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View Full Version : Poll Results 5-1-12 Zimmerman

05-01-2012, 11:09 AM
Should Zimmerman Receive the Maximum Sentence?

Yes 34% (208 votes)

No 64% (387 votes)

05-01-2012, 11:59 AM
LOL bombing Europe would be an interesting strategy for Romney in his first term I would think he would wait until a second term for that.:USA:

05-01-2012, 12:37 PM
LOL bombing Europe would be an interesting strategy for Romney in his first term I would think he would wait until a second term for that.:USA:

Beags, what you mean? No joke, just don't understand.

05-01-2012, 01:03 PM
must say the poll result was not expected.. maybe my simple logic moral compass is broke ?
when an ADULT man needs a gun to pacify an unruly teen BOY.. then surely human morals must be judged first??

05-01-2012, 01:12 PM
Wanny, here in America.......pre-teens and teens will kill you in a heartbeat.

Oh, wait Trayvon was unarmed. Nobody has ever been beaten to death huh? Nobody has received serious bodily harm from fists and feet before huh?
Trayvon was a lil boy? lol


If someone was on top of me hammering my head into the ground.....I wouldn't just lay there and ask "are you trying to kill me? or are you just beating me up some?"

05-01-2012, 01:35 PM
Wanny, here in America.......pre-teens and teens will kill you in a heartbeat.

Oh, wait Trayvon was unarmed. Nobody has ever been beaten to death huh? Nobody has received serious bodily harm from fists and feet before huh?
Trayvon was a lil boy? lol


i'm not judging american morals sixx.. i know i don't live there and have to dodge bullets regularly
its a man (or lack of one) that used a gun on an out of touch and defiant kid.. if he wasn't man enough to handle a kid ' one on one' and needed a gun to to assert his manlyness..then zimmerman is a coward without decent adult morals.. forgive me sixx but i was brought up to respect my elder's.. and occasionally i got a slap to reinforce it..
respectfully i'll stand by good manly morals on this one.. zimmerman deserves the full force of justice.. just like trayvon received

05-01-2012, 02:15 PM
I voted no to max sentence...why? Race is played way to often post facto, Sharpton et al have been pulling this shit for years. The guy said "Fucking coons...", so what? I'm sick of double standards, why can't there be a European American month? If it was a dumbass black guy that shot some white kid while muttering "Fucking cracker" we wouldn't be hearing about it.

Time to put your money where your mouth is Florida!

05-01-2012, 02:28 PM
Sixx, any one who enforce the law must be physically fit. Teens can kill a person all over the world, but so?

Is USA so special? Go on the walk in Berlin or Brussel... At 3 am.... You can be killed anywhere.

I voted on the death penalty as well.

A man should not shoot a kid when he's attacking you, he wasn't some special forces or a wrestling champion.

Was there a reason to use deadly force?

I was beaten as well, many many times. Does it gives me the reason to use deadly force?

US would look like a child's play if compare to former USSR in the 90s.

Taking life is easy, saving it not so much.

05-01-2012, 02:41 PM
Beags, what you mean? No joke, just don't understand.
Neither does anyone else, especially him.

05-01-2012, 02:43 PM
You have a lot to learn MIR.

"A man should not shoot a kid when he's attacking you, he wasn't some special forces or a wrestling champion."
Funny ass comment dude.....are you serious?

Did Trayvon identify his intentions while assaulting Zimmerman? No.... Did Zimmerman know Trayvon? no....... I'm sure trayvon didn't say "Excuse me Mr. Zimmerman, I don't like people following me around and snitching me out to the Po Po...so I'm just gonna beat you up a little...don't worry I wont give you brain damage or kill you, I also won't take your possessions after I turn you unconscious "

Look up Florida's Deadly Force law and the conditions that warrant it.

Black mentality http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhTivPr5u24hufeGco

05-01-2012, 03:01 PM
ROFL Sixx...The link reminds me of a certain West African republic...

05-01-2012, 03:03 PM
I don't care about black menthality!!!

