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05-15-2012, 08:03 PM

I hate Tampa and Florida is a shit hole in general.


05-15-2012, 08:52 PM

I hate Tampa and Florida is a shit hole in general.


Bro I live in Jacksonville and its not bad You should not complain Try living in Massachusetts now that is a shithole

05-15-2012, 08:57 PM
Eagle I just watched that vid I hope that soldier recovers and goes after these shitbags with a few of his buddies waiting in the bushes to get them Hope they feed them to the gators

05-15-2012, 09:03 PM
FloriTURD: A place that needs to be swallowed by the Gulf. Seriously, that state deserves a painful death.

05-15-2012, 09:15 PM
Serpa, JAX is a complete shithole..........my people left that place decades ago. Hell, they completely left that state......I'd rather deal with the assholes in MASS before I risk my life going to Jacksonville
It's quite sad though, I was born there..but the only place I'll ever visit is St. Augustine. It still looks decent.

Eagle, what are you still doing in Florida? You know it's not going to get any better right? :(

05-15-2012, 09:32 PM
COMMIEfornia = Sodom

FloriTURD = Gomorrah

Burn them to the ground, raze them like the Mongols did to the ancient cities of antiquity

05-15-2012, 09:44 PM
Serpa, JAX is a complete shithole..........my people left that place decades ago. Hell, they completely left that state......I'd rather deal with the assholes in MASS before I risk my life going to Jacksonville
It's quite sad though, I was born there..but the only place I'll ever visit is St. Augustine. It still looks decent.

Eagle, what are you still doing in Florida? You know it's not going to get any better right? :(

I lived in mass for 51 yrs and no you would not want to live there belive me Sixx

05-15-2012, 09:48 PM
Hell, shits happening everywhere. I watched the neighbors car leave at about 1am this morning and didn't think anything of it since we live in a 16 unit apt building. only to find out a bit ago from him his car was stolen last night... fuck me. 09 lincoln mkz fully loaded and he'll probably never see it again (usually find them months later on the rez stripped to the frame sitting in a ditch).
and shit like this never happened until this fucking beef plant brought in so called diversity...
but hell, i leave the keys in the old tahoe and nobody will steal that damn thing :(

hope they figure out who the dirtbags were and their happy asses go to prison. since many vets are there guess what'll happen. two things frowned upon there... anything with children and military. we all know the military brotherhood no matter where some are and that word will get around.

05-15-2012, 10:47 PM
This is why we need full on, gated community "Veteran Colonies" where ONLY veterans, disabled veterans and their direct families can live. And yes, make them gated and exclusive. Wounded Warriors facilities and counseling buildings as well. Don're hire ANY civilians unless they have prior military service.

Let the Democrats whine about it being "isolationist" and "exclusionary," but WE deserve it, since society doesn't give us the respect we deserve and would rather take advantage of us or rob us at the first drop of a dime.

05-15-2012, 11:03 PM
like that idea, we know we can trust one another and wouldn't have to worry about anything. wouldn't even have to be gated, just exclusively vets. And everyone in the community would have to be required to carry. guarantee nothing would happen then. and also all houses would have to be purchased through one bank with the understanding that you screw up your out and the bank would automatically take it over and resell it (the bank would know full well there is another vet waiting to get in).
nothing fancy, just nice little houses and a well disciplined community... with plenty of warning signs around the perimeter...lol

05-16-2012, 10:20 AM
I remember when I used to think of floridA as a nice place to go on vacation.

Now I wouldn't even think of visiting there. What a shithole!

05-16-2012, 08:29 PM
like that idea, we know we can trust one another and wouldn't have to worry about anything. wouldn't even have to be gated, just exclusively vets. And everyone in the community would have to be required to carry. guarantee nothing would happen then. and also all houses would have to be purchased through one bank with the understanding that you screw up your out and the bank would automatically take it over and resell it (the bank would know full well there is another vet waiting to get in).
nothing fancy, just nice little houses and a well disciplined community... with plenty of warning signs around the perimeter...lol
No gates just firing range berms. With a warning sign "climb over the berm and will be shot REPEATEDLY!!!!

