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View Full Version : Trayvon Martin case , thoughts apaches?

03-20-2012, 04:21 PM


03-20-2012, 05:15 PM
I have an opinion but I'll keep it to myself for now. Instead I'll try to give you a preemptive overview of the general consensus that will propagate this thread.

"Just another dysfunctional coon in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean cmon, it was the will of God, right?"

03-20-2012, 07:24 PM
Just another asshole cop-Wannabe that took things too far.... I bet he had his car decked out with scanners and all sorts of fake police gear.

Did you hear him say "fucking coons" under his breath?

Fry his ass.
Death penalty

03-20-2012, 08:23 PM
A "grown" man 11 yrs older than the victim, ur damn right fry his ass

03-20-2012, 08:25 PM
This guy is an asshole I agree with Sixx let him hang

03-20-2012, 10:04 PM
Listen to the phone conversations, this guy decided to run after a kid in his own neighborhood.

This George Zimmerman is captain of a neighborhood watch? i looked into it, it's his own neighborhood watch... and he's the only one in it.

Guess it's fitting he is captain then, lol.

The local PD didn't even take the kids cell phone, just sent him to the morgue with seemingly no investigation and waited for his dad to claim him... Also a few years back the police chief's son was caught on video attacking a homeless guy and nothing happened with it. DOJ can't get down there fast enough something funky is going on in that town;

03-20-2012, 10:11 PM
Crazy shit....I did not know he was the only one in that neighborhood watch.

Also I remember that video of the guy railing that homeless person for no reason.....
Was pissed when nothing happened to that asshole that did it.

03-20-2012, 11:07 PM
Shit haven't heard or seen anything about the "fucking coon" comment on that tape, I'll be damned if he didn't say it in there though. Good catch. Everyday these is more and more damning evidence coming out in this case. If it was a situation where a black male was killed simply for that reason, and because he was where he was, then fry the bastard. At the same time gun control advocates will use this case as an example of not allowing states to pass the "stand your ground" bills or variations of said bill, as florida has. I hope that justice is done properly, and rightfully.

Thanks for posting that audio, I had not listened to it too closely as of yet.

03-20-2012, 11:46 PM

This is TM yelling help and then shot . this is after the Zimmerman 911 call where they told him not to "pursue". this mother fucker
Im guessing he had kid tackled or something and the kid was probably squirming away (for good reason) from this fat fuck. So I guess this self apointee took that as justice to kill the young man. very sad

03-21-2012, 12:35 AM

I dont get the racism justification you keep pushing as I know the moderators would be on top of that shit...So why do you keep pushing those who are not atheist or liberals into the racist category? By the way the killer here isnt white so thank God for that or this would be all over the news and then some.

03-21-2012, 09:53 AM
ditto that Eag.

03-21-2012, 11:00 AM
In fairness to Clodious, if eagle can make a thread putting liberals into one big category, why can't he do the same?

03-21-2012, 11:26 AM

I dont get the racism justification you keep pushing as I know the moderators would be on top of that shit...So why do you keep pushing those who are not atheist or liberals into the racist category? By the way the killer here isnt white so thank God for that or this would be all over the news and then some.

It is all over the news because it does appear to be racially motivated, (why does it matter Zimmerman wasn't white?) whether he said "fucking coons" or not is not the deciding factor for me personally- it's that his response to a black kid walking around in his neighborhood was to call the police, say there's a suspicious guy here, and then run after him and murder him.

This was a 17 year old kid with skittles, he wasn't swoll or tattooed or anything.

Anyway, regardless of whether they take race into account, hopefully Zimmerman will end up with the maximum sentence and the police department there will be investigated as well.

03-21-2012, 12:33 PM
Eagle I was just trying to point out to how some people sound when posting. The same old recurring theme. "Obama sucks, he's a fucking Muslim, he wan't born here, I want to call him a nigger (but don't have the balls), his presidency is illegal, Jesus rules, science sucks, he who wants universal health care is pro queer,etc..."

What Gaz was trying to illustrate was a soft on race related crime reaction from some of you (and I commend him for doing so).

03-21-2012, 12:52 PM
Eagle I was just trying to point out to how some people sound when posting. The same old recurring theme. "Obama sucks, he's a fucking Muslim, he wan't born here, I want to call him a nigger (but don't have the balls), his presidency is illegal, Jesus rules, science sucks, he who wants universal health care is pro queer,etc..."

What Gaz was trying to illustrate was a soft on race related crime reaction from some of you (and I commend him for doing so).

So you think all of us are racist bible-thumpers? That's a little close-minded, don't you think? Find one post where someone said something racist or used God as an excuse for murder. Maybe I will think more of you when you back up your invalid generalizations.

03-21-2012, 12:57 PM

Liberals ARE a group gazz but republicans are not the KKK. I thought you were this cerebral person yet this basic concept is difficult to understand?

03-21-2012, 02:09 PM

Liberals ARE a group gazz but republicans are not the KKK. I thought you were this cerebral person yet this basic concept is difficult to understand?

I don't actually believe All Republican are KKK or racist, im just saying his comment was no more ludicrous than you hating Democrats for... whatever crazy reason you have. its all the same.

03-21-2012, 02:35 PM
Just for clarification guys, the forum is a place where the rules are very lax, and its a place to be able to say and post things you cant on the front page -given the context of things.

IF you feel someone is out of line and you cant or dont want to confront that person you can always contact one of the moderators with your grievance as a way to "flag" the post and we will do our best to sort it out.

03-21-2012, 02:44 PM
I don't actually believe All Republican are KKK or racist, im just saying his comment was no more ludicrous than you hating Democrats for... whatever crazy reason you have. its all the same.

i have posted several reasons why I have disdain for democrats(liberals). If you remove religion from the two sides of politics liberals still stand for gun grabbing, socialism, less freedoms more government control, it is very simple. This is so simple to understand and I dont understand military men or women that support the democrats either. The democrats are actually anti military. Obama is going to reduce benefits and jobs across the entire military if he gets his way.

To what extent will be only by how much the republican party can resist his goal. Its odd that democrats are all for entitlements for the poor yet they are against entitlements for our military. Why would you not want to support the people who are risking their lives to keep us free and safe? The poor are doing nothing in a figurative definition to support America. The answer is they are a segment that democrats have embraced only for the votes that can be gained from this segment. You cant be anti gun and pro military and so at least democrats have that understood.

