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View Full Version : Israeli Minister Agrees Ahmadinejad Never Said Israel ‘Must Be Wiped Off the Map’

04-18-2012, 01:42 PM


04-18-2012, 02:48 PM
Interesting indeed...

04-18-2012, 03:36 PM

04-18-2012, 05:05 PM
Beags, do you speak Farsi? I don't. They can put any subtitles they want in there. I don't know if he said it or not, but before a person who speaks Farsi will translate to us exactly what he said, i'm not gonna believe a video with subtitles. And no, i don't like him, but i'm not gonna play ignorant and believe the video.

04-18-2012, 05:18 PM
Beags, do you speak Farsi? I don't. They can put any subtitles they want in there. I don't know if he said it or not, but before a person who speaks Farsi will translate to us exactly what he said, i'm not gonna believe a video with subtitles. And no, i don't like him, but i'm not gonna play ignorant and believe the video.

So what your saying is you dont believe this or dont believe ahmedijad has ever remotely suggested he wants Israel or America for that matter destroyed?

Because I dont even need this video clip to be legit and I know ahmedijad wants Israel and America wiped off the earth.

I guess that old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink" applies to you.

Really, I guess all that state run television and media has worked to keep you in the dark on these things.

04-18-2012, 05:21 PM

Can you understand this?

04-18-2012, 05:31 PM
A website with close ties to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has outlined why it would be acceptable to kill all Jews and annihilate Israel.
Conservative site Alef has published a doctrine detailing why the destruction of the nation and the slaughter of all its people would be legally and morally justified.
The doctrine, first reported by WND.com, warned that the chance to remove the 'corrupting material' of Israel must not be lost - and that it would only take nine minutes to wipe it out.
And it said it was a 'jurisprudential justification' for Iran's Islamic government to then take the helm.
The article, written by Khamenei's strategy specialist Alireza Forghani, is now being run on most state-owned conservative sites, indicating it has the regime's support.
The crux of dossier said Iran would be justified in launching a pre-emptive strike against Israel because of the threat the Jewish state's leaders are posing against its own nuclear facilities.

Meet Iran's female ninja assassins: 3,000 women training to defend the Muslim state
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It said Israel would need U.S. approval and help to carry out such an attack, and that because of acurrent passive climate in America the time for Iran to strike was now.

Danger: The dossier said that Ghadr missiles could be used to target urban settlements until the Israelis were wiped out
Listing statistics that reveal 5.7million of Israel's 7.5million citizens are Jewish, the dangerous dossier breaks down the districts with the highest concentration of Jews.

Ruler: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited South America recently to build relationships with leaders
It states that Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa contain more than 60 per cent of the Jewish population, which could be hit by Shahab 3 ballistic missiles to easily kill everyone.
Sejil missiles, which are almost impossible to intercept, could be used to hit key nuclear plants - including Israel's main engineering centre Rafael and the Eilun and Nebrin plants.
They could also targety the Dimona reactor, in the nuclear research centre in Neqeb, which produces 90 per cent of the enriched uranium used in Israel's nuclear weapons.
Airports, air force bases, power plants, sewage treatment facilities and energy resources would also be hit.
And, the dossier concluded, Ghadr missiles could also be used to target urban settlements until the Israelis were wiped out.
The publication of the doctrine comes after Khamenei announced on Friday that Iran would support any nation or group that attacks the 'cancerous tumour' of Israel.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2097252/Kill-Jews-annihilate-Israel-Irans-supreme-leader-lays-legal-religious-justification-attack.html#ixzz1sQiIDBl4

This is just some Fox news bullshit right? Oh wait its a British news website.

04-18-2012, 05:54 PM
So what your saying is you dont believe this or dont believe ahmedijad has ever remotely suggested he wants Israel or America for that matter destroyed?

Because I dont even need this video clip to be legit and I know ahmedijad wants Israel and America wiped off the earth.

I guess that old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink" applies to you.

Really, I guess all that state run television and media has worked to keep you in the dark on these things.

well I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I know many times he has said he does not want war, historically Iran has never attacked anyone, so I don't think there is reason to believe they would start now, especially when we've already committed an act of war by sanctioning them while Israel has murdered so many of their civilian scientists *terrorism cough* I mean if they don't respond militarily to that, they aren't going to respond militarily at all, it will be us that starts the conflict if it is to occur.

Iran is one of the moral anuses of the world, we need to just stay the fuck away and not waste another couple trillion dollars trying to govern a middle eastern country for a decade.

04-18-2012, 05:58 PM
Firstly, which state media? I don't have Russian television, i don't have Russia today channel either. I don't watch TV at all for that matter, like it's not even connected. Only watch DVDs and play some games.

Second, i don't like Ahmadinjad (What ever his name is spelled).

But i'm working at translation business, i know how you can interpret things the way you want.

British media? You mean the same media that was totally silent when war in Georgia started and only started translating videos from there when Russians entered the war? And then showed images of Georgians using Grad missile systems and said those were Russians?

Yeah... very reliable source of information...

You see Beags, unlike in your case, there is no Atlantic ocean between me and Iran, so i want to be sure that if we do something stupid, we're doing it for a reason.

"I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in."
George McGovern

04-18-2012, 06:11 PM
America, myself the entire free world is tired of war and no one with a reasonable intelect wants war. Yet as history even very recent history shows war is common to the world and man kind cannot go with out it. I am tired or terrorism of all kinds. I would love it if the entire world would hold hands and kiss and hug one another maybe all the men and all the women just do a global orgy minus the STDs. Well that is the real fantasy isnt it? There is no world peace or ending war. America has been in the middle of many conflicts and I can assure you that most Americans would have preferred to not have been in any wars.

