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View Full Version : its shit like this israel...

03-14-2012, 08:08 AM

If link fails, as I'm posting from my phone, article is titled: "Palestinians prepare to lose the solar panels that provide a lifeline"

I just can't support either Palestine or Israel... both bad as each other.

03-14-2012, 09:35 AM
What was the purpose of this news?

Want us to cry for the poor Palestinians that have a small Carbon Footprint?
:P :D

03-14-2012, 10:55 AM
If Palestine and Israel ever became friends and put away the animosity prolly would be one of the best regions to visit.

03-14-2012, 11:00 AM
It's just hard to show any support for Israel when they are illegally building settlements, displacing Palestinians and a host of other illegal/human rights violations. It's fucking ridiculous. But the Palestinians are no good either.

03-14-2012, 11:04 AM
What was the purpose of this news?

Want us to cry for the poor Palestinians that have a small Carbon Footprint?

yeah haha it's so funny!

I mean what are we supposed to do? CARE about citizens on the West bank and their only pathetic source of energy? Fuck those sand monkeys and their dirty liberal apologists!
I mean, the United States would never go out of its way to help a foreign religious population that has engaged in violence against civilians in the past, right?

Now here is your annual 3 billion dollar check Israel, courtesy of the American taxpayers, hur durp!

03-14-2012, 02:12 PM
@ sw1442


You might like that forum.

*I'm fine with the 3 billion annual aid to the Zionist. They actually do a lot for us besides pulling us into their shit.
Job creation, Yes Israel creates Jobs for Americans.....while our own nation continues to outsource everything.

They also share their intel, weapons tech, and medical tech etc.....unlike those other backstabbing countries that receive our AID.

03-14-2012, 02:46 PM
Oh yeah, if I don't support Israel bulldozing solar panels I must be an anti-Semite!

Man, don't you ever get tired of being so god damn predictable?

You know, you actually don't HAVE to see the world as a false dichotomy, but I know it's helpful for those who don't want to actually objectively weigh circumstances.

Too bad it's not helpful for human progress or dignity.

HAMAS engages in terrorism, so we shouldn't be concerned about when Israel responds with massive collateral damage right?

I mean one day those damn viscous Arabs will just stop being mad right?

We're not helping to exacerbate a conflict that is going to plague our children in the future...RIGHT???

I'm just an anti-semite lol so why try to construct any solution

03-14-2012, 02:48 PM
Gazz, how come you never discuss the atrocities and human rights violations of your own country?
Everyone else is horrible besides England?

C'mon lil' homie.....do it just once.

I think England might have the USA beat in that category.

03-14-2012, 02:57 PM
The solar panels were illegal.

In my state when I build something without the proper zoning and get caught, I have to tear it down. If I don't the state will hire somebody else to do it and I have to pay the bill.
Life sucks :D

Maybe we should change Apache Clips to a World Peace Blog such as this http://www.worldpeace.com/
Some of you will fit in real nice.

Too many of us WarMongers here huh?

03-14-2012, 03:01 PM
The solar panels were illegal.

In my state when I build something without the proper zoning and get caught, I have to tear it down. If I don't the state will hire somebody else to do it and I have to pay the bill.
Life sucks.

I'm not english I'm American, and I'm well aware of our own warcrimes, I don't get why that somehow excuses Israeli behavior?

"the solar panels are illegal"

oh man i lol'd at this one. Palestinians should sure respect the law of "Israeli democracy" ... in which they can't vote (WHOOPS!) and which has been the basis for rationalizing illegal Israeli expansion.

Why can't I support Israel's right to exist and also think they should stop their illegal settlements? why can't I support Israel and criticize their human rights record?

I thought dissent was patriotic, edit the link below to see the video of a Pro-Palestinian American simply speaking on an Israeli street before the police beat him to a pulp and arrest him, I'm sure it was just a "pallywood" production though right!?
youtube watch?v=JfQu5HFZQPY

I guess I just don't understand your resentment toward me or the (admittedly naive but brave) kid in the video for not approving of Israel's human rights violation, maybe it's because you think I'm pretentious for involving myself in a foreign issue? Or are you literally just bitter that I'm disagreeing with you about a military issue on apacheclips? Yeah i should get the hell off this website for wanting peace, go to some fruity "Anti-Mass-Murder" website.