My comments are funny, so be it...

I respect life, no matter what or how.

I do have a lot to learn, life is a never ending road.

Tell me, have you been beaten to shit Sixx? I was, many times. Did at any point i was wishing they would die? Fuck no.

Remember, all good takes an effort.... Easy to take the life away, hard to save it. Easy to crash a car, hard to build it.

Try to prove me wrong...

05-01-2012, 03:13 PM
You make no sense. beaten from mutual combat or assaulted by criminals?
So you respect life so much that you'll allow someone to assault you and possibly cause you death or serious bodily harm.

Go seek help......you might be bleeding monthly.

Or if you want a dose of reality...plan a trip to the U.S.
If you come around the Tri-State area, I'll give you a tour and I'll promise you that you'll return home well informed on why people use deadly force to defend themselves in the U.S.

The days of "putting up your dukes" for self defense are long gone.

It's ok though....we all suffer from white guilt(not me). These people have a birth-right to act like savages because we enslaved their ancestors....they have a right to enact random violence against whites(who are not allowed to legally defend themselves)

Suck on this------>http://www.courant.com/health/connecticut/hc-medical-marijuana-qa-0501-20120501,0,3510001.story
We are almost there in CT. Puff Puff Pass slut :)

We commie pot smokers outnumber YOU!
Florida is next! muhaahaha

05-01-2012, 03:13 PM
I respect your point of view MIR and perhaps at one point in my life I may have shared some of the points you made. I don't anymore, not sure why but I don't. Nothing gets me fired up like US racial politics because its so one sided. Race is one thing I'm not liberal about. Complete suffrage has been attained for a long time but racism is constantly thrown around. Excuses, excuses...

05-01-2012, 07:18 PM

@ wanny our families may have known each other lol

@ Clodius I agree with you on racial politics . Where is the outrage when a black is murdered by a black?

05-01-2012, 09:14 PM
I was beaten as well, many many times. Does it gives me the reason to use deadly force?

Go ask Matthew Owens that question.....I'm sure he enjoyed his beating and permanent brain injuries.
Or better yet.....ask 90 year old Vet Bob Strait how he feels about beatings.

Why is it so hard to understand that you can die or get permanently injured from getting repeatedly hit in the head?

05-01-2012, 10:48 PM
Sixx..."Go seek help......you might be bleeding monthly." Wow. Just wow,lmao! Bunch of sheep here and their utopian dreams. Wolf gonna get ya. Not me. Between my fists,knife or gun some Mcthugget trying to do me harm will meet one or more of em. So MIR,when you were getting pummeled, no thoughts of violence entered your mind?

05-01-2012, 11:24 PM
@MIR you should take sixx's offer on the tour. Even come to Florida I will take you to some shit holes here in my City and you will know why people carry guns A guy was shot while going to get his daughter at 2 in the morning why Because the lazy ass motherfuckers did not want to walk they figured they would just shoot him and take his car so they could go joy riding.
His daughter was calling home asking her mother where her dad was and one of those calls, the sheriff's department answered the phone. Just imagine what went through her mind they sent a car to pick her up and told her when she got home to her family that her dad was dead.
I myself do this 5 out of seven nights, to go get my daughter and son they work in restaurant businesses some have approached my car out of the dark scared the living shit out of me lucky they just asked for a cigarette.
I am one who has been lucky My point is there is so much that happens in Florida that you cannot tell who is a criminal and who is not I do carry a Knife but a lot of good that is going to do if they try to take my car even if I would to give it to them of my own free will I would probably end up dead You will have a different opinion on what you would do if confronted by anyone here you don't know and would not take long believe me It would not take long

05-01-2012, 11:31 PM

I live right here and use that library that girl was beatin and raped at. Literally it could be your daughter or my daughter it happened to or happens to in the future. I promise you my kids will learn how to defend themselves with a firearm before they are just a sheep waiting for their slaughter like our European pacifist seem to be.