We didn't have much choice in WW2 the cold war forced us into the other conflicts. Now in modern times we have been attacked by the worst terror attack in world history were we not?

So we just have had no choice in my opinion about being involved in war. Now if we are overly sensitive to nations threatening attacks towards us specifically like Iran has or even our allies such as Israel then I think we have every fucking right to take it seriously. Not to mention iran does sponsor terrorism and they are led by fanatics both religiously and governmentaly.

I dont care about Iran hasnt attacked anyone with their military. They have sponsored terrorism and that is an attack regardless of how its defined.

I find it funny how hard many of you debate for these terrorist nations. Really you have some strange emotional attachment to these little Napoleon wanna be regimes. Strange very strange.

04-18-2012, 06:21 PM
Then Beags, explain this to me please.

How come US is supporting Saudi Arabia, the single biggest sponsor of terror? What are the moral reasons and implications behind that?

In my memory only freedom loving countries have started wars in the last 20 years, and guess what, what did we achieved? What?

04-18-2012, 10:28 PM
I find it funny how hard many of you debate for these terrorist nations. Really you have some strange emotional attachment to these little Napoleon wanna be regimes. Strange very strange.

well some douchebag has to preach for peace or it wouldn't even be a fantasy to work towards.
I'm willing to be that guy any day.

04-18-2012, 10:39 PM
I do like this post gazz, I had not heard that and thanks for the information.

I do agree that Iran is a threat. They certainly to have the ability and radicalism to pose a security risk to the middle east and the global economy. The thing behind it all is nukes. The United States and the press have put so much emphasis on Iran the past few years, why? Israel. Israel is our ally, questionable at times, but still a great ally. Iran has provided weapons and training to terrorist groups, EFP's are a great example of this. I hate to say this, because I know it sounds right but it is what's on the minds quite a few people in Washington, while Iran was most certainly looking to aquire nuclear weapons before 9/11 it pursued them like nother after. If the most powerful nation in the world calls you out as the axis of evil and already started two wars what would you do? From a military stand point I would get ready for the next big war if I was them, just saying not trying to say I agree with Irans decisions but it all does make perfect sense.

Now the issue of nuclear weapons, it is a major issue that Iran WILL aquire nuclear weapons. Yes they will eventually aquire nuclear weapons, I don't know how willing they will be to using them with the guarenteed flattening of their nation. Iran has been put forth as the number one threat, when I would beg to ask are they really? How about North Korea, currently going through a transition between leaders, a much dier economic situation, military skirmishes with their neighbor (resulting in deaths from military to military), South Korea a VERY strong ally of the United States and the west, constantly threatening war to the US and SK if we do much of anything, and best of all they already have nukes! They are light years ahead of Iran with virtually every aspect of the nuclear issue, not to mention they have been far more aggressive with their actions and provocations in regards to the US, SK and the world in general.

Is Iran a threat, yes, is it the largest threat to the world right now? NO. I personally think NK is, they are at a far to bitter crossroads with the capability to cause a hell of a lot more harm than Iran is or will be able to do in the near future. That being said, the future is tomorrow which is not all that far away, and Iran should be dealt with to prevent the same situation as NK.

04-19-2012, 01:58 AM
well some douchebag has to preach for peace or it wouldn't even be a fantasy to work towards.
I'm willing to be that guy any day.

Its ok to have dreams and fantasies but then you still should live in reality. Reality is there are men and nations that will kill you and your family despite your feelings of sympathy for them. i hazard a guess that their was at least one at the very minimum at least one muslim in the towers when they got hit or when they fell. So you could be muslim say in pakiland who hates America and protest all the drone attacks and rallies meetings to talk about how to get America out of your country and still walk to the market one day and boom taliban suicide attack has your head and body painting the nearest wall.

So go ahead and dream on. I honestly prefer wet dreams with Megan Fox or Marilyn Monroe though than worry about peace and love bullshit.

04-19-2012, 02:04 AM
oh and please correct your comments about America starting wars. Last I checked America was attacked on 9/11 which then America retaliated back at nations who supported terrorism specifically al qaeda.

North Korea has two problems first they cannot successfully launch a long range missile to be of any threat to anyone outside their region.
Secondly their people are likely ready for a conflict so they can surrender to the first enemy they encounter so to get better food and treatment than they receive now. Do you recall the first Gulf War when the Iraqi soldiers were surrendering to the news media? That is likely the entire North Korean military if it were to happen.

Iran would certainly be signing their death certificate if they used a nuke on Israel but I am of the opinion that they truly will wait to only use their first attack on America. It would be a single blow before they got melted into the sand but they would do it for the fanaticism in them only. They are close or have reached the ICBM tech needed to deliver a nuke to America. The final piece is the nuclear warhead which they seem to be near in all likelihood. I personally feel obama would stand down even if he learned iran had completed a nuke just for the sake of avoiding a conflict before his election in November.

He is a marxist commie slimy shit for brains. He certainly will enrage more than Americans if he lets Iran get a nuke.

04-19-2012, 02:39 AM
Then Beags, explain this to me please.

How come US is supporting Saudi Arabia, the single biggest sponsor of terror? What are the moral reasons and implications behind that?

