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View Full Version : yeah, hey guys/girls

03-12-2012, 01:27 PM
I'm not new on AC, but I was bored so I was like "Meh... fuck it, I wanna post something on the forum"

Hey, My name is Kåre (that's right! a fucking VIKING name!!"
I'm from Norway, I like to post news from Norway on AC
I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning, and watch stuff blow up...

need more info? just ask :D

03-12-2012, 03:54 PM
haha.... good post Daare...

Glad you're a part of AC.... Keep posting that footage from the great Vikings...

How do you say "fuck yes!" in Norwegian?


03-12-2012, 04:56 PM
that won't be a problem :D

uhm... that's a good question... I usually just say "fuck yeah" but you can say like "dra meg baklengs inn i fuglekassa" or "jævlig bra" or "lekkert" but the word "fuck yeah" is something we took when the english language came to Norway, so we really don't have a word for it :P