There is so much more I can go on and I probably will just not now.

03-22-2012, 04:27 AM
My point is your description of liberal does not fit all liberals, it can't, everyone's political view is slightly different. to say all liberals are anti gun and anti military is. in my eyes, just as silly as saying all republicans are racist. labeling millions of people with a few select points.

03-22-2012, 11:37 AM
Eagle, I will tell You a story. I live, work here in Huntsvegas, Al; where there is (was) a big NASA influence. I will be vague, as to not hurt anybody's feeling. My wifes close relative, a male, and his wife both worked at NASA for a fairly long time. Both of them "Rocket" scientists. With benefits and salary between the both of them, I'm guessing together they were probably getting $500-$750,000. Both of them, seemingly, could not get Barrys wedding tackle deep enough in their throats. Loved the guy. Barry ends NASA. They about lose their land, house, lose their vehicles, etc... One would think this might cause a little resentment, but I never detected it. Didn't miss a beat. They knew it was right because barry ordained it so.

And yes, I know Clodius, because of my Demographic and that reason alone makes me a nigger hating, coon lynching, murderer. So no need to call attention to it.
Thanks :) sincerely Brightgoo

03-22-2012, 12:05 PM
As far as I understand, Obama hasn't ended NASA. He continued bush plan to end the outdated shuttle program, but plans are in place/already started for a new program. So the fact that Obama never "ended" NASA might be why they didn't change their mind?

03-22-2012, 12:12 PM
Some of you may benefit from a Gov 101 class. Congress makes laws not the Prez. Congress allocates budgets not the Prez. Ineffective government is not the Presidents fault (any President) its the fault of Congress. Demonizing one asshole will not fix fundamental issues. What I can not wrap my head around is why are people that live in the country, in the middle of no where, in a single wide, without a pot to piss in, on food stamps (a federal handout program), voting Republican? The old "Guns, God and Queers" argument don't hold water for me and I can't fathom it out. I used to work in the financial sector in NYC and back in '99 or 2000 the CEO of NYSE awarded himself a $60,000,000 (yes 60 mil) bonus for that year. Does no one else on here think that is obscene? Who in the world "needs" $60 million. And yet Bubba in his single wide will still vote Rep. Whoever does the marketing for the Reps is fucking awesome because never has someone been so hoodwinked since somebody said "Gimme some money and I'll guarantee you a place in heaven."

03-22-2012, 05:02 PM


The president is suppose to have to get the agreement of congress and the senate but as we know it is not honored and obama has proven that quite a bit.

03-22-2012, 05:25 PM
Man there are so many things to respond to and I cant to all of them right now.


God himself says there is no price to pay to get to heaven just believe in him and you are there.

Paying a tithe to a church also doesn't get you into heaven as your heart and your inner faith will decide it when you get to the golden gates.

obama has put forth in his budget to cut NASA further than anytime in its existence. Look it up its very easy to do.

Presidents do have to to be the fall guy with regard to laws passed or not. He is the leader the top dog. Why would you pass off his responsibility to congress?

Funny that liberals will say that now but when Bush was in office they blamed him for everything.

appointments of directors to agencies are suppose to be made by the president then vetted and approved by congress and the senate yet obama has ignored this more than once already. He has also created new agencies and appointed czars to bypass the legal process that our Constitution is suppose to order.

That flaw rest squarely on him if you admit nothing else that is impossible to refute.

One last thing I found last night or this morning that I will attach. An obama supporter that is concerned about obama and his agenda...Yes an obama supporter not blindly just offering support it literally had me perplexed for an hour at least trying to understand it.

COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama signed an executive order Friday titled "National Defense Resources Preparedness." The news media is unsure of the precise meaning of the information included in the order and average citizens are left to figure out what it means in general. As a longtime supporter of the president, I've been reluctant to jump to conclusions, but the general tide of recent legislation and this order give me reason for concern about the intentions of this administration.
The order lists items such as the power of the executive departments of the U.S. federal government and its agencies to "identify requirements for the full spectrum of emergencies, including essential military and civilian demand." This same section, labeled "General Functions," also enumerates these departments and agencies might ensure availability of domestic resources and industries to secure national defense. Do these and other line items signal that America is on the verge of another war -- and will that war be with another nation or on U.S. citizens?
The first step in the direction of applying military law to private citizens occurred Dec. 31, when the president signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. This legislation sounded the initial alarm to me because although its main purpose is for providing necessary funding of the military, it included provisions that allowed the indefinite detention without charge of private citizens.
The next signal of alarm came on March 8, when the president signed into law H.R. 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. The law restricts protests at political functions among other things. This is offensive since the U.S. was founded upon protest and revolution.
Perhaps each law taken individually wouldn't be a cause for concern, but the totality of these three suggests the federal government is envisioning more control over the civilian population than it has ever enjoyed. The president's order on Friday suggests to some the executive branch might be ready to enact martial law in peacetime.
Smack dab in the middle of the baby boomer generation, L.L. Woodard is a proud resident of "The Red Man" state. With what he hopes is an everyman's view of life's concerns both in his state and throughout the nation, Woodard presents facts and opinions based on common-sense solutions.

this was on yahoo or ABC news site. google it.

To all of you I love you as fellow AC members even the ones I dont agree with. The world is going in a direction that is quite literally leading to our end. If you care about your families and your own life then wake up and think about things in a grander scale than just your own selfish interest.

I am sorry but things just require a new way of thinking.

03-22-2012, 06:05 PM
Here is a little update to your story.

03-22-2012, 09:37 PM
Thanks Jamie for putting this thread back on track
A Question for the rest since when did it become a political debate that is not what this thread is about stay on Subject
One other thing as i live in fl I hear about this case everyday there is suppose to be racism involved in one of his 911 calls this should have never happen and the police dispatcher or 911 dispatcher told him not to follow the kid and yet he did in my opion he was looking for it and I think he should be hanged under A 1st degree murder charge ( Premeditated murder) that was his intent and everything leading up to now seems to prove it I know we have the self defense law down here but He should have listen to the police and not followed the KID and met up with them and then they could have stopped to question him NO he had to do it on his own or was he trying to be a hero We shall see

03-22-2012, 10:57 PM
I have read that the Florida castle law will not cover him. Because Zimmerman followed the kid.
The saddest part of this story is it never had to happen. All Zimmerman had to do is report the "suspicious" activity and wait for the cops. Then this would be at the worst a story about an African - American teen being harassed by the police.
Now this an "adult" that could spend the rest of his life in prison, if they don't take him behind the woodshed and put him down.
No amount of "I'm sorry" can bring back Trayvon Martin.

