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View Full Version : Multiple Shooters in Kandahar Massacre?

04-03-2012, 07:24 PM
Hey fellas, hoping to get some insight here from some vets on this short news production recently released, being the only interviews with survivors of the incident. Normally in a circumstance like this I wouldn't give too much credence to local's testimonies, as they're going to inevitably be slanted against Americans, but what struck me was the children's comments...

(sorry for butchered link)

www.youtube [ dot] com /watch?v=v6BnRc11aug&feature=player_embedded


04-03-2012, 08:03 PM
Don't know and can't say. I am sure that there will be enough information coming out in the future about what really happened. Right now though I would take everything from each side with a grain of salt, Afghans trying to blow it out of proportion, and ISAF (mainly US military) trying to calm the situation and straighten out how the hell this guy got off post like that.

On a side note, not really a side not I guess it's actually pretty important, there has been very very very few incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan (which combine for a total of 18 years of war). That is a testement to the US military in a whole, the medical profesionals that treat and diagnose US military members, reintegration programs, FRG groups, etc etc. When compared to the attrocities committed by our adversaries I would say it makes me quite proud to wear the uniform, knowing full well we will virtually never stoop to the level at which they wage war.