In my memory only freedom loving countries have started wars in the last 20 years, and guess what, what did we achieved? What?

I think its because they feel that saudi arabia is more controlled than say pakistan or afghanistan. Look at the country it is modern then look at pakistan and afghanistan they are still living in caveman times.

Yes their were terrorist from Saudi Arabia but there are terrorist from America too remember? Shit America has bred some of the worst terrorist of modern times. We understand how terrorism works its impossible to stop a terrorist from sprouting up in your land but how you deal with it is important.

American terrorist :1971 March 1: The radical leftist group Weatherman explode a bomb in the United States Capitol to protest the U.S. invasion of Laos. ( Bill Ayers was apart of this group ) yes obamas best friend Bill Ayers who obama lived with while attending college. http://commieblaster.com/bill_ayers/index.html

Our President is a terrorist but he wasn't born in America so it technically doesn't relate to this point here.;-)

Omar Hammami, the American-born leader of an Al Qaeda-aligned terror group


You know the names. America has bred terrorism so there is no country that you can claim is guilty solely for having terrorist from there.

04-19-2012, 03:56 AM
Holy Fuck eagle, you have gone full conspiracy. I feel sorry for you, the fear you must experience in your daily life must be overwhelming.... to think and rabble on about how your own president is a secret Muslim/Marxist/socialist/communist/illegal/terrorist whatever.... just... the fuck? Seriously America? And yet somehow, he has eluded the US intelligence agencys, the most high profile and known man in America also seems to have the biggest web of lies the world had ever seen.. but of course eagle sees right through this. It's hilarious,by the worlds standard Obama is a right wing moderate and America had no left wing...

Oh and dailymail is our version of fox news, ie 100% shit.

and I'm not even going to click on a link called "comie blaster" , no fucking way that is fair and non bias.

04-19-2012, 09:15 AM
Holy Fuck eagle, you have gone full conspiracy. I feel sorry for you, the fear you must experience in your daily life must be overwhelming.... to think and rabble on about how your own president is a secret Muslim/Marxist/socialist/communist/illegal/terrorist whatever.... just... the fuck? Seriously America? And yet somehow, he has eluded the US intelligence agencys, the most high profile and known man in America also seems to have the biggest web of lies the world had ever seen.. but of course eagle sees right through this. It's hilarious,by the worlds standard Obama is a right wing moderate and America had no left wing...

Oh and dailymail is our version of fox news, ie 100% shit.

and I'm not even going to click on a link called "comie blaster" , no fucking way that is fair and non bias.

You really dont stack up to what wormhole offers in a debate gazz. I guess you have been the only full time douche bag here for so long your rebuttal has gotten stale for lack of content and interest. I would expect you not want to go to an anti communist website. That isnt a surprise at all. You sympathize with communist and socialist. If i were you I wouldnt want to get my head bashed in with facts about how communism has murdered more of mankind than any other type of rule or governing. Your rebuking of right leaning media outlets such as Fox news and as you say Dailymail shows that you admit to being a leftist loving liberal.

So that is why you get your ass kicked so much here at AC.

04-19-2012, 09:37 AM
Holy Fuck eagle, you have gone full conspiracy. I feel sorry for you, the fear you must experience in your daily life must be overwhelming.... to think and rabble on about how your own president is a secret Muslim/Marxist/socialist/communist/illegal/terrorist whatever.... just... the fuck? Seriously America? And yet somehow, he has eluded the US intelligence agencys, the most high profile and known man in America also seems to have the biggest web of lies the world had ever seen.. but of course eagle sees right through this. It's hilarious,by the worlds standard Obama is a right wing moderate and America had no left wing...

Oh and dailymail is our version of fox news, ie 100% shit.

and I'm not even going to click on a link called "comie blaster" , no fucking way that is fair and non bias.

Exactly Gazz, well said. I would add this in a clinical sense.

“and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions that may validate their fears or biases. Paranoid individuals are eager observers. They think they are in danger and look for signs and threats of that danger, potentially not appreciating other evidence.”~Wikipedia

Over in the States we have con artists, like Glenn Beck preaching this paranoid shit on TV and it hooks certain susceptible individuals.

His posts are almost word for word parroting of Beck’s rants.

These charlatans make a fortune in the US. BTW.

04-19-2012, 09:40 AM
Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong again. I don't sympathise with any , I'm just against random spouting of utter bullshit rabble that seems to come out of some people. Obama is not a fucking socialist/communist or whatever other bullshit you can come up with. Even the communist party of America knows Obama isn't whatever made up crap people spew. Your a by product of a 2 party system. It's so clear its almost mind blowing.

It's word association, its used all over the world but seems to be used on mass in American media . You label things you don't like and associate that with bad. It's childish and pathetic, your doing it to Me now with your "leftist loving liberal" horse shit. Eagle, compared to you everybody is a leftist liberal because you are an extremist. And how ever much you say it, liberal isn't an insult.

Oh and fox news, daily mail, huffington post, all of them are fucking shit.

This polarization in American politics is horrific and you are a shining example.

04-19-2012, 09:57 AM
*rubs hands*

Nah Eagle, Gazz is not that bad actually..... I'm sure the very few liberals we have on this site feel the same way about you.

However I would hope that Gazz is truly open-minded when it comes to the United States government....
Our Government has been lying to us since it's creation.... I would like to see the records of every President and political official, it should be public information.