LOL wow some dudes are dense in the head. I took the joke in the poll question about Romney bombing Europe and played on it and a couple dudes lacking brain cells fell for it as reality. Hey I know you guys wont be mistaken for Stephen Hawking in the wits department but I really believe he gets more pussy than you do as well.:eusa_doh:

05-01-2012, 11:33 PM
Oh ffs!

05-01-2012, 11:45 PM

Did these urkainian teens have guns when they killed? So the fact that they are just teen boys you should be able to fight them off even if they come from behind and knock your motherfucking ass out cold? I love you mental euros with your disdain for guns and American gun rights its laughable. You are saying you enjoy the news about helpless homeless and women being murdered it is fine by you as long as you don't have gun rights?

05-01-2012, 11:48 PM
HAHA Eagle :)

I think we all know Hawkins ain't slingin' that pipe
I think I recently seen that slut on the right on WSHH -->Clicky<-- (http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhf7iD1Yd8D6CH67lX)

Wow eagle......wtf kinda link did you post? http://www.bestgore.com/brain-fart/four-years-best-mother-fucking-gore/
My wife thought I was looking at a fap site. You got me in trouble....

You bastid :P

05-02-2012, 12:01 AM
HAHA Eagle :)

I think we all know Hawkins ain't slingin' that pipe
I think I recently seen that slut on the right on WSHH -->Clicky<-- (http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhf7iD1Yd8D6CH67lX)

Damn those white girls got more fight in them than our euro members here.

I question the sexual orientation of these guys that are so afraid of guns and having gun rights. At the very least these fellas are very effeminate. Are you guys wearing the long white socks over your sandals and a fancy little fanny pack for all your goodies?

05-02-2012, 12:21 AM
Damn dude, that footage was off the charts. WTF is up with that? Now that you whining black pussies was a HATE crime!

05-02-2012, 12:22 AM
Shhhhh......no USA vs Euro stuff please. It never amounts to anything productive.

But I will say this...though, I lived in Europe and it was nice and fun...met some great friends.
I arrived in Europe in 1985 and left it in 1998. I never locked my doors (house & car) The only time I was ever assaulted...was by Turkish dudes in Germany. No biggie, I got them back later on.

Now in the United States, I never have been able to keep anything unlocked and I have to watch my back constantly. Addicts and thugs are always scheming....and will kill you for nothing

Why are we so different in that aspect?
Where did we go wrong?

I'm sure that lies within our history. The United States is pretty fucked up when you think about it.....

05-02-2012, 12:38 AM
Ben T Davis beach is a shit hole...

here is prior to the festivities...


@6:25 they know whats up...
BLACK TALIBAN TV <----youtube user

05-02-2012, 03:50 AM
Eagle, why are you speaking on behalf of "euros" when MIR seems to be the only European commenting?

As for the case, I'm not sure. at first, when it was simply "zimmerman follows unarmed kid, shoots dead" I wanted full sentence. But now more info come out that He was attacked, I'm not so sure.

I firmly believe (which may be a shock to eagle, even tho I've said it before) if somebody attacks you, with fists/knife/gun whatever if your assaulted you should be able to defend yourself, with deadly force. And in the case of our American cousins I'm jealous of the fact that they Can do it with a firearm.

I've been in my fair share of fights, even saw my friend hit in the head with a brick. But luckily these where just drunken confrontations and luckily my friends and I come off a lot better than our attackers. All it takes is one lucky punch and your down like a sack of shit with brain damage or dead. So I don't blame zimmerman using deadly force in self defense, my main problem tho is (as far as I know) zimmerman pursued the kid. By following, against police advice? , the kid he walked him self into the problem making his claim for defense a lot weaker.

So I'm not sure, thats how I understand it anyway.

05-02-2012, 05:00 AM
Shhhhh......no USA vs Euro stuff please. It never amounts to anything productive.

But I will say this...though, I lived in Europe and it was nice and fun...met some great friends.
I arrived in Europe in 1985 and left it in 1998. I never locked my doors (house & car) The only time I was ever assaulted...was by Turkish dudes in Germany. No biggie, I got them back later on.

