Turner owned)

C Span is not slanted as it is strictly direct access to politics in action or inaction most of the time.

05-29-2012, 09:09 AM
You are wrong eagle.

CSPAN is by far the most slanted network out there. Every politician on there has a R or a D next to it, and they can not get that endorsement unless they are very slanted, non patizan, completely opinionated individual and tailoring specifically towards the goal of their party. Other wise they would not be able to have that R or D next to their name. Watching CSPAN is worse than putting my head in a large blender turning it on and being forced to listen to justin beiber.

I agree with the CNN comment though, being that ted turner is a piece of garbage, I still think it is the lesser of the evils though. I don't want a news organization that I personally agree with, I simply want the facts as they are and nothing more. That does not exist though.

05-29-2012, 03:17 PM
CNN is owned by Ted Turner who felt Jane Fonda was a good piece of ass to marry. So the last fucking channel I would watch is CNN...


That's like saying you wouldn't read War and Peace because it was written by a commie fag!

05-29-2012, 09:46 PM
CNN is owned by Ted Turner who felt Jane Fonda was a good piece of ass to marry. So the last fucking channel I would watch is CNN. Fox is republican slanted but they regularly have democrat guest with their other republican guest to get both opinions. Since there are like 95% liberal sources of media like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, HNN(headline news also Turner owned)

C Span is not slanted as it is strictly direct access to politics in action or inaction most of the time.
Because of a piece of ass, Come on now eagle is not that a little extreme lol jk mate

06-01-2012, 07:13 PM
speaking of the clinton news network
Figures from ratings agency Nielsen show that America's most famous rolling news brand has just experienced its worst month for almost 20 years, parting company with more than 50 per cent of its audience in 12 months.

06-03-2012, 09:30 AM
Between their pathetic ratings compared to the other main news channels and the fact that it seems like they are either firing or apologizing for one of their hosts every other month, I'm amazed MSNBC is still on the air. It's fairly comical.