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View Full Version : "We need to take that frickin' hill!"

05-13-2012, 10:31 AM
Sgt. Tavis Delaney Awarded Silver Star for Afghanistan Ambush Heroics

"Sir, I say we take that hill," he says. "We need to take that frickin' hill or we're going to play this game all day. You want to run up there with me? After this bomb goes off just charge them bitches? We got to. You guys want to go?"

With his unit ambushed by more than 200 Taliban fighters and trapped in a firefight that lasted more than 13 hours, Sgt. Tavis Delaney went into hero mode. After coordinating a series of airstrikes, the Washington Air National Guardsman rallied his fellow soldiers for an uphill charge that was caught on camera.

And the best bit?

Incredibly, more than 200 Taliban insurgents were killed during the battle, while U.S. troops incurred no casualties.

Read more and watch a video:


05-13-2012, 11:38 PM
Dangerous combination for our enemies when you take a former Ranger and put air power in his hands.

06-03-2012, 06:40 PM
200 to 0. What the fuck is wrong with the Taliban. They should just go back to Pakistan and wait for us to leave. They must really want those virgins.

06-26-2012, 10:28 AM
Balls of steel!!!