Now in the United States, I never have been able to keep anything unlocked and I have to watch my back constantly. Addicts and thugs are always scheming....and will kill you for nothing

Why are we so different in that aspect?
Where did we go wrong?

I'm sure that lies within our history. The United States is pretty fucked up when you think about it.....

you must live in a shitty town did you ever think of that?
hell the only crime where i live is people breaking into cars and stealing shit, rarely ever gun violence or break-ins (i think its cuz the cops keep a somewhat dale gribble paranoia about everyone)

05-02-2012, 06:39 AM
I don't know if Owens enjoyed his beating or not, but i sure as hell didn't..... But it gives me right to kill a person just because i can? He's a professional at work! Or any Rambo wanna be with gun can patrol the streets? You want to tell me that a grown up men can't resolve a certain situation without using a gun? Oh damn me... some how i managed to do so for 28 years and 150 or so fights and yet he couldn't handle a situation like that? I'm in the wrong business here.... Should have became a personal security expert... You told yourself, in Europe all was cool with no guns in the hands, so something is right here?

And why the hell guns rights are even part of this topic? Where did i said something about guns rights? Topic is about 1 guy shooting another guy dead. Where do guns rights come in to play? Did i said that he has no right to carry a gun? Or that gun laws are wrong? We're talking about a person who killed a kid and he was advised by police that he should no follow him!
That person was a grown up men, and i'm sure that he had some sort of training. He was in a position to handle that situation better.

Again, where do gun laws come in to this conversation? I will accept Sixx's offer anytime. And i'm not gonna take a gun either. What are you saying, what Florida has to do with topic of our conversation? Off topic there mate ;)

Where do gun laws coming in this conversation? Have you also considered that some people didn't noticed the new poll? Or you're like 762? Every one who has different opinion is a communist?
You're questioning 'our' sexual orientation because we don't act like a macho with guns? I think it's the other way around that sexual orientation has to be questioned...

And again, to all!!! Wtf do gun laws have to do with anything here? Mods, keep it on topic ;)

05-02-2012, 07:13 AM
Gun laws have everything to do with the issue in question. The issue at stake is when is regulation too little. However, because of the individuals involved in the crime it has been turned into an issue of racial politics which is always the case during the commission of a "white" on black crime, never the reverse. Ergo my tirade about race.

05-02-2012, 08:58 AM
everyone that doesn't agree with me is a communist :)

05-02-2012, 09:12 AM
It's funny, because its probably true that you actually believe that.

05-02-2012, 09:17 AM
Gazz... you comrade a notorious scumbag communist!!!!


Shame on you!!!!

Well, you only second to me in my communist propaganda!!!!!!

05-02-2012, 09:25 AM

Wtf do gun laws have to do with anything here? Mods, keep it on topic

C'mon man, don't be silly. The Trayvon martin case is about the Florida stand your ground law......which is what you can call a gun law. So discussing gun laws in regards to self defense is quite on topic. The media and Race Baiters turned it into a race issue, which it's not.

You constantly talk about being beaten. Again I ask you was this MUTUAL COMBAT? like you got into a fight and got your ass whooped?....or did you get jumped and assaulted by criminals?
I've been beaten badly before during mutual combat, that's how you build skill. Mutual combat--self defense with firearms doesn't apply.

However if I'm attacked like zimmerman was, with my head being pounded into the ground....flat-out assaulted with the risk of death or serious bodily harm I wouldn't hesitate to use deadly force with a pistol.

@ MrFrosty
what state do you live in?

I live in shitty ass CT
Where the headlines are always depressing....

05-02-2012, 09:28 AM
MIR you are my socialist, communist, Marxist , devil worshiping atheist , liberal , freedom hating, Muslim comrade.

05-02-2012, 09:33 AM
MIR you are my socialist, communist, Marxist , devil worshiping atheist , liberal , freedom hating, Muslim comrade.

I think you forgot to add Twink in there or maybe it's Bear since he's commie :D
Just kidding....

