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03-06-2012, 08:13 PM
Report: Iran held nuclear test in N. Korea

German press says Tehran, Pyongyang collaborated on possibly more than one nuclear test in early 2010

Published: 03.05.12, 08:32 / Israel News

Germany's Die Welt newspaper reported Sunday that Iran held at least one nuclear weapons test in North Korea in 2010.

The paper's report is based on "Western intelligence agencies sources," and says that the test, in fact, refutes US intelligence assessments suggesting there is no "hard evidence" that Iran is building nuclear weapons.
The International Atomic Energy Agency has recently declared that its nuclear negotiations with Iran have failed.

The statement followed Tehran's decision the bar IAEA inspectors from what is believed to be key military sites in the Islamic Republic.

Iran vehemently claims that its nuclear program is meant to serve civil, peaceful purposes only.

The Die Welt noted that evidence of the 2010 nuclear tests in North Korea was published in early February in Nature Magazine.

According to the report, Swedish nuclear physicist Lars-Erik de Geer analyzed data "showing the presence of radioisotopes that betrayed a uranium bomb explosion."

"After a year of work, (de Geer) concluded that North Korea carried out two small nuclear tests in April and May 2010 that caused explosions in the range of 50–200 tons of TNT equivalent.

"The types and ratios of isotopes detected… suggest that North Korea was testing materials and techniques intended to boost the yield of its weapons," the report said.


03-07-2012, 12:45 AM
This is the problem with government corruption and the power of government in all countries.. They have all the intel and all the secrets that the 99.999% do not know the truth ever. I believe this story and I believe it not because of the story alone but because it is another puzzle piece that goes with the many other pieces I already know about. I know iran is actually working on nuclear fuel as they cannot hide that and I know iran has hatred for Israel and America and the west including European allies. I know that iran lies as they have said they found the cure for AIDS( that's hilarious by the way). They say they are only pursuing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes? Then they have nothing to hide from the world right? So then why do they not allow inspections of their nuclear facilities? They are testing ICBM's which if they succeed then would have a way to transfer their nuclear weapon to America.

So as much as iran hates Israel and the Jewish people they call America the "great satan" and would actually prefer to wipe America off the map more than Israel. With America destroyed iran and its allies become the powers of the world(russia, china, syria, hamas).

I figure russia is using iran to prod them into attacking or striking Israel and America first. russia(putin) rather than do it themselves would like iran to be their puppet and make the first move and ideally take the first punch and do the most damage against Israel or America so them to weaken one or both and russia reaps the benefits of not having to throw the first punch. They can sit back and feed iran weapons and intel until they are required to get involved or are attacked in retaliation.

china could also sit back and wait to see if they sense a weakened America then jump into the war. I see that as less likely but I never discount china to stand up for communism if they think they can help eliminate democracy.

obama is our president and so that is the biggest indicator that this is true because he is a liar and deceiver like no other.

Lets see if this story gets out in the media or if they are all too scared even Fox news might stay away from it. Would anyone think this cant be true? If so why?

03-07-2012, 05:59 AM
A country in the middle east has nuclear weapons and we must go to war with them to prevent them from using the against us and our allies. 2003 Iraq? Nope. 2012 Iran.

03-07-2012, 02:58 PM
The world is a fucked up place and so the history of war rolls on. Having no stomach for war is like asking to be enslaved by the countries that do have the stomach for war.

Too bad so many feel like they are being manipulated to accept a war with iran like it is iraq. Those who are outside the liberal media know and have seen with our own eyes the weapons of mass destruction saddam had. Did he not use them on his own people? Sarin gas on the Kurds ring bell? There is video on AC of the kurds after getting blasted with sarin gas.

Sarin gas is a chemical/biological weapon of mass destruction and was outlawed with other chemical weapons of mass destruction in the Chemical Weapons treaty of 1993. It seems someone has not been educated very well except for his liberal media that hides the truth.

03-07-2012, 03:00 PM
A country in the middle east has nuclear weapons and we must go to war with them to prevent them from using the against us and our allies. 2003 Iraq? Nope. 2012 Iran.

So you dont believe there is cause for war with iran? Is that what you are saying? Corky?

03-07-2012, 03:29 PM
Corky? that's a first, No idea what that means.


While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG


BUSH: The chief weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, has now issued a comprehensive report that confirms the earlier conclusion of David Kay that Iraq did not have the weapons that our intelligence believed were there.

But either-way, no i do not believe there is cause for war with Iran YET. I thought the US wasn't the world police ? But i guess it is when it suits your views. Just don't understand the eagerness of war after Iraq and Afghanistan.

03-07-2012, 11:45 PM
gazz i believe my own eyes and ears i dont need some group or person to tell me what to think.

iraq had sarin gas and they used it in mass genocide against the kurds. That is fact and the proof is on AC if you would like to see for yourself. The reports and cover ups that come to be after things is media driven and politically driven and I dont need to waste time with it or how it is corruption defined.

Let us look to history for your answer shall we? After WW1 you would think the world had had enough of war yet so soon after that it would seem the lack of stomach for war gave rise to easily one of the worlds most heinous men ever in hitler.

You never will have a stomach for war yet you must have the intelligence to see risk and understand the likely results.

The risk is iran and they are blatantly beating the drum of war and death to Israel and America. If you are threatened then you either react or you dont.

If you dont react what are the potential risk? That is what you have to understand to know if war is required.

The risks with iran achieving both nuclear capabilities and ICBM technologies that then they are a valid threat to America and any other nation they choose to hate.

That their belief system is not like our own they are irrational they want "chaos" so whatever they feel can create "chaos" will bring them their destiny.

I dont care what hippies and liberals think as they are smoking weed and living in their dream world of peace love and happiness.

The world has shown through history not just in ancient times but in the last 100 years even 10 years that harm is just around the corner for freedom and those who want it.

03-08-2012, 02:45 PM
A whole' lot of 'if' and 'buts thats based speculation, and a dangerous alliance with Isreal. Fear-mongering and chest-beating, need that "enemy" (fear!). Iraq is "over" and afghan seems to be winding down. Who will be the enemy then?!?! We need the fear! Iran.

03-08-2012, 03:35 PM

Do you just repeat things others say and you have no personal desire to investigate and read and learn for yourself?

liberals are the ones chanting war mongering and fear mongering.

Your grandparents were chanting war mongering and fear mongering when hitler was slaughtering Jews and Pols and Czechs and Ruskies.

Your liberal minds are always cluttered with residue from your addiction to THC.

I no longer become irritated from listening to a liberal as it has become so old and tired that they would rather allow their neck to be slit by a islamic conservative than pick up a gun and fight back.

So again I love to listen to your thoughts and how you interpret things just to make myself feel good that I dont even come close to you and your opinions.

03-09-2012, 04:21 AM
"Your grandparents were chanting war mongering and fear mongering when hitler was slaughtering Jews and Pols and Czechs and Ruskies."

I stopped reading there. and on that note. this debate is over. pathetic, horrifying in fact. The idea that you can come up with such outrageous statements of my family based on your perceived views of my political ideology is horrendous. This is why American politics is a joke, people like you.