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05-07-2012, 09:53 AM
I was just curious about how many of my fellow ACrs are preppers.
You don't need to go into plans, locations, or supplies. Just a yes or no,and anything you want to add.
I'm just starting to take it seriously, and would like to know if anyone elde is.

05-07-2012, 09:56 AM
i love it a man is prepared

05-07-2012, 10:05 AM
Excuse my ignorance, but what's a prepper

05-07-2012, 10:26 AM
Check this thread out Joelee, there is a lot to read there already and would love to hear some of your thoughts. There are a few of us here. :)


05-07-2012, 10:31 AM
Gazz a prepper is someone who prepares for possibilities that may happen in the world. Such as natural disasters, or a complete dismantlement of a government. I personally consider myself a mild prepper, I have the things that I deem important to have on hand. Seeing as how I am in no means rich, I prefer to aquire a vast amount of knowledge opposed to actual material goods. It is also good for a person to be some what prepared for any instance which may leave them on their own for any amount of time.

Other people take it quite serious, IE bunkers, food storage, NBC equipment, vast amount of weapons and ammunition, seperate hide outs from their home which they can flee to, etc.

05-07-2012, 11:12 AM
I need to start. The last disaster we had was ridiculous......
That was the first time I came to killing someone as a civilian in ages. I actually felt like I was living in a 3rd world country.

Generator and fuel is vital. Which we lacked.... Heat was produced by burning hundreds of candles at once.....the soot was insane.

I really need to prep up...

05-07-2012, 11:54 AM
Thanks Brendan, I will check out the link.
My problem is that I am in the middle of Philly. If you look on a map I am 1/2 a mile from the Cottman Ave exit from I-95.
I keep 20 cases of water that I rotate weekly. Security doors on front and back. Standard weapons, Mini-14, Mossy 500, and a wide variety of handguns, wheel and auto, of various calibers.
Lots of canned food, rotated regularly.
I have family in the Mntns of PA (Mothers side), and the Smokey Mtns, of NC (Fathers), Dads got a BIG spread way up in the ass end of nowhere, just have to get there...
VERY BASIC NOVICE. But I've caught the bug.
There are a lot of worse things to spend money on.

05-07-2012, 12:24 PM
I have put all of these downloads on my iPod, some are very interesting.


05-07-2012, 12:36 PM
Excuse my ignorance, but what's a prepper
A prepper is one who prepares for the breakdown of the societal capacity to enforce laws and general everyday function. Picture Mad Max/post apocalyptic chaos and you'll get the picture. In the 80's it was post WWIII preparation. Now it tends to be fueled by some kind of religious fundamentalism like David Koresh, or crazy Teabagger views like Beagle. I'm sure Beagle has a stock pile of ammo and canned food...cmon Beagle don't lie, we all know you can see Cuba from your house!

05-07-2012, 12:49 PM
Clodius, you think being a prepper has anything to do with politics? Or Religion?
I think it has people from all walks of life, even liberal flowersniffers.
it's about protecting yourself and your family.
Do you think the people in Kansas who have tornado shelters do it for political reasons?
And the sophmoric use of the term "teabaggers" leads me to believe that your comment had an agenda beyond prepping.

05-07-2012, 01:10 PM
Don't come here trolling Clodius.
I wont waste any time, I'll just fix the issue.

So please don't do it.
No need for that kind of behavior

05-07-2012, 02:11 PM