03-22-2012, 11:07 PM
I apologize I did not intend to change the thread direction but that does seem to happen a lot on many threads regardless.

I will add this to this story. I have listened to the 911 calls from the murderer and the women neighbor who can hear the boy screaming for help then you hear one gunshot and no more screams for help.

This guy will be convicted of first degree manslaughter and it is clear why already.

You do hear the man say he is following this kid then this man says the kid is running away. He then says again he ran away. The operator ask are you following him and he says yes. Then the operator says we dont want you to do that. He says OK. Then of course soon after it results in the kid being shot.

He never once saw the kid commit a crime he never once could identify a weapon on the kid to give him just cause to use deadly force. He disobeyed the dispatcher and stalked down the kid when told not to.

That right there is not standing your ground that is hunting down and killing someone in cold blood.

He will fry unless he gets the Kasey Anthony jury which here in Florida wouldn't surprise me with all these ignorant societal scourge we have for citizens.

oh and yes this story is being politicized of course. They are trying to say there should be a repeal of the stand your ground law or castle doctrine because this guy had a conceal permit and claimed self defense.

So yes its political as much as we would like it not to be. Just like with Robert Bales its political when it becomes this big of story.

The bigger issue to me here is what the hell was the police department doing with this case? They pick up a dead minor take him to the morgue with his cell phone and bag of skittles drop him off and then what? Someone is killed and you shrug it off as nothing to see here just another night at the precinct? They dont think to id a relative in the cell phone as the kid was in the morgue for three days before his family found out. This murderer is still free and carrying his weapon right now...

03-23-2012, 12:21 AM
As far as I understand, Obama hasn't ended NASA. He continued bush plan to end the outdated shuttle program, but plans are in place/already started for a new program. So the fact that Obama never "ended" NASA might be why they didn't change their mind?

NASA has many branches and programs. Obama has been dismantleing in small bites the space program, hence we will be hireing Russians to get us to and fro from the space station. And no they arent "rocket" scientist any more, because of this. I dont really want to elaborate because of earlier said reasons, but maybe this post can help.

Side note P6 this is where Von Braum did alot of his work here on the arsenal (Redstone) They still have alot of old early space memorbilia around the arsenal, a American made V5 Rocket etc.. (I remember you commenting on my old Nazi Ufo post saying it was interesting :))


03-23-2012, 01:22 AM
Some of you may benefit from a Gov 101 class. Congress makes laws not the Prez. Congress allocates budgets not the Prez. Ineffective government is not the Presidents fault (any President) its the fault of Congress. Demonizing one asshole will not fix fundamental issues. What I can not wrap my head around is why are people that live in the country, in the middle of no where, in a single wide, without a pot to piss in, on food stamps (a federal handout program), voting Republican? The old "Guns, God and Queers" argument don't hold water for me and I can't fathom it out. I used to work in the financial sector in NYC and back in '99 or 2000 the CEO of NYSE awarded himself a $60,000,000 (yes 60 mil) bonus for that year. Does no one else on here think that is obscene? Who in the world "needs" $60 million. And yet Bubba in his single wide will still vote Rep. Whoever does the marketing for the Reps is fucking awesome because never has someone been so hoodwinked since somebody said "Gimme some money and I'll guarantee you a place in heaven."

Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money

I am not from AL originally, but I can promise you there are plenty of "Bubbas" around here as you described. But you are way off bro on one thing, they dont vote Rep. I know some of these "Bubbas" that are racist as could be ... and still voted Dem in last election (Obama) and every election ever offered ... because of holding on to the Southern Democrat thing. This is the kind of place the "Yellow Dog" Democrat comes from. (I'd rather vote for a yellow dog then ANY Republican)
It has been so engrained that its truly amazing. Its like a time warp, stuck on pause from the Civil War still. Everybody thinks if they dont vote for the Democrat, old evil Abraham Lincoln the Republican will rise up again and come get us.

This is why I usually refer to Dems as the Cult. (half serious / half kidding) Like I said I will be around some RACIST mother fucker and politics will be brought up and I find out that despite their "feelings" on other races, that in no way has any impact when it comes to the Party.

And yes 60mil is ALOT of money (lol), but the way I feel is if Gov can tell him how much he can make, its just a matter of time before they will tell me.

And why cant I say guns , god and queers anymore :) (I really dont know what that means lol)

and no money wont buy you into heaven :(

03-23-2012, 12:32 PM
HAHAHA...Just found this. How fucking true. Remind you of the Afghans getting pissy about a few burnt books but say nothing about a suicide bomber targeting a school?


03-23-2012, 01:26 PM
strange website :D


Clodius you be gettin your hair did?

Makes me do want to do a white person hair documentary.
Flat tops....combovers....prison peckerwood wax tops.....those are cool
I like the old dickhead cop flat top....with the top of bare scalp exposed.

I'll make it so famous that white people hair will become an industry(besides the dandruff shampoo industry)

03-23-2012, 01:38 PM
^Funny. What does bother me about the above video is "they" see "themselves" as a separate and distinct sub culture in America. The eastern Europen Jews used to do the same, where are they now? Just saying such as been tried before and tends to not end well.

03-23-2012, 01:44 PM
^But isn't that normal human behavior? :)

03-23-2012, 01:55 PM
who is normal? I would sure like to meet that person. lol
I think every person has their own oddities .

03-23-2012, 02:02 PM
So yes this thread is relevant to politics



It is disgusting when something like a tragedy happens either side of the political globe try to use it for their own agenda.

This case is about a murder just like any other murder and it exposed a police department that was a waste of tax payers money for they are not doing their jobs.


03-23-2012, 02:17 PM
sadly I'm afraid there will always be racist people and sexist people
look at Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh these two have said some pretty horrible things about women.

03-23-2012, 02:25 PM
sadly I'm afraid there will always be racist people and sexist people
look at Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh these two have said some pretty horrible things about women.
I've thought some "horrible" things about women, such as "Man she's an ugly bitch" or "Fuck me, I would eat her asshole!"

