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View Full Version : Osama would be safe in the UK

05-02-2009, 09:26 AM
POOR old Osama bin Laden, scuttling around the war-torn Afghan mountains to avoid death or capture.

He must find those stinking caves bad for his health. And where does a chap go for a beard trim or a clean set of robes?

But hope is on the horizon for the world’s most wanted terrorist.

There’s one place on Earth where he would be perfectly safe. Britain.

Here, in the land where we throw nobody out, Bin Laden has every chance of ending his days amid peace and plenty.

His mate and fellow 9/11 monster Abu Qatada has been freed from detention by our judges on human rights grounds. He spent his time behind bars writing a book calling for British troops to be killed.

One of Qatada’s bail conditions is that he must not meet Bin Laden.

But suppose Osama slipped in through Heathrow, as many do, without being spotted?

Suppose cops find him paying a visit to his old chum Qatada?

Bail ... Abu Qatada

Bail ... Abu Qatada

We could hold him without charge for 42 days, yes.

But what hard evidence could we produce to put him in court and convict him?

Can we really prove it is him on those grainy videos ranting against the West?

When his 42-day detention ended, the Human Rights Act would stop us deporting him to the United States, or his native Saudi Arabia, or even Pakistan, as they all have the death penalty.

Pesky human rights campaigner Shami Chakrabarti would doubtless be on the case. Bin Laden would demand as his brief Abu Hamza’s Muslim lady lawyer Mudassar Arani, whose firm has pocketed £3.5million from the taxpayer to defend terror suspects.

In no time Osama would be installed in a large and comfy free house and showered with benefits.

Taxpayers would have to provide him with round-the-clock protection.

The NHS would turf some poor old chap out of his hospital bed to make way for sickly Bin Laden to be given priority treatment.


Vast compensation for unlawful arrest would set him up nicely for a life of leisure.

He’d end up on Question Time. He could try his luck as another dancing Muslim on Britain’s Got Talent.

Maybe Celebrity Big Brother would beckon.

Perhaps tea at No10. Or a peerage.

Pray silence for Lord Bin Laden of Tora Bora.

You think I’m joking?

Abu Qatada, a dangerous enemy of our nation, is living in luxury in an £800,000 house paid for by you and me.

He is being given £150 a week sick benefit because he says he can’t work because of a bad back. How did he injure it? Hauling explosives around?

Qatada’s wife pockets £45,000 of our money every year in handouts.

The bill for keeping tabs on him now he’s free will be £500,000 a year.

While Labour have been strutting their stuff about 42-day detention, the reality of the situation could not be clearer. Our courts, our laws, our way of life have been reduced to a farce by Labour’s folly of embracing EU human rights legislation. The result is that Abu Qatada — and Bin Laden too, should he come here — have all the rights in the world. The rest of us can do nothing about it.

05-02-2009, 09:28 AM
he has a point, would make sense for osama to come to the UK.

05-02-2009, 12:06 PM
Yup, it's pretty crazy. They're using our own laws against us.

05-05-2009, 03:33 AM
So fucking kill him already! Extreme situations call for extreme measures :)

05-05-2009, 07:07 AM
There is a 50 million dollar bounty on osama's head. He will be turned over or killed in an instand when in GB

05-05-2009, 09:31 AM
if he was in the uk ofcourse he would go to jail but he will be safe in jail, most likely he will have a fridge of booze and a television, for any of you who do not know what the UK is like, lets just put it like this ,its run by a bunch of idiots.

05-06-2009, 05:57 AM

I laughed so hard at that one. Holland has the same problem