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03-06-2012, 08:07 PM
UK says Libya sorry for desecration of WWII graves
Libyan authorities have been "extremely apologetic" over the desecration of Commonwealth graves in the eastern city of Benghazi, a British Foreign Office minister said Sunday.

Jeremy Browne said the incidents were "appalling" and people would be "shocked" by the footage of the February 24 and 26 attacks.

"The Libyan authorities themselves are shocked too," he told Sky News television.

"We have had direct dealings with them. They have been extremely apologetic and made a very strong commitment they will get to the bottom of this happening. They will try and do everything they can to resolve it.

Video footage shows a mob smashing up headstones and a cross of sacrifice, saying "they are dogs".

Local reports said the group comprised Salafists angered by the burning of the Koran at a NATO military base in Afghanistan last month.

The Libyan transitional government on Tuesday condemned the attacks and vowed to find the perpetrators.

Some 1,214 Commonwealth troops who died in the north African desert battles of World War II are buried at the Benghazi War Cemetery, where around 200 headstones were damaged.

Of the 1,051 identified graves, 851 are those of British troops, with others belonging to Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, South African and Indian servicemen.

Around a quarter of the headstones in the nearby Benghazi British Military Cemetery, which does not contain World War graves, were also damaged.

"My understanding it is not just British graves or just Christian graves that have been desecrated, there is wider desecration taking place. The Libyan authorities are keen to work with us on this," the minister said.

The British and French air forces last year aided Benghazi-based rebels to oust dictator Moamer Kadhafi from power after his tanks encircled the city.

A Foreign Office spokesman told AFP that Britain's ambassador in Tripoli has spoken to Transitional Council chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil and Libyan Prime Minister Abdel Rahim al-Kib about the attacks.

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, which maintains the cemeteries, said it would restore them.

"We are awaiting a detailed report but in both cemeteries, headstones were broken and disfigured," the intergovernmental body said.

"Both cemeteries will be restored to a standard befitting the sacrifice of those commemorated at Benghazi, but this could take some time because we will need to source replacement stones."

The commission said temporary markers would be erected over the graves and no detailed work would take place before they were sure it was safe.

03-06-2012, 10:15 PM
Fix it and quick. Disrespectful shits.

03-06-2012, 10:36 PM
... a very strong commitment they will get to the bottom of this happening. They will try and do everything they can to resolve it.

Joking right?

03-06-2012, 10:43 PM
I'm sure they are blowing smoke up our asses . Well the people that believe that they will even try to find the people that did this or even fix the headstones .

03-07-2012, 12:00 PM
Seriously? How can expect a bunch of stone age neanderthals to act any differently? I'm not saying all of them are like responsible but religious fundamentalists are. Inside most Libyans is an American trying to get out. They want to be able to think how they want, buy what they want, do what they want and fundamentalist Islam is contrary to all that.

06-19-2012, 10:40 PM
Benghazi: War Cemetery vandalized again
Headstones on Second World War military graves in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi have been desecrated again, a local official said on Saturday, in the second such attack in four months.

Earlier this year, Libya’s leadership apologised after armed men in Benghazi smashed the graves of British and Italian troops killed during the Second World War, in an act of vandalism that bore the hallmarks of radical Islamists.

In February, amateur video footage posted on social networking site Facebook showed men casually kicking over headstones in a war cemetery and using sledgehammers to smash a metal and stone cross.

Benghazi is near where British and Commonwealth troops fought heavy battles against German and Italian forces during the 1939-45 war.

The city was the starting point of an uprising last year that later ended Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year rule, but it is now a hot spot for violence with arms readily available and state security forces struggling to assert their authority.

A convoy carrying Britain’s ambassador to Libya was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade on Monday, wounding two of his bodyguards.

Five days before that, an explosive device was dropped from a passing car outside the offices of the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi. The blast that followed slightly damaged the gate in front of the building.

Earlier attacks targeted the International Committee of the Red Cross and a convoy carrying the United Nations envoy to Libya.

Security experts say the area around the city is host to a number of Islamist militant groups opposed to any Western presence in Muslim countries.

06-21-2012, 11:45 PM
So when a Muslim desecrates a WW2 memorial site its Radical Islamic behavior, but when a douchebag does it in England its drunken fun.

06-25-2012, 11:05 PM
:d :d :d :d :d :d ........

07-03-2012, 02:10 AM
:d :d :d :d :d :d ........

What the hell has happened to you MIR? a year ago you were on target with things when you shared your thoughts..... now I am guessing all this russia supporting a prick dictator while he mass murders his unarmed citizens (women,children) has made you fill up with former USSR communism love. Some reminiscing of the good ol' days or something?

09-10-2012, 12:30 PM
It wasn't a deliberate act of hate, anymore than it was a pure accident. We have to hear more, to know more.