As for racism. Isn't it time to graduate? I mean racism is not legally sanctioned in government and has not been since the late 60's. Move on or ghettoize yourself, but don't blame anyone else for your problems.

03-23-2012, 02:30 PM
No I agree with you there. I'm just saying there are bad apples and will always be bad apples.

03-23-2012, 08:31 PM
Masters Sensei's ... Grasshopper would like to know the ratio of Black people, as compared to White people in America. Then Grasshopper wonders what the average of homicide that Blacks commit to Whites. And also vice versa.

03-23-2012, 10:41 PM
who is normal? I would sure like to meet that person. lol
I think every person has their own oddities .

:) especially behind the curtain

03-23-2012, 11:18 PM
Down here its mostly race on race crime this one is an exception, the kid was black and the shooter is Latin Philippine In Jacksonville there is going to be a march on sat night in protest of this incident lets see how many people get shot by there own when anything happens downtown like this at night its never a good thing and as the time goes on this guy is going to be put away you can bet on that There is to much at stake One peoples jobs 2 the law on self defense It will not go easy This guy has to prove it was self defense as I had said before if anyone listen to the 911 call the police told him to meet them and they will stop and question him He did not wait for them There was no reason for the persuit and that is why i said it was pre meditated you can hear the kid cry for help and then the shots

03-25-2012, 11:09 PM
Yeap Serpa, this guy is toast. With his 911 call and everybody elses calls, and I dont think he even has basic requirements for self defense argument.

You know he probably wants to go in a hole and die

03-26-2012, 08:07 PM
sure is getting ugly down there. saw a story that someone is giving out the address to Zimmerman's house.

03-27-2012, 10:47 AM
Someone sent this to me. I know it doesn't justify murder but seems like he was 'fronting' the role to me...so lets drop the Saint Trayvon pretense.


03-27-2012, 11:05 AM
Free Lil Boosie my niggz


03-27-2012, 11:06 AM
RT tweet to Trayvon Martin:
Da less friendz da betta... cuz @ da end of da day it only mean u gon b dat much closer 2 da ppl u fucks w/

^^^^ Da fuck he da sayin her? :D :D :D

03-27-2012, 11:12 AM
He's saying "more friends equals more problems"
It's better to have less because at the of the day it'll make the bond with your "true" friends & family stronger.

That's what I gather from that tweet

03-27-2012, 11:50 AM
He's saying "more friends equals more problems"
It's better to have less because at the of the day it'll make the bond with your "true" friends & family stronger.

That's what I gather from that tweet
Ma nigga Sixx...

03-27-2012, 11:54 AM
Free Lil Boosie my niggz


Kinda reminds me of Liberia for some reason.

03-27-2012, 01:47 PM


03-27-2012, 02:06 PM


Well, if for good cause, then its ok i guess. It's not like those other people who're selling them right now are doing it out of good will either.

03-27-2012, 02:10 PM
All in all, total political bullshit now. I can almost smell that we will never get to the truthful end of it by now. Media, political organisations, none political organisations all trying to score on popularity vote on this one by now, others on selling shit with his name. Hell its even all over the Russian news as well.

Just said to what we're coming really.

03-27-2012, 03:39 PM
Wanna bet there will be race riots after Zimmerman gets acquitted?

03-27-2012, 07:02 PM
Your sig. cracks me up Sixx.:lol:

03-27-2012, 09:53 PM
If there is riots people I have a family if anything where to happen I would lose my mind Someone better send me some weaponry and ammo fuck that and that trail best not be held here in JAX The prosecutor is from JAX !!!
On another note This women if there be any charges she will find them and he will be convicted My thoughts still are the same he had intent or trying to be a fucking hero The police told him not to pursue Why did he??? If he would have listen to them and met up with them so they could have stopped and question him this thread would never exist and nothing would have happen to the Kid

Just my thoughts PS Check this out http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/cutline/george-zimmerman-lawyer-abruptly-cancels-interview-lawrence-o-150530798.html

Make sure you listen it gets good

03-28-2012, 02:57 PM
I listened to the 911 calls from the woman and the one Zimmerman made...I never heard him call him a coon but I'm also about half deaf.
I don't know about Florida law but here they could not prove intent for a 1st or even a second degree murder case with no witnesses.
But he did chase the boy down after being told not to which puts him smack in the middle of a voluntary manslaughter case even if the young man did try to grab his gun, it does not matter, you can't chase someone down if there is no evidence of a crime.
And listening to zimmermans call he had no prior knowledge that a crime was committed.

I say tried and found guilty of voluntary manslaughter in Florida and then tried federally and found guilty of a civil rights violation which is where he will get real time.

But no matter what he will be a fall guy so there won't be riots and he put himself in that position...so be it.

03-28-2012, 03:23 PM
I listened to the 911 calls from the woman and the one Zimmerman made...I never heard him call him a coon but I'm also about half deaf..

In the video i linked, its at the 2:22 mark, its faint but its there.

03-28-2012, 03:27 PM
In the video i linked, its at the 2:22 mark, its faint but its there.
Just confirm, I heard it also. Its more than discernible.

03-28-2012, 03:38 PM
I am not to sure what Florida's weapons permit classes are like, but I would assume they would teach the students about the laws. For example teach them how the stand your ground law works, a person who has not shown intent or is not intentionally entering or attempting to enter and residence, building, vehicle etc. has done nothing wrong and does not pose a risk. There fore a person does not have any rights under the stand your ground law. Also chasing someone, who is not on your property and has not commited a crime or attempted to commit a crime makes the person chasing the other the aggressor. In that case then anyone who is being chased and confronts the other person, scuffle ensues, the chasie grabs for the chasers weapon in self defense for obvious fear of their life. If someone was chasing me and I stopped to confront them and saw they were in possesion of a weapon, I would assume immediately (and with good pretext) that they meant me harm.

Just a few thoughts of mine, and it still scares me that this will some how change these stand your ground laws, which I absolutely love, or make them go away all together.