So divisive man... You know it's disheartening when people are not even willing to have a conversation.

03-14-2012, 03:28 PM
Scroll up, I was talking to Gazz
I know you are American.

Now let's get back to those Evil Jews.....
I want to read some more anti-Israel comments.

Want me to post pics and vids of murdered Israeli children?
It goes both ways....no thanks.

You can post whatever you want and do whatever you want.
I have no problems with you. Just your comments are questionable and typical of anti-semites.

And this is not the place for that type of discussion as it never ends well ......

03-14-2012, 03:34 PM
Oh my bad, and don't worry you won't read any more comments that you perceive as 'anti-israeli' from me.

( I don't see articles or comments in terms of whether they are anti-israel or pro-israel, I just look for as many facts as I can find so I can try to distinguish reality )

I mean why would I keep commenting on this thread? That would be like trying to tell an alcoholic they should stop drinking, no matter what facts, empirical data or logic you come with, they just dismiss it, laugh, and take another swig because the reality is just too painful.

03-14-2012, 03:54 PM
Maybe if the whole facts were posted instead of one-sided anti-Israel propaganda.
however on the flip-side....the same thing can be said about the anti-palestinian propaganda from the Jews.
the truth regarding that region is so diluted now that it is hopeless.

There will never be peace in Israel and Palestine will never be a free state.
A revolving door of death.

That is why these Israel/Palestine topics are hopeless and worthless.

Many Americans support Israel because they have this "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" concept going.
Not me, I do not support Israel nor Palestine.

But maybe I should support Israel since the whole world hates the United States as much as they do Israel and we do not have many "real" allies.

They all can burn in eternal hellfire. But those trillions in Israeli Aid were well spent :D

03-14-2012, 04:03 PM
Maybe if the whole facts were posted instead of one-sided anti-Israel propaganda.

lol. Well look at that, now you have ME laughing.

03-14-2012, 04:29 PM
lol. Well look at that, now you have ME laughing.
Laugh on

I didn't see you post anything about those peace loving Palestinians that have never done any wrong.
Both sides are wrong. Both are guilty of crimes against humanity and refuse to do what's right for the sake of humanity.

I'm with Gazz on his views on this situation. I was just joking with with him on the Carbon footprint shit.

You responded with the anti-semetic propaganda so I bit.

It's ok, we know you hate Jews....no need to reinforce it on AC

play time is over.
I'm out

*remember to withdraw your bank account and stuff it into your mattress so those pesky Jews won't steal your shit.

03-14-2012, 04:41 PM
If Palestine and Israel ever became friends and put away the animosity prolly would be one of the best regions to visit.

It is actually a nice place to go. The land and climate is awesome.
To bad religion and religious conflicts
had to fuck everything up

03-14-2012, 05:04 PM
Laugh on

I didn't see you post anything about those peace loving Palestinians that have never done any wrong.
Both sides are wrong. Both are guilty of crimes against humanity and refuse to do what's right for the sake of humanity.

I'm with Gazz on his views on this situation. I was just joking with with him on the Carbon footprint shit.

You responded with the anti-semetic propaganda so I bit.

It's ok, we know you hate Jews....no need to reinforce it on AC

play time is over.
I'm out

*remember to withdraw your bank account and stuff it into your mattress so those pesky Jews won't steal your shit.

Too bad you can't explain how what I've posted equates to "anti israeli propoganda," all I said was that Israel commits human rights violations and Palestinians can't vote in their democracy, and one of the first points I made is that it's ridiculous to assume I support Palestinian violence just because I don't support Israeli expansion, but it was cute to see you resort to ridiculous claims of anti-semitism and paranoia as soon as you realized what a stupid hole you dug yourself into trying to defend these solar panels being demolished, as if it's going to get me mad that some e-clown who is totally incapable of making coherent arguments is calling me names on the internet...

yeah you bit, and you failed hard at the retort.

It's nice to see you finally concede that I'm right, that both sides committing violence are in the wrong and should be condemned.

03-14-2012, 05:50 PM
I guess you forgot what your original post was.
remember, you replied to my comment directed to Gazz

And you NEVER said both sides were wrong. Just Israel.
And now you want to talk shit like a butthurt juvenile?

