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05-15-2012, 07:43 PM
found out today i broke a rib just below my right collarbone. pretty much knew that for over a week before i went to the doc today. so, no doing much for 4-6 weeks as far as lifting anything or going to the range.
hurts like hell to cough or sneeze and its been throbbing all day. dont think shooting the 45-70 helped much sunday.
so I pretty much cant finish projects i needed to get done :(

05-15-2012, 08:18 PM
I hear ya man, I broke two of mine during a drunken football game. They fricken hurt like hell, and when I asked the doc what to do he just said give it time to heal. Getting up in the morning was the worst of it for me, but like you said you can't get much done with a broken rib. Tiger balm helped a little bit.

05-15-2012, 09:00 PM
Broken ribs i broke 2 in a car accident and yes they hurt like hell there was not enough pain meds to take it way Hope you have a fast revcovery

05-15-2012, 09:27 PM
oh brilliance... i took two tramadol and the rest of my meds an hour ago, and just finished a beer. Didn't even think about it... not to worry, i'm not feeling anything...lol
but id still like to know why the hell the one right below my collar bone snapped. yeah, i was in an awkward position putting pressure on the drill getting a screw in, but damn, just to have it snap...

05-16-2012, 03:33 AM
dude I broke my collar bone in half and did not know it. All I new was if I slept on my right side I would wake up in the morning and it felt like someone had beat my shoulder with a bat.
After about a month of this my wife talked me in to seeing the doc...he took X-ray and sure as shit my collar bone was snaped in half.
I still don't know how I did it...but hey with enough vicodin, who cares.

Hope you get to feeling better.