03-28-2012, 04:15 PM
I had taken these classes in Mass and I know the stand your ground went like this One rule If only you had no escape and self protection is the only way then you are allowed to use Deadly force. Some example Thief are pounding on you front door and you had a back way to get you and your family to safety it must be done before use of deadly force, even though it is your property You must use every means to escape danger possible before the use of deadly force If not you will face Involuntary manslaughter charges Messed up wouldn't you say I was taught in a class that and I also had friend that where police officers that told me the same thing because of the one time that I had my shotgun in hand and was going to use it to protect my family this is how it went.
My neighbor next door was a female and her boyfriend was not home the Uncle had been pounding on the entrance downstairs to get to her apartment this was a 6 tenement house He had been know to beat and sexually abuse her She had him put in jail for it I guess he was coming for payback She came over with her children to my house because if this guy made it through that door he was goin to her house for what who knows
We figured he would go away after not getting through the door after a few kicks I would not break I had call the police at this time and seen him go into the back yard and pick up a fence post 4x4 and was going to use it as a ram I had opened the window and told him that the police where on there way and that I had my gun and was ready to use it if he makes it through that door I had told the police the same thing on the phone They where telling me to wait till they arrived I told them if he goes through that door I have to protect my family and children and my nieghbor and her children to they told me please do not shoot him I told them there was no escape as in we could not go out the back because he was outside Well after a few Pound with that ram the door still did not open he left the police arrived in force they where about 7 crusiers out side and I had put my gun down went outside through the badk entrance and one of my friends that responded was there The police where standing there weapons drawn which made me shit my pants almost, that is when they took a description and they picked him up about 5 blocks from the house

My friend had told me about the use of deadly force and had every right to use it in that situation and told me about the charges i could have faced even though I had every right to use deadly force I would have went to court gone through some shit but it would have been dismissed Another officer told me Told me that I should have shot the asshole they would have brought the body bag

03-29-2012, 12:15 AM
The stand your ground law is passed in the states to not only go long with the castle doctrine but also being outside your home so that there is no need for you to find a possible way of escape...its main function is not only your ability to protect yourself but it switches the burdon of proof from you as the shooter to him and if he survives the encounter makes it much more difficult in some states to impossible in others for him to sue you civilly because all you have to show in a civil case is that you were in fear for your life or grievous bodily harm...you don't have the burdon of showing you did everything you could to escape the situation, which can in itself be extremely hard to prove. And in my state the mere act of breaking into someones house with them home is all you need. That burdon of proof is easy to prove

Stand your ground...one of the best laws ever passed even though it should not have to be a law it should be just a fact of life that I can protect myself without trying to find a way out.

That being said " chase em down " has no place and is in no WAY covered or even mentioned in the stand your ground laws

03-29-2012, 10:26 AM
Lets not become armchair commentators ok! I can see you are already propagating Obama, liberal news, want to start race baiting folks talking points with the whole chase em down comment.

The only thing we know is next to nothing and until we know more, the only thing we are expert enough to discuss is how much of a tragedy it is for a young man to lose his life.

The only things we know for sure are the following:

Zimmerman suspected Trayvon of criminal activity

He did follow him, not chase em down,

While he followed him, he was trying to get Trayvon to stop and answer his questions

Zimmerman calls 911 and is told by the dispatcher to stop. Problem is, dispatchers there have no authority and he was not required to obey the "command."

At some point, Trayvon sucker punches (or straight up punches if you talk to Sharpton types) then mounts a prone Zimmerman and continues to punch him in the head and face.

Zimmerman shoots him and kills him

Trayvon had recently been arrested for punching a bus driver in the face

Trayvon was known to be violent

Trayvon was bigger, stronger, and younger than Zimmerman

Trayvon may have been justified in punching Zimmerman, but was not justified by any law to continue to hit a downed man

Zimmerman made a very poor choice in his continued effort to confront Trayvon but would be justified to shoot someone who was sitting on him punching him as it can very well end his life or cause serious non reversable damage

Stand your ground law is a great law, but it has no applicable worth here in this case. What it will boil down to is whether or not Trayvon or a reasonable person would feel threatened by the actions of Zimmerman, would Trayvon or a reasonable person feel the need to attack a following Zimmerman, and whether or not Zimmerman was justified in shooting a person sitting on him hitting him in the face. Until us sideline judges know more about what happened, we should not speak on who is guilty or not or what happened or did not happen. It will do nothing but draw lines and cause issues.

But what we could talk about is the sorry ass president we have once again sticking his racist nose into something it did not belong and his pathetic campaign trick to sell hoodies in the guise of being for Treyvon. Funny he sold no hoodies for the white kid clearly killed for nothing more than racism by a group of black kids just days ago. Lets leave the pandering for either side for the stinking politicians.

03-29-2012, 10:38 AM
@ rocky5544
Well said bro...

I was a dumbass and once again fell sucker to the liberal media, rushing my judgement.
Now everything is becoming clear and is making more sense.

Fuck the racists Sharpton and Co.
Fuck Spike Lee
Fuck the New Black Panthers......nothing but racist ex-cons.

03-29-2012, 11:18 AM
@ rocky5544
Well said bro...

I was a dumbass and once again fell sucker to the liberal media, rushing my judgement.
Now everything is becoming clear and is making more sense.

Fuck the racists Sharpton and Co.
Fuck Spike Lee
Fuck the New Black Panthers......nothing but racist ex-cons.

I totally agree on the racial part mate. I haven't watched many news reports from US, but those Black Panthers are rather extreme in my book. Their statements are absolutely blind and groundless.

But its what i call positive discrimination, when people are abusing their rights based on the past and using it as an ACE card in any situation.

Pretty much demonisation of invisible enemy.

Based on that i can go to world court and accuse US of being racist to Russians!!! Hell i should do it some times :D, maybe i can score some hard cash with it :D

But in any case, perhaps a racial prejudice rather then racism on the part of the shooter, but again, all Russians drink vodka and beers walking on the streets - Racism NOT.

World goes crazy those days...

03-29-2012, 11:24 AM

I in no way am pushing an Obama agenda with the phrase " chase em down " nor does that term refer to race in any way, but for you I will put it in official police lingo...he persued the boy...period, there can be no argument about that.

Zimmerman had no prior knowledge that a crime had been committed....period.
Your exactly correct nobody knows the exact circumstances behind the encounter but since I do this shit for a living I have a relatively good idea how the encounter festered out of control.

No a 911 operater has no authority to give such an order and Zimmerman had no authority to persue the boy because he had no knowledge of a crime.
It would be one thing if he had scene him break into a car or whatever...citizens arrests are legal in all 50 states but he didn't. Hence no reason to go after the boy.