I'm not defending the actions of Israel
I could care less about solar panels in another fucking country. I have my own problems in mine...... If you are so concerned join the Peace Corps or go over there and lay down in front of a bulldozer.

You were the one that went off in the deep end over my comment jokingly directed @ Gazz

It was a joke and you showed your true colors.
Give it a rest.

03-14-2012, 10:01 PM
Hamas = terrorist and those people cheered at the 9/11 so fuck palestine and fuck you people who support palestine... Israel has their land back and there never has and never will be the fantasyland called palistine.

So suck on that reality some more... If your American and hate Israel and the Jews then explain what they did to you that makes you hate them not some created bullshit propaganda you read on your pro palistian websites you home paged on your tablet.

Palestine is just a fucking beehive of terrorist breeding with more terrorist and they suck on irans dick as well as syrias dick. The three countries are responsible for more terrorism than any other countries in the world combined in the last 10 years.

If you are a soft cock that has sympathies for these places then like Sixx said go on over there and help them in their efforts get the fuck out of America or the western country you reside in now. If you show up on their border you will be met with bullets and your concerns will be all gone.

When I hear people like you gazz and sw#### I think of this jerk off.


03-15-2012, 05:22 AM
I don't support Palestine, I also don't support Israel. Both can go Fuck themselfs. I also don't see how sw1442 pointing out Israeli settlements and human rights violations as anti-semetic, but whatever. I just see blind support for either just as bad as each other. But, this thread has gone to shit as always so I'm outta Here!

03-15-2012, 05:13 PM
Hamas = terrorist and those people cheered at the 9/11 so fuck palestine and fuck you people who support palestine... Israel has their land back and there never has and never will be the fantasyland called palistine.

So suck on that reality some more... If your American and hate Israel and the Jews then explain what they did to you that makes you hate them not some created bullshit propaganda you read on your pro palistian websites you home paged on your tablet.

Palestine is just a fucking beehive of terrorist breeding with more terrorist and they suck on irans dick as well as syrias dick. The three countries are responsible for more terrorism than any other countries in the world combined in the last 10 years.

If you are a soft cock that has sympathies for these places then like Sixx said go on over there and help them in their efforts get the fuck out of America or the western country you reside in now. If you show up on their border you will be met with bullets and your concerns will be all gone.

When I hear people like you gazz and sw#### I think of this jerk off.

Umm... Explain why I hate the jews....? I don't hate anyone my friend, the only one teeming with hatred appears to be you. My opinions about Israeli geopolitics are not based off of "pro-palestien websites" but off of polisci / history classes that were mostly taught by, wait for it, *JEWISH* professors with doctoral degrees! So 'suck on that reality!' xD

Sorry bud, but I will not "get the fuck out of America," the home which generations of my family have served and died to protect, just because I don't agree with you that all of Gaza, women and children included, are terrorists that deserve extermination. (YEAH TOTAL SOFT DICK I KNOW) >_>

(Also: Fox news... lol. I'm guessing that's why you are so aggressively divisive toward your own countrymen and so quick to declare the entire west bank terrorists... Looks like the Kool-Aid is working!)

>>I could care less about solar panels in another fucking country.

>> true colors.

03-15-2012, 05:56 PM
Oh and here we go with the FOX NEWS crap......it's no different than any other MSM.

What about the innocent Israeli women and children? I'm guessing they deserve extermination in your eyes huh?

03-15-2012, 06:04 PM
You would think that a college kid would know the real history of that region. Instead of repeating the cycle of diluted propaganda and twisted facts.
There is a reason for the way Israelis handle their business.

Oh and here we go with the FOX NEWS crap......it's no different than any other MSM

What makes you think I don't know the real history of the region? Because you disagree? Are the tenured professors at the University of Texas lying to me? Dude, you've been mostly reasonable and collective enough until now, but really?

I got to say at this point shut the fuck up and pull your head out of your ass.

I know you've said you don't care about the issue and don't support either side (don't know why you're in this forum then) but if you want to know the "real history" of that region why don't you start here?

youtube com/watch?v=4zi3M4ZStBA&list=PL4EBA901FB056EF6C&feature=plpp_play_all

Award winning production which includes contributions from political doctorates from HAIFA UNIVERSITY OF ISRAEL... How much fucking credibility do you want? I bet if they were on FOX you'd give them credence lol, the entire MSM is garbage. Spending 10 minutes reading will educate you more than 10 years of watching FOX, in fact there are studies which show FOX viewers are less informed than people who don't watch the news. http://gawker.com/5861733/poll-fox-news-viewers-less-informed-than-those-who-read-no-news

what about Israeli women and children? It's absolutely awful they have to live in this kind of condition where they're the subject of arab hatred because of other's actions in the past, why the FUCK would I think they deserve extermination?