I was gay before I was hetero, no big deal.

05-02-2012, 10:52 AM
MIR you are my socialist, communist, Marxist , devil worshiping atheist , liberal , freedom hating, Muslim comrade.
You forgot un-American Eurocoon.

05-02-2012, 11:32 AM
Gazz, 762 has probably failed to reflect on his own commie heritage. He probably cannot compete with a good patriotic American last name like Gingrich, Romney, Thompson, Smith, or Jones. He probably has a commie fag last name like Wackowski, Sanchez, O'Reilly, or Sitting Bull and is consequently over compensating.

05-02-2012, 09:06 PM
I don't know if Owens enjoyed his beating or not, but i sure as hell didn't..... But it gives me right to kill a person just because i can? He's a professional at work! Or any Rambo wanna be with gun can patrol the streets? You want to tell me that a grown up men can't resolve a certain situation without using a gun? Oh damn me... some how i managed to do so for 28 years and 150 or so fights and yet he couldn't handle a situation like that? I'm in the wrong business here.... Should have became a personal security expert... You told yourself, in Europe all was cool with no guns in the hands, so something is right here?

And why the hell guns rights are even part of this topic? Where did i said something about guns rights? Topic is about 1 guy shooting another guy dead. Where do guns rights come in to play? Did i said that he has no right to carry a gun? Or that gun laws are wrong? We're talking about a person who killed a kid and he was advised by police that he should no follow him!
That person was a grown up men, and i'm sure that he had some sort of training. He was in a position to handle that situation better.

Again, where do gun laws come in to this conversation? I will accept Sixx's offer anytime. And i'm not gonna take a gun either. What are you saying, what Florida has to do with topic of our conversation? Off topic there mate ;)

Where do gun laws coming in this conversation? Have you also considered that some people didn't noticed the new poll? Or you're like 762? Every one who has different opinion is a communist?
You're questioning 'our' sexual orientation because we don't act like a macho with guns? I think it's the other way around that sexual orientation has to be questioned...

And again, to all!!! Wtf do gun laws have to do with anything here? Mods, keep it on topic ;)
@Mir read sixx's response about taking it on a tour that what it has to do with guns 2 This case happened in Florida so I think I am right on topic about stand your ground and how it will play out in the charges that are brought against Zimmerman so yes there yah go I am right on topic

05-02-2012, 09:54 PM
Ben T Davis beach is a shit hole...

here is prior to the festivities...


@6:25 they know whats up...
BLACK TALIBAN TV <----youtube user@MIR visit this place and you would change your opinion and why we have laws as we do in FLORIDA and how they can be taken away for the legit people because of this case in a heart beat and mir copy and paste this and you will know what I and sixx are taliking about not your turning your back or keeping your doors unlocked and looking over your shoulder copy and paste this into goggle( block party killings in jacksonville ) this city is where I live
@ Eagle thanks for this post just another shithole I have to avoid when vacationing with my family I cannot believe all them high class hotels just down beach where this shithole is

05-03-2012, 09:01 AM
@MIR visit this place and you would change your opinion and why we have laws as we do in FLORIDA and how they can be taken away for the legit people because of this case in a heart beat and mir copy and paste this and you will know what I and sixx are taliking about not your turning your back or keeping your doors unlocked and looking over your shoulder copy and paste this into goggle( block party killings in jacksonville ) this city is where I live
@ Eagle thanks for this post just another shithole I have to avoid when vacationing with my family I cannot believe all them high class hotels just down beach where this shithole is

Truly there are no beachs that are inland that are worth a shit in Florida. You either go to the shore east coast or west coast. Gulf beaches are nicer for the warmer water than that on the east coast. Panhandle is nice too. Ben T Davis is between Tampa and Clearwater along a bay bridge. Its has hosted these gang festivities as well as some nice ghetto or trailor trash whore lets their kid drown there every year.

My favorite beaches west coast are Sanibel and Marco Island. West coast Sebastian Inlet and Cocoa beach are old favorites.