05-16-2012, 10:07 PM
No gates just firing range berms. With a warning sign "climb over the berm and will be shot REPEATEDLY!!!!

by many...lol
that would screw things up with the cops when asked who fired first?... we did!
just a nice little community with a private range

05-17-2012, 01:11 PM
sounds like most of you have only visited hickville north florida.... and clearly have never been to Fort Lauderdale, miami, and DEFINITELY not the florida keys (one of the best vacations spots hands down)

You guys are losers hating on Florida, especially for not even seeing it.... its entirely its own country basically, so you cant single it out for one type of people, as its basically a melting pot, much like california... funny not half of you show your state. Probably Kentucky or Indiana.... 2 worthless states unless you want to talk racing and drinking liquor all day.

Enjoy the cold weather loserssssss hahahahaa

05-17-2012, 01:35 PM
Signed up just to troll?

A bunch of us commenting are from Florida. Eagle, Serpa, and myself..
Do not make assumptions.

Name calling? No thank you.
I'll give you a freebie this time.

05-17-2012, 03:24 PM
sounds like most of you have only visited hickville north florida.... and clearly have never been to Fort Lauderdale, miami, and DEFINITELY not the florida keys (one of the best vacations spots hands down)

You guys are losers hating on Florida, especially for not even seeing it.... its entirely its own country basically, so you cant single it out for one type of people, as its basically a melting pot, much like california... funny not half of you show your state. Probably Kentucky or Indiana.... 2 worthless states unless you want to talk racing and drinking liquor all day.

Enjoy the cold weather loserssssss hahahahaa

I've been all over FloriTURD and the whole goddamn state SUCKS.

It's celebrities and pretentious people with "needs" that have a sanctimonious, superior complex about everything. FloriTURD has so many social problems and landmark court cases that it's just an embarassing state to represent our country, bottom line.
Casey Anthony? Check. The State of Florida couldn't fine 12 people. 12 RETARDS to agree that the dumb bitch was guilty. They must have gone through an average neighborhood and found the dumbest losers with no GED or HS Diploma. I'm imagining toothless, drooling women and old men sitting there thinking "Ummm.... wait, so Carl Anthony umm.. like... killed a little girl or sumthin'? Nahh it couldn;t have been the attractive girl.. what's hur nayme again? Well.. I cain't remember, she must be innocent or sumthin' What do i write on the payper? Innocent or sumthin'?"

Give Florida back to Cuba and watch anarchy, death and melee ensue. It'd be wonderful.

05-17-2012, 04:03 PM
I have lived here for the most part since 1982 and so I know this place like the back of my hand literally.

There is a melting pot of all the slime of humanity that congregate here.

There seems like every other year at least some child is being killed or victimized by some disgusting low life that in its heinousness of perverted crime it makes national headlines.

The place needs education in the worst way and even with our free education the genius kids here drop out like it is no biggie.

I will say this that despite all the filth and scum we sure do produce the shit out of sugar and oranges.:roleyes:

05-17-2012, 10:39 PM
Hey Mick take a look at your own state and see what it has produced I would love to hear your answer I moved here for the People alot of people here are nice the southern hospitality yah know I lived in Georgia for a year when i was active army loved it I lived in mass and most people when you tell them good day or god bless they say Do I know you and go fuck yourself Maybe you should live here but I forgot you already have your to much of a aaaaa forget it I wont stoop to your level.. Why don't you treat people a little nicer As you are in the US and live here Maybe some of the people would return the favor Its attitudes like yours that has produced sewer slime sucking assholes I got it go live in Massachusetts you would fit in just fine Oh and you would get a name for yourself that fits with the state but I don't like calling anybody names Its just degrading :)