If Obama has nothing to hide....how come he will not release his Illinois Senate records, passport records, school records, and selective service records etc
I'd like to see Romney's as well. It should be mandatory for all Presidential candidates...

I used to be a Republican while I was in the service. Now I hate both parties...and our government in general.
I'm tired of the lies and our Constitution being used as a doormat by democrats and republicans.

@ wormhole
to be fair...liberals are fear mongers as well and use the same garbage tactics just like the conservatives

I'm thinking you are just a liberal version of eagle *wink*
(just playin' eagle)

04-19-2012, 10:10 AM
Is there not some official body/police background check for presidents?

04-19-2012, 10:36 AM
Is there not some official body/police background check for presidents?

Ran by whom?

While in the military I had various clearances throughout my career...I never imagined a street punk like myself getting some of the clearances I had and working in a job vital to national security.

I have witnessed many of people get clearances that should have never been considered in the first place. When your clearance is getting ready to expire they start the investigation process over again.....I have seen people get denied for something missed the first time.

You pretty much do the work for the investigators. You fill out a fat ass packet that asks everything about your life and they go by that. They have a one on one interview with you and contact your references and either go to their house for the interview or do it over the phone

People slip through the cracks
It happens.
And if you have the money....you can make pretty much anything happen

I'm not sure what agency investigates Presidential candidates.....but I'm sure it's done in the same manner.
Public records and references.

04-19-2012, 10:41 AM
Ah I see. And I agree with you hating both parties (in our case, all 3 major parties). The more I read, the more I fucking hate the lot.

04-19-2012, 10:41 AM
I agree Sixx both parties are full of shit but then it is true a two party system forces you to take one side or the other. I choose the side that isnt dead fucking set on taking away my rights. That is a fact gazz the liberals are fucking Constitution hating scumbags. So you can be who you are I dont give a shit really I dont.

I care about my own shit and for the most part dont get my nose into British or European politics. That is another thing that is strange to me about you gazz. Why the fuck are you spending so much time ranting against right leaning republican or otherwise Americans? I dont know many people who spend so much time giving a shit about a foreign nations politics like you choose to do.

I am disappointed that Europe is pandering to the minorities and look what it is getting you. I completely respect France for laying down some rules to slow down the islamization of their country.

Fucking pissed off those cavemen with that burka ban...I seriously loved that they did that.

So whatever bro go shoot your shotgun or something before they recall that right over there in your neck of the woods. I truly would wish you all had more rights with guns. Then I could feel better about your ability to grow up shooting and then know when the next hitler rollls in you dont get steamrolled like last time.

04-19-2012, 10:57 AM
a two party system forces you to take one side or the other. I choose the side that isnt dead fucking set on taking away my rights.

I was going the same route as well, but unfortunately all the candidates are getting worse every election. Sometimes I had to bite the bullet and vote for people that were against medical marijuana and constantly veto the bills. Which is a big issue for me.

But the past few Presidential elections.....I didn't even bother voting. Too disgusted.
And when it gets to that point...it's time for change real change and I'm not talking about living in an encampment on public greens.

And eagle, I don't think a few buzz bombs launched into Britain is considered being steamrolled.

04-19-2012, 11:01 AM
I read about all countries politics and world news, I find it interesting and i like learning. Problem? American political news is dominating the various websites I visit for obvious reasons, and the extreme polarization of American politics makes it amazingly entertaining. And we (personally I do) don't want guns, so no thanks .

And steam rolled? Lol, yeah Hitler steam rolled England, we had German tanks in our town . Oh wait, nope.

04-19-2012, 01:08 PM
I read about all countries politics and world news, I find it interesting and i like learning. Problem? American political news is dominating the various websites I visit for obvious reasons, and the extreme polarization of American politics makes it amazingly entertaining. And we (personally I do) don't want guns, so no thanks .

And steam rolled? Lol, yeah Hitler steam rolled England, we had German tanks in our town . Oh wait, nope.

Chaos Theory – start off with some great noble ideas from gentleman English farmers and then start adding millions of black slaves, modern weapons, mix in some Jews and angry women, combine with crazy religious cults, add more millions of Mexican Indians and mix it all up with unrestrained capitalism and the Second Amendment becomes highly sensitive to changes in the initial conditions – the butterfly effect!

04-19-2012, 01:51 PM
Chaos Theory – start off with some great noble ideas from gentleman English farmers and then start adding millions of black slaves, modern weapons, mix in some Jews and angry women, combine with crazy religious cults, add more millions of Mexican Indians and mix it all up with unrestrained capitalism and the Second Amendment becomes highly sensitive to changes in the initial conditions – the butterfly effect!

Aren't we Monday Morning Quarterbacking a little?

04-19-2012, 02:16 PM
Well, on US media, its just as free as Russian one lol, only difference is there you have all good stuff about 1 party, and here 2. I watched news reports on FOX news and was literally blown away with dramatically way they report news about Obama. Not only do they put facts in such way like Obama is some sort of Antichrist who came to destroy US and was sent in our time as a secret project by evil russkie from the 60s but the whole presentation of it is like an MTV reality show where some dumb ass girl didn't liked how another girl looked at her and acting as a bad actres like her leg was cut off.

As for Obama himself, well i'm sure he has some dark spots in his past. But who doesn't? I'm sure that you'll find nothing TERRIBLE. But you complain why he's not releasing some facts about his past? Well, its your political/media culture. Even if some thing in his past are a bit fishy but yet he had no influence over it as a child, it would be presented like he's a son Stalin and a grandchild of Lenin and Hitler was his godfather.