My main point which had nothing to do with Obama or race is if he had not persued the boy and let the cops do their job, he would not be in this mess. Just because you own a shovel does not mean you have to dig a hole and he dug a deep one when he made the decision to persue the boy.

03-29-2012, 02:34 PM
In my personal opinion, the boy was simply a boy, trying to be a bad ass. His cultural thing and surrounding area where he was growing up, you can also see it from his tweets. Did he committed some small crimes, yes, did he did something worth killing him? NO!

Zimmerman acted like the brave boy of the class. Did he acted professionally, NO! He's not a police officer, owning a gun doesn't mean you know when and how to use it. As a police officer, its not about self defense, its about self control in the first place. Not hard to take a life, hard to keep it.

03-29-2012, 03:26 PM
Lets not become armchair commentators ok! I can see you are already propagating Obama, liberal news, want to start race baiting folks talking points with the whole chase em down comment.

The only thing we know is next to nothing and until we know more, the only thing we are expert enough to discuss is how much of a tragedy it is for a young man to lose his life.

The only things we know for sure are the following:

Zimmerman suspected Trayvon of criminal activity

He did follow him, not chase em down,

While he followed him, he was trying to get Trayvon to stop and answer his questions

Zimmerman calls 911 and is told by the dispatcher to stop. Problem is, dispatchers there have no authority and he was not required to obey the "command."

At some point, Trayvon sucker punches (or straight up punches if you talk to Sharpton types) then mounts a prone Zimmerman and continues to punch him in the head and face.

Zimmerman shoots him and kills him

Trayvon had recently been arrested for punching a bus driver in the face

Trayvon was known to be violent

Trayvon was bigger, stronger, and younger than Zimmerman

Trayvon may have been justified in punching Zimmerman, but was not justified by any law to continue to hit a downed man

Zimmerman made a very poor choice in his continued effort to confront Trayvon but would be justified to shoot someone who was sitting on him punching him as it can very well end his life or cause serious non reversable damage

Stand your ground law is a great law, but it has no applicable worth here in this case. What it will boil down to is whether or not Trayvon or a reasonable person would feel threatened by the actions of Zimmerman, would Trayvon or a reasonable person feel the need to attack a following Zimmerman, and whether or not Zimmerman was justified in shooting a person sitting on him hitting him in the face. Until us sideline judges know more about what happened, we should not speak on who is guilty or not or what happened or did not happen. It will do nothing but draw lines and cause issues.

But what we could talk about is the sorry ass president we have once again sticking his racist nose into something it did not belong and his pathetic campaign trick to sell hoodies in the guise of being for Treyvon. Funny he sold no hoodies for the white kid clearly killed for nothing more than racism by a group of black kids just days ago. Lets leave the pandering for either side for the stinking politicians.

Bigger maybe, but only in height.


Trayvon Martin: 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) and weighed 140 pounds (64 kg) at the time of his death

Zimmerman: 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) tall and weighed approximately 250 lb (110 kg)

I haven't been following this fully, But has Trayvon's attack been confirmed? last time i heard Zimmerman had no cuts/bruises etc?

03-29-2012, 03:41 PM
You know Gazz, Travis may not been an angel at all, but more i hear about it, more it looks like Zimmerman was simply acting dumb.

As for bigger, stronger and other stuff, makes no difference. One big guy can beat the shit out of few guys, another small one can do the same to big ones. Not what you have in you but how you using it.

03-31-2012, 04:45 PM
Travon was "African American" and Zimmerman is a "Hispanic American." A white "Hispanic American."

More importantly:
There is a $1,000,000 bounty on the head of Zimmerman. Dead or Alive.
And nobody seems to care.

03-31-2012, 06:38 PM
Travon was "African American" and Zimmerman is a "Hispanic American." A white "Hispanic American."

More importantly:
There is a $1,000,000 bounty on the head of Zimmerman. Dead or Alive.
And nobody seems to care.

Barry thought it was so important to comment on the Trayvon Martin case , but not a word on this case.

03-31-2012, 10:11 PM
I dont want to correct you as I live in fl the reward is 10,000 put up by the assholes Black panthers http://newsone.com/nation/nomul6/new-black-panther-party-trayvon-martin/

There has been alot of murders in fl here in Jacksonville there is at least 1 per week if you follow who is murdering who it is mostly gang and drug related but there are some like the one that happened recently about a father who was going to get his daughter at 2 in morning and was shot to death by 2 assholes for his car his daughter, was left calling home to see if her dad had left the house and one of the calls the police anserwed the call and asked where she was and if she was safe that they where sending a police cruiser for her
I do this everynight I am suppose to let them have my car, this man did not even have the chance to give them the car and then they could have let him go no they had to kill him frist before taking the car

I also feel for the parents of the foreign students murdered here there Killer should be executed he showed no remorse what so ever that he did it and looked bored at listening to the dvd the parents had made to address him Someone should have tazered him and maybe he would have woke up and listened to it
As far as obama he should have taken the time to have these parents flown to the US to console them and help them with whatever they needed it is the least he could have done that fucking asshole. When our american citizens are kidnapped murdered Other governments help out as much as they can Why couldn't he do the same thing douchebag

04-02-2012, 12:38 PM


04-02-2012, 12:48 PM

04-02-2012, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the links Eagle I watched the 2 there and read the forum about the stand your ground law Very Sad what happen to the Iraq Vet the guy should be prosecuted for what he did and old Bill is right there is a in between the Brady law and the stand your ground law this guy in Travior case Had a violent record and should have not owned a gun It is going to mess up the laws big time I can see if you have a charge say 10yrs ago and never had any other charges ever brought against a person but this guy had a record Also some of the comment's one struck me as in the numbers justified shooting increased again thanks for those links

04-02-2012, 10:29 PM
Whats up with Bill's voice? Him and Hillary must been fighting over interns and cigars again.
seems like FL. does need to tweak the law.

04-03-2012, 08:46 PM
I dont think the self defense law needs adjustment but I think that the way police agencies interpret and respond needs to be clarified and training needs to be updated for this. In both cases here that I see the dead person was not armed with a knife or gun or even a stick. Both times the victim was unarmed. Both times the perp had a gun on them with no reason to brandish it. Showing your weapon is against the law in Florida. We have a conceal law here no open carry. If you use your gun to intimidate or threaten that is a crime.