05-18-2012, 12:30 AM
Hey Mick take a look at your own state and see what it has produced I would love to hear your answer I moved here for the People alot of people here are nice the southern hospitality yah know I lived in Georgia for a year when i was active army loved it I lived in mass and most people when you tell them good day or god bless they say Do I know you and go fuck yourself Maybe you should live here but I forgot you already have your to much of a aaaaa forget it I wont stoop to your level.. Why don't you treat people a little nicer As you are in the US and live here Maybe some of the people would return the favor Its attitudes like yours that has produced sewer slime sucking assholes I got it go live in Massachusetts you would fit in just fine Oh and you would get a name for yourself that fits with the state but I don't like calling anybody names Its just degrading :)

hey why dont you try using punctuation it makes your posts easier to read florida still sucks ive spent some time there and my state may be embarassing but its nowhere near as bad as floriturd but its okay i didnt bother finishing reading your post because you type like captain lou albano used to talk hoo lookythereatthisguy heswoundup likeadehydratedbeebee!

05-18-2012, 02:16 AM
I know everyone's asking what is nastyleg's take on this. Well here it is. I live in Arizona. I don't think I need to go into further detail.

05-27-2012, 10:47 PM
Well until anyone else can come on AC and start posting their states best news stories showing why they are the worst state in the nation of America I will proclaim Florida is the ruling champion. We hold the championship belt or trophy or crown.... whatever we determine is the best way to recognize Florida as the worst state in America.

To further cement our dominance today I submit another news story that clearly signifies our elite status as most horrible, disgusting, outrageous, demonic, idiotic, pathetic , worst of America.

Miami police kill naked man found eating another man's face

Miami Herald
In Print: Monday, May 28, 2012







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MIAMI — A man was shot to death when an officer spotted him chewing off the face of another man Saturday, Miami police said.

The man who was attacked, and whose name was not released, remained in intensive care Sunday.

The horror began about 2 p.m. Saturday when gunshots were heard on an off-ramp of the MacArthur Causeway. According to police sources, a roadside-assistance truck driver saw a naked man chewing on another man's face and shouted on his loudspeaker for him to back away. A woman also saw the incident and flagged down an officer.

The officer, who has not been identified, approached and, seeing what was happening, also ordered the naked man to back away. When he continued the assault, the officer shot him, police said. The attacker, whose name was also not released, did not stop after being shot. The officer continued to shoot, killing the naked man.

The other man was transported to the hospital with critical injuries.

In a text message, Javier Ortiz, spokesman for Miami police's Fraternal Order of Police, said the officer who fired the fatal shots was "a hero."

"Based on the information provided, our Miami police officer is a hero and saved a life," he said.

Investigators believe the victim may have been homeless and was on the ground when the crazed man pounced.

Police theorized the attacker might have been suffering from "cocaine psychosis," a drug-induced craze that bakes the body and often leads the affected to strip naked to try and cool off.

[Last modified: May 27, 2012 10:18 PM]


05-27-2012, 11:33 PM
Massachusetts go to this link to much to post have a look this this shithole www.heraldnews.com
what happens this state Eagle happens alot Fathers killing there babys etc etc and the state is getting even worst I have friends who are police officers in street patrol Homicide and State police they can not wait to retire to get the fuck out of there The police here shot a meth head piff thats nothing

05-28-2012, 12:36 AM
Ha Ha like I said I can post more and well I will. meth heads shit that is child play. Down here we have crab fishermen rape little girls then dismember their bodies and feed them to their crabs. We have trailer trash white scum rape little girls then just to be thoughtful after doing that terror to a little girl they dig a hole and put the little girl in it alive and then bury her alive. Yeah that is two more kid murders that happened a few years back before the callie anthony shit storm. I can post more because these are just off the top of my head. Let me sleep on it and I will enlighten you further.