04-19-2012, 02:23 PM
As for Obama himself, well i'm sure he has some dark spots in his past...

That's true, his dad for instance!

04-19-2012, 02:54 PM
That's true, his dad for instance!

Well fuck me, i'm no angel lol. But am i to destroy Holland? Same for him. He's no Angel, no one is. But to say he's for destroying US of A is just a joke. All that mess US finds itself in right now are not his evil doings, its the result of its policy for the last 20 years.

04-19-2012, 05:14 PM
no Britain was safe by the mote they had luckily. In this case they themselves were not occupied "yet". I was making a general statement about the entire European region being occupied so quickly that steamrolled is being polite. What is true is that your British safety was only a matter of time. Or do you believe it was just strategy by your government to allow the Germans to steamroll the entire region surrounding you? With that kind of strategy then America should have waited for the Japanese or Germans to invade and occupy Mexico and Canada before we got involved.

Go ahead and feel good about being safe on your island while your allies were getting slaughtered. That is something to be proud of my douche bag friend.

04-19-2012, 05:36 PM
Go ahead and feel good about being safe on your island while your allies were getting slaughtered. That is something to be proud of my douche bag friend


Show me, right now, where i say this. Show me, or SHUT THE FUCK UP. I look forward to your response you fucking idiot. Oh and the rest of your post was pure shit as well read this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea_Lion , might learn something. Ill help:

With the German defeat in the Battle of Britain, Sea Lion was postponed indefinitely on 17 September 1940 and never carried out

Outcome Eventual cancellation and diversion of German forces for Operation Barbarossa

I know you hate learning and educating ones self, but try it.

04-19-2012, 06:00 PM
no Britain was safe by the mote they had luckily. In this case they themselves were not occupied "yet". I was making a general statement about the entire European region being occupied so quickly that steamrolled is being polite. What is true is that your British safety was only a matter of time. Or do you believe it was just strategy by your government to allow the Germans to steamroll the entire region surrounding you? With that kind of strategy then America should have waited for the Japanese or Germans to invade and occupy Mexico and Canada before we got involved.

Go ahead and feel good about being safe on your island while your allies were getting slaughtered. That is something to be proud of my douche bag friend.

Come on moderators – why is his shit given a green pass? Your even handedness is a joke

04-19-2012, 06:22 PM
Yeah.....Eagle you need to turn it down a notch.
I understand that you are irritated with some of the comments from Gazz....but Keep in mind we simply do not allow comments like that. It's really shameful to be honest, to talk about our allies like that. We all contributed together and died together. We all bleed the same blood. I'm quite disgusted that someone would use this as a response.

Also you might want to brush up on your history.

That doesn't fly around here. I'd edit that garbage out but I'd rather be left uncensored.
Please don't makes those types of comments anymore. This will be the only warning given.

@ wormhole
Don't even try to pull that. You'll get shut down.
Eagle has been in time-out numerous times. So have others. It's no issue tbh....You are making it one.
I'm not sure if you have noticed....no comments have been censored. I'm not sure what you are getting at.

The AC Staff doesn't sit lurking around as a guest/hidden 24-7. We do have lives.....unfortunately. It gets taken care of when we log back in.

Suck it up and press on.
Everyone is equal around here.....No favorites.

04-19-2012, 06:50 PM
no Britain was safe by the mote they had luckily. In this case they themselves were not occupied "yet". I was making a general statement about the entire European region being occupied so quickly that steamrolled is being polite. What is true is that your British safety was only a matter of time. Or do you believe it was just strategy by your government to allow the Germans to steamroll the entire region surrounding you? With that kind of strategy then America should have waited for the Japanese or Germans to invade and occupy Mexico and Canada before we got involved.

Go ahead and feel good about being safe on your island while your allies were getting slaughtered. That is something to be proud of my douche bag friend.

So, your point is? You want to say that we all did shit in that war?

04-19-2012, 06:53 PM
Go ahead and feel good about being safe on your island while your allies were getting slaughtered. That is something to be proud of my douche bag friend.

Pfffttt...Gotta love revisionism, (in this case you may substitute the word "revisionism" for "Idiocy").

04-20-2012, 01:54 AM
straight from the link provided by gazz

According to captured German documents, the commander-in-chief of the German Army, Walther von Brauchitsch, directed that “The able-bodied male population between the ages of 17 and 45 will, unless the local situation calls for an exceptional ruling, be interned and dispatched to the Continent”. This represented about 25% of the surviving population. The UK was then to be plundered for anything of financial, military, industrial or cultural value,[75] and the remaining population terrorised. Civilian hostages would be taken, and the death penalty immediately imposed for even the most trivial acts of resistance.[76]
The deported male population would have most likely been used as industrial slave labour in areas of the Reich such as the factories and mines of the Ruhr and Upper Silesia. Although they may have been treated less brutally than slaves from the East (whom the Nazis regarded as sub-humans, fit only to be worked to death), working and living conditions would still have been severe.[77]
In late February 1943 Otto Bräutigam of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories claimed he had the opportunity to read a personal report by General Wagner about a discussion with Heinrich Himmler, in which Himmler had expressed the intention to kill about 80% of the populations of France and England by special forces of the SS after the German victory.[78] In an unrelated event, Hitler had on one occasion called the English lower classes "racially inferior".