03-15-2012, 06:18 PM
why did you edit out your insult of "YOU MUST BE A LEFTIST PUNK"

I rather enjoyed it. Look at this college kid typing long responses, must be a god damn LIBERAL.

Voted Ron Paul. Thanks.

03-15-2012, 06:26 PM
I edited out the leftist punk by accident, it's dark in my momma's basement and I type with two fingers and the tip of my ding-dong.

I don't care about Israel or Palestine....however OUR source of allies are very limited. Not to mention It irritates me when people come on to AC with anti-jewish bullshit or push leftist garbage.

How about we try without the propaganda links.....

I voted for Ross Perot
So what...
Try explaining the history and the source of the conflict without having to google or use garbage youtube. You are educated....let's do it.

I don't need to pull my head out. I know what's up.

Are you some sort of leftist punk or something? http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/search.php?do=finduser&userid=29184&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showposts=1

Also, I asked you do you think innocent Jewish women and children deserved to be exterminated?
I'm thinking you are a leftist punk....and it has nothing to do with edumacation. Just your comments.
Ron Paul is a wasted vote, I'd like to have him for a Prez....but he'll never come close to being elected.

03-15-2012, 06:30 PM
I don't care about Israel or Palestine....however OUR source of allies are very limited. Not to mention It irritates me when people come on to AC with anti-semetic bullshit or push leftist garbage.

How about we try without the propaganda links.....
Try explaining the history and the source of the conflict without having to google or use garbage youtube. You are educated....let's do it.

I don't need to pull my head out. I know what's up.

Are you some sort of leftist punk or something? http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/search.php?do=finduser&userid=29184&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showposts=1
Also, I asked you do you think innocent Jewish women and children deserved to be exterminated?

Sorry I answered in a later edit, a fuck obvious "NO". You want me to sit here and type out the entire history of the Palestinian Israel conflict? No. Sorry, going outside to live life now, I already told you the history I'm familiar with, UT curriculum : middle eastern history / theological political science / a history of religion in American Govt and foreign relations.

03-15-2012, 06:37 PM
That's why you post propaganda links like some other members here that I wont mention?
Pretending you know what you are talking about?

Gimme a break dude.

Go have fun outside and living life. I'll be smoking a doob while talking to nature....nothing better than that. Well, perhaps smoking a doob outside while getting dome beats talking to wildlife.

Oh and don't hold back on your comments towards me, I won't get mad. I'mma big boy.
I don't moderate threads that I'm actively engaged in...so don't worry about me using my "mod powers" to get even. This is just a discussion that doesn't leave this thread.

I just want to see the truth posted for once when these Israel/Palestine threads pop up.
I'm really a nice guy, hell I'd probably even go on a date with you. I don't discriminate.

03-15-2012, 07:51 PM
sw, take your leftist garb and shove it up your ass! Palestine is run by hezby's, they are terrorist. Take my advice and stay "outside living life" as Sixx will end up handing you your ass. If he doesn't, I WILL (and he doesn't need any backup)!!!

03-16-2012, 11:45 AM
I posted a link of a fox segment in which the brainless leftist went to iran and converted to islam. That is what it is not some talking head pushing propaganda it is a dimwhitted hollywood elitist who thinks he is apart of something bigger than himself.

He is useless and anti American which I compared the two douche bags on this thread. There you go simple and easy to understand for you SW####. Your recycled and unoriginal comment about Fox news as some reason for not being legitimate is useless.

You think that because a college professor says something it is reality? That shows just how much of a lemming you are and you are dangerous like the taliban and other mindless zombies.

If your professor say strap a bomb to your nut sack and blow up a daycare will you do it? I would say yes you probably would from the sound of your intellect.

Can I point out there have been numerous college professors that push anti American and racist agendas....I know that is unbelievable yet it is reality. Now go tell those professors that you have a mind of your own and that they can take their anti Israeli and anti American views and stick em up their ass.

