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04-06-2012, 07:45 PM
U.S. Navy Aviation Budget Continues Descent

Mar 16, 2012

By Michael Fabey

U.S. Navy aircraft took the biggest hit among naval procurement and maintenance accounts in the Pentagon’s proposed fiscal 2013 budget request, continuing a trend that developed in the latter half of the previous decade.

The Pentagon cut about $14.6 billion from its fiscal 2013 request for Navy aircraft procurement compared to the proposed budget from the previous year. At the same time, the current proposal cuts about $3 billion from aviation operations and maintenance compared to fiscal 2012.

Navy aviation — especially its vaunted fixed-wing fleet — already had been on the descent since the middle part of the last decade, according to an exclusive Aviation Week Intelligence Network (AWIN) analysis of contracting data aggregated by the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting.

Between 1999 and 2003, Navy annual fixed-wing expenses ranked first or second for each of those years. Indeed, between 1999 and 2009, fixed-wing expenses ranked first among all Navy expenses with about $35 billion in contracts and contract modifications, the analysis shows.

Starting in 2004 — as wartime expenses began to eat into the budgets for the Navy and U.S. Marine Corps — fixed-wing procurement started a dramatic descent, failing to even reach the top 20 of annual expenses for the remainder of the decade.

While rotary-wing expenses started to climb and hover closer to the top in the latter half of the decade, vehicle and logistical costs began dramatic increases during those years, according to AWIN’s analysis.

In recent budget testimony, Navy officials acknowledged some risk in their aviation strategy, with some shortfall in the strike fighter force.

However, the Navy, like other services, was forced to re-evaluate its force structure — including its aircraft fleet procurement — to meet congressional mandates for fiscal cuts in planning immediate and longer-term budgets.

But aircraft-related cuts account for about half of the $34.6 billion the Navy cut from its fiscal 2013 request for procurement and operations and maintenance.

04-07-2012, 10:25 AM
The Military-Industrial Complex needs to go on a Jenny Craig diet! No more big fucking Pizzas washed down with gallons of beer!

04-07-2012, 07:41 PM
This is not surprising at all. Things like this are going down a "peace time budget' path now that the "war' is nearly "over". This will affect our readiness levels.

04-07-2012, 07:49 PM
The military needs to target waste. Plain and simple, the military could save billions by cutting down on waste and the paper work. Maintaining the force and its current size and capability is of keen intrest to the United States.

04-08-2012, 07:28 AM
Guys so what? Holland is selling all its tanks, about 120 Leopards. All will be sold, imagine how many people will stay out of work. Holland is also selling half of its air force. And a lot of other stuff as well. This is something that happens all over the world, not only US. Ask Windmill69, he's serving in Holland. He knows better then me how things have changed over last few years.

Fuck those 14 billion of your budget, there are still 600 or 500 billion dollars there. The main question should be: What last 2 big wars gave us? What? Bin Ladden is dead... yeah!!! Fck him, how many people died to get him? Was it worth it? Was it awesome to loose few thousands to get one guy that no one cares about anymore?

What we as a western civilization did achieved in the last 10 years? Is there less terrorism in our world?

No, but are there more people with no job? Yes there are!!! Fucking awesome war there. Did it touched me? Yes, because now i have to pay a lot more for fucking nothing.

What did we won in the last 10 years, more freedom? Fuck no... More of what? That now 70 years old grandmother receiving less medical healthcare? Oh fuck yeah.

All because those fucking awesome wars have to be payed some how....

Good job!!!

Lets vote for another war happy idiot!!! We do deserve it in the end, aren't we?

04-08-2012, 10:26 AM
War happy idiot? Im sorry, who started it again? Oh ya, the guy who got shot in the head. GWB didn't start it. He did what was needed. Did he make some mistakes? Sure. I will back our Military for doing its job and grieve its losses. i will tell you this, every time I see some murdering terrorist scumbag get smoked on here I smile. Its MY tax dollars WELL spent. Its one less cowardly vermin blowing himself up in a market full of innocent people. Do I think things could have been handled differently in some areas? Yes. Obummer is now neutering our military,and there really isn't a need for it. MIR your opinion is noted.

04-08-2012, 11:23 AM
Well, ok i give up. I'm not gonna call him a war happy idiot. I will put it like that: A person who was promoting and engaging in certain situations to make sure that 1% of happy and rich people could earn more money. How is that? Better?

KG, mate, tell me.

Am i the one who started any war? Am i responsible for so many deaths? Am i the one who trains terrorists? Am i the one spreading a hate against USA? Am i the one killing innocent people with a bomb on his chest.. Wouldn't be around to write this then... See, if my opinion was noted by many more, our world would have been a much better place.

Just always found myself in a "I told you so" position. And acting about it? Oh i did, but i can't enter a white house or Kremlin, they just don't like my kind there.

04-08-2012, 11:56 AM
Im sure if other peace loving folks also had their opinions heeded then we could live all happy together. I was referring to Osama Bin Laden starting all of this. As that is apparent to everyone.

04-08-2012, 12:18 PM
Oh, i'm all but peace loving person. I bet my place in hell is reserved. I'm all for good old fashioned violence when its needed. A men is a men, sometimes you need to make sure that you will suffer from the nightmares rest of your life so your wife can sleep in peace. But, there is a place and there is a time.

And we lost both in today's world.