Here from a link within the link provided by gazz

At the time Adolf Hitler was demanding the cession of the port of Danzig, an extra-territorial highway (the Reichsautobahn Berlin-Königsberg) across the Polish Corridor, and special privileges for the German minority within Poland. By the terms of the military alliance, each party (i.e. Poland and Britain) was free to decide whether to oppose with force any territorial encroachment, as the pact did not include any statement of either party's commitment to the defence of the other party's territorial integrity.[7] The Pact did contain provisions regarding "indirect threats" and attempts to undermine either party's independence by means of "economic penetration", a clear reference to the peculiar status of Danzig. Fearing all-out German invasion no matter what, Poland rejected the German demands.
The British and French governments had plans other than fulfilling their treaties with Poland. On May 4, a meeting was held in Paris at which it was decided that "the fate of Poland depends on the final outcome of the war, which will depend on our ability to defeat Germany rather than to aid Poland at the beginning."[citation needed] Poland's government was not notified of this decision, and the Polish-British talks in London were continued. Also in May 1939, Poland signed a secret protocol to the 1921 Franco-Polish Military Alliance.[citation needed]
On September 17 the Soviet Union invaded Poland through the eastern Polish border. According to the Polish-British Common Defence Pact, the United Kingdom should give Poland “all the support and assistance in its power” if Poland was "engaged in hostilities with a European Power in consequence of aggression by the latter". The Polish ambassador in London, Raczyński, contacted the British Foreign Office pointing out that clause 1(b) of the agreement which concerned an "aggression by a European power" on Poland, should apply to the Soviet invasion. The Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax responded with hostility, stating that it was Britain's decision whether to declare war on the Soviet Union.

The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign or 1939 Defensive War (Polish: Kampania wrześniowa or Wojna obronna 1939 roku) in Poland and the Poland Campaign (German: Polenfeldzug) in Germany, was an invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent that marked the beginning of World War II in Europe. The invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, and ended on 6 October 1939 with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland.
The morning after the Gleiwitz incident, German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west. As the Germans advanced, Polish forces withdrew from their forward bases of operation close to the Polish-German border to more established lines of defence to the east. After the mid-September Polish defeat in the Battle of the Bzura, the Germans gained an undisputed advantage. Polish forces then withdrew to the southeast where they prepared for a long defence of the Romanian Bridgehead and awaited expected support and relief from France and the United Kingdom.[14] The two countries had pacts with Poland and had declared war on Germany on 3 September, though in the end their aid to Poland in the September campaign was very limited.

England and France reneged on their pact with Poland. Fact end of story case closed. Your country pissed down its leg while your allie was being slaughtered.

I just used gazz to prove what I already knew yet no one else seems to know here.

Thanks gazz your the greatest.

04-20-2012, 02:28 AM



04-20-2012, 03:44 AM
Well. That was all completely and utterly irrelevant to what you, or I said. It's like your having an imaginary argument with yourself? Still waiting on you showing England getting steam rolled or me saying I feel good and proud that our allies got slaughtered by the German forces. Still waiting....

I'm also going to ignore the fact that your constantly insulting one of your allies. I wander what will happen it I start insulting America...

Mods can we get on top of eagles near constant insulting of war time European countries please? It's pathetic .

04-20-2012, 08:44 AM
Well. That was all completely and utterly irrelevant to what you, or I said. It's like your having an imaginary argument with yourself? Still waiting on you showing England getting steam rolled or me saying I feel good and proud that our allies got slaughtered by the German forces. Still waiting....

I'm also going to ignore the fact that your constantly insulting one of your allies. I wander what will happen it I start insulting America...

Mods can we get on top of eagles near constant insulting of war time European countries please? It's pathetic .

I already replied to the steamrolled comment and it was a generalization that your region got steamrolled by Germany. You either consider your allies apart of your own welfare or you dont. You seem to feel because the British were not directly occupied you were better than them. It is either a fact or no? Germany according to the link I provided above and what history has already clearly proven steamrolled the entire region surrounding them. England was like you said safe from harm while your allies were getting slaughtered.

Its just a sad fact of history and yet my point behind this is you really should not be so socialist and hate so much America and our gun rights. Our country has had gun rights since our inception. This right has served us very well in our historical conflicts certainly in WW2. Our military growth and technological advances have also served as an advantage and deterrant to our shared enemies with our European allies.

You first need to examine your motives behind your displeasure with American rights and our Constitution since you and others from surrounding Europe like to bash us and our gun rights here so often.

So I find it highly amusing that you are yelling for mods now when it is in fact you and others here always belittling us Americans for our gun rights and our "red neck" ways.

Wow I truly have enjoyed the last 24 hours seeing gazz, wormhole, and clotius squirm in their insecurities on this thread. Priceless indeed.:fu:

Also how am I insulting Eurpean countries when I am standing up for historical facts and not letting you distort reality. Poland and I am sure our Polish members would not like your attitude on how you were not ashamed of the fact you left them out to dry and litterally be slaughtered. Its real, its history, and the truth hurts does it not gazz?

04-20-2012, 08:56 AM
Beags, i think you're wrong on few points here. Gazz was the one who said that he very much likes US gun laws and would like to see similar laws in UK. Also, i don't remember 'many' EU people here bashing your gun laws.

Our point was always simple, you like those laws, you can have them, but we don't need same gun laws in Europe. As i said before, if we had similar gun laws in Holland, Amsterdam would be a war zone.

Another point, i have a hard time to remember a massive bashing of US on this web site. You would prolly end up in a permaban rather sooner then later.