So both these cases seem cut and dry in that instance. I still think zimmerman is guilty even if he got smacked around possibly. He was not being attacked when he told 911 trayvon was running away. He should have right then let him run away no grey area here at all. Then he doesn't encounter the kid and he doesn't shoot the kid period. Its that simple. If you carry a gun it is a serious responsibility and allowing yourself to shoot any person who is not a lethal threat to you is murder.

04-03-2012, 09:02 PM
wonder how this happened? http://www.mediaite.com/online/nbc-news-admits-error-in-editing-george-zimmermans-911-call-apologizes/

04-03-2012, 11:09 PM
wonder how this happened? http://www.mediaite.com/online/nbc-news-admits-error-in-editing-george-zimmermans-911-call-apologizes/

This is just one reason I could care less anymore. It was also found they were using pics from when the kid was 12 (not the ugly ass 17 yr old pics) so as not to portray him in a bad way and make people feel more sympathetic. And all the people using it as their own limelight (jackson, etc).
It became nothing more than a fake media circus that was exposed leaving one to think to themself, wth is actually going on. Is fox telling more lies or are they back to the truth? and if it is the truth, is it the real truth? or the truth they want you to believe?
Also notice that suddenly certain elements are no longer mentioned or in the picture, like witnesses, etc

04-03-2012, 11:46 PM
This "story" became a "major" story so the race pimps could like jesse jackson & albert sharpton could make some money flapping their jaws.
Then little oral annie clinton can come down and try to be important again. Hope the secret service did a better job protecting ladies from him then the Arkansas state police were able to. I hope the peanut farmer jimmy carter can bring some of his Palestinians to join the show down there.
Be nice to see this made into a national story. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/philly-mayor-bad-spinach-gets-more-national-attention-black-black-violence-0

04-04-2012, 12:03 AM
Thats a great link jamie, that fella spoke the truth. Just hope that it does not equate to some sort of bs anti gun, anti stand your ground law conspiracy. There is an under lying social issue that creates these situations, in general, and has nothing to do with race, creed, color, religion, political party, etc etc etc.

04-04-2012, 01:31 AM
All of this violence starts at the home long before these kids are able to think for themselves. Media has made Trillions off of the "urban" culture. Our educational system is too broke to fix this and unfortunately the governments "solutions" are worse then the problem. Government needs to let parents take control of thier kids education, funding and more input on how and what is taught in schools, in order to help turn this country around and get the Fuck away from the "educational tracking" bullshit. If a kid is doing poor in school challenge them to do better. If is because of home issues let the kid talk to a shrink before the kid turns out like thier parents or the lack there of. This kid is now another number for the staticians to write down. Fucking shame.

04-04-2012, 06:14 PM
Yes - same exploitation of racial conflict because of irreconcilable conflict of visions about what the real America is and should be, we the Liberals need every single Black to vote for our side to keep the believers in Sky Zombies out of power.

04-04-2012, 06:57 PM

04-04-2012, 07:00 PM
Yes - same exploitation of racial conflict because of irreconcilable conflict of visions about what the real America is and should be, we the Liberals need every single Black to vote for our side to keep the believers in Sky Zombies out of power.

Man are you serious? You sound stoned every time your on here posting.

04-04-2012, 07:28 PM
what liberals have done for blacks.

04-04-2012, 07:46 PM
Eagle, The game is played on many levels and only some of us can see all the levels and angles being played.

04-05-2012, 12:08 AM
Yes - same exploitation of racial conflict because of irreconcilable conflict of visions about what the real America is and should be, we the Liberals need every single Black to vote for our side to keep the believers in Sky Zombies out of power.
Worm you made perfect sense until you put Believers of sky Zombies It should have been Believers of this great country and what it should be
This my friend to me would have made more sense next time take a few less tokes on the houka

04-05-2012, 10:41 AM
Worm you made perfect sense until you put Believers of sky Zombies It should have been Believers of this great country and what it should be
This my friend to me would have made more sense next time take a few less tokes on the houka

Who’s responsible for ginning up the story and why?

What specific group of people in American society is this? The American financial industry is essentially their franchise, most of the news Americans read or hear is prepared by them, TV and movies are their monopoly, etc. etc. and they were mostly responsible for getting Obama elected and are the heart of the Democratic Party. In their collective consciousness is 2,000 years of persecutions from believers in Sky Fairies – so if you were one of them, which side would you be on if one side had the evangelicals?

04-05-2012, 12:53 PM
Who’s responsible for ginning up the story and why?

What specific group of people in American society is this? The American financial industry is essentially their franchise, most of the news Americans read or hear is prepared by them, TV and movies are their monopoly, etc. etc. and they were mostly responsible for getting Obama elected and are the heart of the Democratic Party. In their collective consciousness is 2,000 years of persecutions from believers in Sky Fairies – so if you were one of them, which side would you be on if one side had the evangelicals?

I havent checked to see what your age is but that would explain your lack of knowledge on religion and black persecution. You attended public school or private school or were you home schooled by your racist mother? I would hedge the later. Many black people are not democrats. They are Christian and they go to church with whites and latinos all at the same church. This is reality in our world today. You and Al sharpton and jesse jackson along with michelle and barry obama can continue to push your racist agenda but its too late for that revolution you so eagerly want.

The 60's was it and since then things have improved 1000's of times over. There are blacks and whites and latinos all friends and even marrying each other by the way. Your secluded world and environment that you wish to continue only exist in your mind not in reality. So many blacks I know are ashamed of al sharpton and jesse jackson. They are angry at obama for his lack of attention to real troubles in the "hood". He could have made a point about the bigger problems with blacks and their lack of faith in America when he is an example of someone who came from being on food stamps to being a president.

I dont respect obama and I believe he exploits his skin color to further his anti American agenda but if nothing else he could have at least tried to be positive in one single area as president yet he hasnt and wont.

He wont tackle racial problems with the old black agenda and he wont promote positive actions of blacks doing things in their communities.

He truly is no mans president. He is only serving himself as president doing what he dreamed about when he was a younger man. To cause division and cripple democracy as much as he can.

04-05-2012, 01:29 PM
You really are going to be pissed when obama is re-elected aren't you eagle?

04-05-2012, 02:03 PM
I havent checked to see what your age is but that would explain your lack of knowledge on religion and black persecution. You attended public school or private school or were you home schooled by your racist mother? I would hedge the later. Many black people are not democrats. They are Christian and they go to church with whites and latinos all at the same church. This is reality in our world today. You and Al sharpton and jesse jackson along with michelle and barry obama can continue to push your racist agenda but its too late for that revolution you so eagerly want.