03-16-2012, 03:48 PM
If this thread is a hint at what discussing American politics is like America then...... wow. Just wow.

03-16-2012, 04:11 PM
^^^^^^ Up there says it all ^^^^^^

03-16-2012, 04:17 PM
It has been a hottest topic in America for many many years Its probally the no 1 cause of bar room brawls for Hundreds of years But it is good to see what people feel about there government After this administration is done Who will be the next one on the American chopping block When the media gets there version of Them
The Media is Most peoples source of Intel on administrations A close second is the internet Internet provides the boxing ring That is why I stay out of politics People pay attention in what is happening in there country as they should but vent in ways that are unbelievable
and listen or catch something on the news that sparks there interest listen to it but some take it to extremes and exploit it
Some groups like NRA for example, yes they should let the American people what is happening to our rights, freedom speech groups and Human rights are just a few examples and yes they should all let the people know what is Happening but Some of the branches of these groups take it to an extreme Alot of things happen in this country they get put out there and by the time it gets from Point A to point D yes that fast it is blown way out of proportion and exploited
I love this country and that they way it is here and I would not give it up for all the money in the world

03-16-2012, 04:56 PM
If this thread is a hint at what discussing American politics is like America then...... wow. Just wow.

Go hang yourself in a closet......lol :D

03-16-2012, 11:12 PM
And ya'll let some dumbass college troll get you bent... jeezh

I could give two fucks about either country, but save the hotties in their military that is all :)

03-17-2012, 01:37 AM
I second that

03-17-2012, 08:49 PM
Motion Granted and gazz please take some good advice

03-18-2012, 01:42 AM
Gazz acts like he is never ceased to be amazed ... but after carefully collecting data, and observing him past months; I have decided that he is jealous, he just doesnt have that X-factor, and wishes he could debate as good as Americans debate over American Politics.

So is P-stan the ones with broken solar panels, and if so Im concerned, and I for one want to know how Obama is going to fix it, and has he done a press release yet? And if not, has he done a pre-press release to state when he is going to comment on it?

03-18-2012, 02:02 AM
so wait just read 2nd page ... Dude (sw) you were totally serious when you were bragging about a tenured college prof. giving you some kind of credibility fairy dust. Bro .... comeon LOL.
tenured coll prof = oxymoron. Erggguuhhh maybe dont say that with such bravado. laughing out fuckin loud. good one dude

03-18-2012, 07:13 AM
Gazz acts like he is never ceased to be amazed ... but after carefully collecting data, and observing him past months; I have decided that he is jealous, he just doesnt have that X-factor, and wishes he could debate as good as Americans debate over American Politics. ?

This has got to be a joke right? the extend to which "debating" is on this website is simply throwing insults and massive generalizations like "leftist", "left wing", "socialist" , "Marxist" , "communist" or whatever else you call Obama... Hes probably a nazi alien Muslim from space next. So with that noted, ill return the "debate" ... F*ck you right wing Christian nazi extremist! go back to the KKK huur herp!! (did i do good?) .

seriously, debating does not exist on this website.

03-18-2012, 05:38 PM
whats a "hurr herp" ( confused look on my face ) :) Damn bro you aint got to cuss me. You are slipping bro, usually you would respond with evidence of dignity and not such a vitriolic statements. I guess you are just about to lay down and giveing up. And also, you have never debated me.

btw I was just kidding around brother, and you responding in that fashion means * brightgoo 1 and gazz 0 * (take notes son, Thats how you debate) ; )

03-18-2012, 05:50 PM
"hurr herp" is just an internet thing to show my insult was in satire. I guess thats just the geek in me thinking others are as geeky as i am. And now looking back, i see you was kidding. Fuck, brightgoo 1 and gazz 0.

03-18-2012, 08:39 PM
Why yes Gazz, to anwser you edited first sentence in #39. hurr herp (did I do good :) ? ) * brightgoo 2 and gazz 0 *

I would love to whoop your ass in chess, I would mind grapple you til you cried ; )

03-19-2012, 04:48 AM
rather enjoy chess :P , poker is more my thing tho.

03-19-2012, 12:17 PM
rather enjoy chess :P , poker is more my thing tho.

texas holdem no limit the only poker I will play...I play chess against the computer and lose so it gets rather boring. :D