I'm getting an impression that you trying to put a whole different twist on those things (and the one that is far from the truth) just because you have an argument with Gazz.

04-20-2012, 09:03 AM
Your having another imaginary argument with yourself...

I feel better than my allies? Nope. Never said this or implied it.
I'm a socialist? Lol nope. I'm not (right wing labeling/word association used again, very fox news/glen beck of you. I'm seeing a pattern )
I hate America and your gun rights? Nope. Never said this, I'm personally jealous of your gun rights.
I'm displeased with American rights and gun ownership? Nope. Never said this, or think this.

Yelling to Mods because you disrespect your greatest allies , that's why.

You are literally having a debate either with yourself, or a fictional version of me... its kinda scary...

Edit: thanks MIR, I thought I was going crazy...

04-20-2012, 10:14 AM
Your having another imaginary argument with yourself...

I feel better than my allies? Nope. Never said this or implied it.
I'm a socialist? Lol nope. I'm not (right wing labeling/word association used again, very fox news/glen beck of you. I'm seeing a pattern )
I hate America and your gun rights? Nope. Never said this, I'm personally jealous of your gun rights.
I'm displeased with American rights and gun ownership? Nope. Never said this, or think this.

Yelling to Mods because you disrespect your greatest allies , that's why.

You are literally having a debate either with yourself, or a fictional version of me... its kinda scary...

Edit: thanks MIR, I thought I was going crazy...

Most Americans couldn’t point out Britain on a map even after spotting them Wales and Scotland, a horrible education system and his superficial understanding of WW2 is embarrassing. Please accept my apology.

Your country’s contribution to Western Civilization is colossal, science, literature, laws, to name a few…….oh maybe I’ll name one CHARLES DARWIN!!!!! Evolution is a FACT.

Be careful what you wish for in regards to guns – be prepared for your country to join third world shit holes in gun crime and murder rates, and if you want to travel someplace, get a map and have someone familiar with the territory cross out whole sections of cities as “Shot Dead Zones” – the two British men shot dead in Sarasota, Florida should have done that.

04-20-2012, 11:15 AM
Man this thread has mutated into some serious offtopicness lol
A good read nonetheless ROFL

But now that I think about it....this illustrates what's wrong with our society and why we are always trying kill each other.

04-20-2012, 12:26 PM
Sixx I don't think we're at the point of "trying to kill each other", wait, are you talking in a societal sense or an internet tough guy perspective?

04-20-2012, 02:34 PM
By May 1940, Europe had been at war for nine months. Yet Britain and France, despite having declared war on Germany in September 1939 following Hitler’s attack on Poland, had seen little real fighting. This tense period of anticipation – which came to be known as the ‘Phoney War’ – met an abrupt end on 10 May 1940, when Germany launched an invasion of France and the Low Countries.

The German plan of attack, codenamed Case Yellow, entailed an armoured offensive through the Ardennes Forest, which bypassed the strong French frontier defences of the Maginot Line. The advance would then threaten to encircle French and British divisions to the north, stationed on the Belgian frontier.

The German offensive quickly overwhelmed Dutch forces, and the bombing of Rotterdam persuaded the Netherlands to surrender on 15 May. And although German forces in the north encountered strong French and Belgian resistance, the main German thrust through the Ardennes met with tremendous success. French second-rate divisions in the area were not prepared or equipped to deal with the major armoured thrust that developed (the forest and poor roads were thought to make this impossible), and were hammered by incessant attacks by German bombers.

Just four days into the invasion German troops crossed the Meuse river, and had broken through the French lines. Attempts by the Allies to launch counterattacks by air and land either failed with heavy losses, or were thwarted by the pace of events. The British Expeditionary Force, along with the best units of the French army, were still in the north and had seen little fighting. But the German breakthrough to the south now forced them into rapid retreat to avoid being cut off with their backs to the sea. On 20 May German tanks reached Amiens and effectively trapped the British, who now made for Dunkirk and an unlikely attempt at evacuation to England.

In these desperate circumstances, an evacuation plan known as ‘Operation Dynamo’ was hastily prepared in Dover by Vice Admiral Bertram Ramsay. His strategy included an appeal for all civilian vessels that could cross the Channel to help ferry the troops from the beaches to larger ships offshore, or to evacuate them entirely. Between 26 May and 4 June - a period during which Hitler halted the advance of his troops on Dunkirk - 200,000 British and 140,000 French troops were evacuated to England. Nine allied destroyers and approximately 200 civilian vessels were lost during the evacuation, and the RAF suffered severe casualties covering the operation from the air.

On 5 June, the Germans swung southwards and French resistance finally collapsed, although not without heavy fighting. On 10 June, Italy opportunistically entered the war on Germany’s side. Four days later, the French capital fell, provoking the flight of the French Government to Bordeaux. The Government capitulated on 25 June, just seven weeks after the beginning of the invasion.

The British 51st Highland Division - stationed in the Maginot Line when the fighting started – was forced to surrender at St Valéry. During the final evacuation of British troops from St Nazaire on the Atlantic coast, the troopship Lancastria was sunk with the loss of around 4,000 refugees, British troops and crew. Reluctant to take the risk that the French Navy would end up under German control, Churchill ordered the Royal Navy to present French warships at Mers-el-Kebir with an ultimatum to sail to Britain or to a neutral port for internment. When this offer was rejected on 3 July, British ships bombarded the fleet, killing 1,600 people. Although this operation did much to assure America of the strength of the British purpose, it and the evacuation of Dunkirk did immeasurable damage to Franco-British wartime relations.