The 60's was it and since then things have improved 1000's of times over. There are blacks and whites and latinos all friends and even marring each other by the way. Your secluded world and environment that you wish to continue only exist in your mind not in reality. So many blacks I know are ashamed of al sharpton and jesse jackson. They are angry at obama for his lack of attention to real troubles in the "hood". He could have made a point about the bigger problems with blacks and their lack of faith in America when he is an example of someone who came from being on food stamps to being a president.

I dont respect obama and I believe he exploits his skin color to further his anti American agenda but if nothing else he could have at least tried to be positive in one single area as president yet he hasnt and wont.

He wont tackle racial problems with the old black agenda and he wont promote positive actions of blacks doing things in their communities.

He truly is no mans president. He is only serving himself as president doing what he dreamed about when he was a younger man. To cause division and cripple democracy as much as he can.

Almost a perfect non sequitur. Eagle, that would be Jewish persecution – the blacks don’t run Hollywood, media, banks and the Democratic party and blacks vote 95%, Latinos 75% for Dems. The blacks are just pawns, the real players have the money. But nice try anyway.

04-05-2012, 03:37 PM
Almost a perfect non sequitur. Eagle, that would be Jewish persecution – the blacks don’t run Hollywood, media, banks and the Democratic party and blacks vote 95%, Latinos 75% for Dems. The blacks are just pawns, the real players have the money. But nice try anyway.
Ok Eisenstein enlighten us Who are the real players Who has the money in your Houka induced world

04-05-2012, 04:51 PM
You really are going to be pissed when obama is re-elected aren't you eagle?

I bet you there will be some people committing suicide if he gets reelected :)

I'll be honest though....I'll be pissed if he does get another term.

04-05-2012, 05:18 PM
I bet you there will be some people committing suicide if he gets reelected :)

I'll be honest though....I'll be pissed if he does get another term.

No doubt, but given the GOP candidates.... it seems like they are all playing "Who can get Obama re-elected quicker" . Someone should make an 'Why i hate republicans' thread and just link to the GOP candidates. Do they really stand a chance?

04-05-2012, 05:19 PM
Ok Eisenstein enlighten us Who are the real players Who has the money in your Houka induced world

NBC News.

04-05-2012, 05:32 PM
Obama has done many cool things, but since this is a military themed site lets go with - Ended "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" discrimination in the military. Gays should have the same rights as all other Americans, agreed?

I know the Bible hates Gays – but come on deep down we all know that’s silly nonsense.

04-05-2012, 07:51 PM
These blank panthers... All I can think of is Forrest Gump and his apology to them for ruining "their black panther party". Sorry could not help myself. Anyway....Obummer does not need to be re-elected. As far as Zimmerman goes...ANYONE who is a fool enough to say "fucking coons" on a obviously recorded conversation, should not get a ccw permit or a gun for that matter. There is some mental issues there.

04-05-2012, 08:03 PM
you might change your mind about the racial slur http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/04/zimmerman-racial-slur-narrative-falling-apart/
Zimmerman is still toast thou. The still keep showing the 12 year old pics of Trayvon and not the gold toothed and tattooed 17 year old.
In end it will not matter.

04-10-2012, 12:40 PM
Bill Cosby has weighed in on the Trayvon Martin case.
The famed comedian told the Washington Times that neighborhood watch volunteers like George Zimmerman, who shot and killed the unarmed black teenager, should not be allowed to carry guns.
"We've got to get the gun out of the hands of people who are supposed to be on neighborhood watch," Cosby said in his first public remarks about the case, published today.
"Without a gun, I don't see Mr. Zimmerman approaching Trayvon by himself," Cosby added. "The power-of-the-gun mentality had him unafraid to confront someone. Even police call for backup in similar situations.
"When you carry a gun, you mean to harm somebody, kill somebody."
"The Cosby Show" star's remarks were immediately circulated on the Web, including conservative sites that took issue with Cosby's pinpointing "the gun" as the problem.
Cosby steered clear of mentioning race in a case that has sparked allegations of racism and a nationwide outcry for justice. In the past, however, he has been unafraid to jump into the fray and has even caused controversy of his own.
In the late 1980s, Cosby inserted himself into the case of Tawana Brawley, a black teenage girl who said she was sexually assaulted by six white men, including a police officer and an assistant district attorney. Cosby pledged his public support to her and contributed to a $25,000 reward for information in the case.
"Bill and I don't care who the perpetrators are, whether they're black, white, pink, yellow or family. They should be caught," Essence magazine publisher Edward Lewis, who also contributed to the reward, told People at the time.
A grand jury later found insufficient evidence of a rape, and Brawley and her advisers -- including Rev. Al Sharpton, who was thrust into the spotlight -- were successfully sued for defamation. The incident inflamed racial tension nationwide.
Nearly two decades later, Cosby stirred racial tension, this time within the black community. During a 2004 NAACP celebration marking the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education school-desegregation decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, Cosby upbraided poor black parents for buying their children expensive sneakers but not teaching them proper English.
"These people marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around," Cosby said at the event.
"I can't even talk the way these people talk: 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' ... and I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk," Cosby continued. "And then I heard the father talk. ... Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."
After his comments sparked a nationwide debate, Cosby said in a statement that he meant for his remarks to be a call to action.
"I feel that I can no longer remain silent," he said. "If I have to make a choice between keeping quiet so that conservative media does not speak negatively or ringing the bell to galvanize those who want change in the lower economic community, then I choose to be a bell ringer."
Since then, Cosby, who has a doctorate degree in education, has continued to espouse responsible parenting, the importance of good education and personal accountability.
"Stand up and stop looking for somebody to blame," he told an audience of community association leaders in 2008.

MMM Jello puddin pops

05-21-2012, 07:24 PM
First rule of fight club is.......? We don't talk about fight club.

05-21-2012, 07:33 PM

05-21-2012, 08:59 PM
I wonder if Ennis Cosby would still be alive if he were carrying a gun for protection....

05-22-2012, 05:24 PM
I wonder if Ennis Cosby would still be alive if he were carrying a gun for protection....

Most likely but in California he would have been charged with 1st degree murder not self defense.