05-28-2012, 01:59 AM
Ha Ha like I said I can post more and well I will. meth heads shit that is child play. Down here we have crab fishermen rape little girls then dismember their bodies and feed them to their crabs. We have trailer trash white scum rape little girls then just to be thoughtful after doing that terror to a little girl they dig a hole and put the little girl in it alive and then bury her alive. Yeah that is two more kid murders that happened a few years back before the callie anthony shit storm. I can post more because these are just off the top of my head. Let me sleep on it and I will enlighten you further.
Well if you call it a shit hole then that is your opinion you grew up here I know I grew up and lived 51 years and that is my opinion I dont think anywhere in the US there is one better shit hole then another Everyone has there own opinion of where they grew up and what they think No state is in a competition for shit hole of the United States of America award

05-28-2012, 01:05 PM
I never hear of this kind of stuff happening in other states. Seriously when your state is repeatedly getting national headlines for the filth that represent our society for their heinousness it is clear we have a deluge of the bottom of the barrel of mankind here.

I would say do you hear much from South Dakota for this kind of thing? What about Nebraska? Those are just a few states that I can say never get national headlines for child murder or other bizarre murder stories. So that is just my opinion of course if you feel MA is bad so be it. Boston and Ma is old school northeastern America. You have some scum up there I would agree just like Philadelphia Pa and New York. Some old dirty neighborhoods with some skeletons in their closet for sure.

05-28-2012, 02:50 PM
here you go eagle good news from florida

05-28-2012, 04:57 PM
....I will proclaim Florida is the ruling champion....

That's a shock to me as an Aussie, in my mind, it's always seemingly been portrayed here as a good place to visit, good weather, beaches etc etc or is there another Florida? Like most destinations, there are good and bad parts, but I had no idea it was as bad as you say. Cross it off the list for future reference then shall I ?

05-28-2012, 07:13 PM
That's a shock to me as an Aussie, in my mind, it's always seemingly been portrayed here as a good place to visit, good weather, beaches etc etc or is there another Florida? Like most destinations, there are good and bad parts, but I had no idea it was as bad as you say. Cross it off the list for future reference then shall I ?

Every state in the US Has it's good and bad Florida is a great vacation spot Like everywhere else it has has its bad places I live here and Yes I see what happens here but it is just like everywhere else in the world I would take a vacation here if i was you Like I did when I lived in Mass 5 times I lived in Georgia for a year I love the southern US some people don't Its all how you like it and see it
But I will tell you one thing I rather be in the warm south then in the cold north where you only leave you home 5 months out of the year I met someone from florida when I lived in mass where I worked He loved mass I told tell me that in couple of years by his 3rd year he said fuck this I want to go home Its not being home sick Its this place suck I would take ORLANDO ANY DAY :)

05-28-2012, 08:22 PM
Come on now serpa, what's wrong with the colder climates? There aren't a whole lot of pussys (no offense intended) that live around here in MN due to the winters, that -30 tends to get to people. Plus there's no one out and about during the winter months, which means you can pretty much do what you want. Plus you can't drive on a lake in the south at any time during the year!!! There is just far fewer people up here in the north, which means less BS and less idiots to deal with on a daily basis. :) No offense to you southern folks, I have been to Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Texas (more than once), Oklahoma, and Arizona, Arizone was alright but the rest you can have, I'd take Iraq heat over the massive amount of hummidity in the southern US. You can always put more clothes on for the cold, but you can only take so many off for the heat. Plus we have a good education system, great hunting and fishing, low crime rate, lower cost of living. We even elect people like al franken, jesse ventura, michelle bachman, and tim pawlenty. Yeah the last 4 weren't strong points, but certainly proves it's a state of opputunity. Yes this post is a pomotional piece for Minnesota in a post about tampa.

PS I never plan on going to florida, it's just far to tropical for myself and way to many people. So thanks for the post folks to deter me even further from going to florida!

05-28-2012, 09:10 PM
Brend I did not start this post
One thing you left out bad point about cold weather your balls shrivel up lol jk mate I lived in the cold 51 yrs your blood gets thin time to head for warmer weather :)

05-28-2012, 09:26 PM
Lol, fair enough. True about the cold weather and the balls shriveling though.