Britain and France say fuck you to Poland while Russian and German forces steamroll, rape and place a single bullet hole behind the ears of innocent men, women and children.

Then the appeasing British and French think they will defend France together yet it appears they could have used the help of Poland to say the least right? To say French and British forces didn't get steamrolled would be how would you say revisionist I think.

It is a good thing that America has that 2nd amendment so that the young "red necks" can learn to shoot from an early age isnt it? I would suggest that the 2nd amendment isnt a "curse" but was a blessing to the fleeing British and French when we finally stormed the beach at Normandy. Although dickhole, or wormhole or asshole whatever you call him thinks it was a curse.

gazz you dislike Fox news and even your own Dailymail because it is just offering fear up to its audience right?

I guess its too bad Poland didnt have a Fox news or Dailymail to watch back in the day to report on the likely event that their allies Britain and France would abandon them when war started.

America should stand up for Israel our longtime allie if the shit hits the fan as we are not like the British or French from ww2. I would suggest that all of our allies should stand up for Israel in the middle east. The truth it can become a bigger war if the bad guys see that no one wants to put up a fight. This is about learning from our past and not repeating it.

I dont care if your a socialist but in all honesty a socialist is closer to a communist than a capitalist is.

Telling the truth is fun and history is impossible to change unless our superior minded wormhole can invent that time travel machine for us. Come on wormhole invent the time travel machine and we can go back and fix these mistakes of history.

04-20-2012, 03:00 PM
Yes Beagle, then Germany attacked USSR and got owned. 85% of its forces was lost there. Your point is? Germany steamroled over France? You put any country on earth in that position and result would be the same. Your 2nd amendment would have played just as much role as Dutch defense line of Amsterdam. You don't fight with rambo wanna bies with guns a war with brilliant German strategists and superb troops.

It's a Tom Clancey's wet dream, nothing else.

04-20-2012, 03:06 PM
Tom clancy wet dream :D

04-20-2012, 06:40 PM
Thanks for the irrelevant history lesson that had very little to do with anything. Was a good read.

"It's a Tom Clancey's wet dream, nothing else

Fucking lold.

04-20-2012, 11:47 PM
Most Americans couldn’t point out Britain on a map even after spotting them Wales and Scotland, a horrible education system and his superficial understanding of WW2 is embarrassing. Please accept my apology.

Your country’s contribution to Western Civilization is colossal, science, literature, laws, to name a few…….oh maybe I’ll name one CHARLES DARWIN!!!!! Evolution is a FACT.

Be careful what you wish for in regards to guns – be prepared for your country to join third world shit holes in gun crime and murder rates, and if you want to travel someplace, get a map and have someone familiar with the territory cross out whole sections of cities as “Shot Dead Zones” – the two British men shot dead in Sarasota, Florida should have done that.

There you go wormhole this is a perfect example of American bashing...ok Mir this is what you were trying to say doesn't happen on a regular basis yet no this big genius does it on a regular basis. I rather enjoyed him crying to the mods though that was epic shit right there....LOL

04-21-2012, 12:07 AM
Thanks for the irrelevant history lesson that had very little to do with anything. Was a good read.

"It's a Tom Clancey's wet dream, nothing else

Fucking lold.

Awesome again gazz you just repeated the response from Mir that is very quick witted and exceptionally bright intellectually(sarcasm). Seriously do you just parrot everything you read? Because that is what I have told you you do many times before this time you remember? Please just try to put an original thought together at least every other comment or post. I would think better of you and I believe you have it in you to not plagiarize .... so you understand what I am saying is that you are stealing other peoples thoughts and ideas and using them as your own that is what plagiarize means....ok? Taking other peoples thoughts and ideas is not reflective of high intelligence is it gazz?

Yes I simply responded to gass with wikipedia history of ww2 like he did. Had I typed it all in my own words it would have wasted my time as it would have been called bullshit like he did when I actually did it several comments before. So please just stop the madness.

I know your ass hurts from being schooled again as you have been beat down so many times before. I honestly dont get the same enjoyment out of it like I use to as its so very easy its not even entertaining me much now.

Ok now go read up on your history some more like you thought you would tell me to do you dozy.

04-21-2012, 01:14 AM
Man this thread has mutated into some serious offtopicness lol
A good read nonetheless ROFL

But now that I think about it....this illustrates what's wrong with our society and why we are always trying kill each other.

Well, we do keep it polite :P

Hey lol, i was always send to the forums lol to make a good talks :P I served my time twice, i try to follow the rules :P

If i break them, send me a notice lol, i will be a good boy ;)

04-21-2012, 05:27 AM
Eagle, do you know what this symbol means " <<< its a quotation mark ffs, I was quoting him so I could respond , admittedly I failed and didn't end the quote but its still obvious to someone not having an argument with themselves.

It's very clear to everyone tho only reason you think you "school" people is clearly because you have some sort of fictitious argument with a version of the person in which you make up their argument in your head. its very strange and you have demonstrated this clearly . Now your probably going to respond to me now thinking I've been singing the praises of communism or some shit.

04-21-2012, 01:09 PM
LOL clearly this post has come to a complete stop. Enjoyed it while it lasted though.:D

04-23-2012, 12:29 AM
Would it be wierd if I DIDNT have a hard on reading this Israeli Minister thread?