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View Full Version : Obama DOJ Won’t Defend Constitutionality Of Denying Military Benefits To Same-Sex

02-21-2012, 11:20 PM
BREAKING: Obama DOJ Won’t Defend Constitutionality Of Denying Military Benefits To Same-Sex Couples

By Igor Volsky on Feb 17, 2012 at 3:47 pm

The Obama administration has announced that it will not defend laws that prevent married same-sex couples from obtaining military benefits. In a letter to Congress today, Attorney General Eric Holder argued, “[t]he legislative record of these provisions contains no rationale for providing veterans’ benefits to opposite-sex couples of veterans but not to legally married same-sex spouses of veterans … Neither the Department of Defense nor the Department of Veterans Affairs identified any justifications for that distinction that would warrant treating these provisions differently from Section 3 of DOMA.”

Currently, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act prevents federal agencies from recognizing same-sex relationships and Title 38 of the United States Code defines spouses as a person of the opposite sex. Holder added that Congress would “be provided a ‘full and fair opportunity’ to defend the statues in the McLaughlin v. Panetta case if they wished to do so.”

That lawsuit, filed by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network in October on behalf of Maj. Shannon McLaughlin of the Massachusetts National Guard, argues that McLaughlin and her partner Casey are denied benefits that similarly situated opposite-sex couples enjoy, including, “medical and dental benefits, basic housing allowances, travel and transportation allowances, family separation benefits, military ID cards, visitation rights in military hospitals, survivor benefit plans, and the right to be buried together in military cemeteries.” Such treatment “violates constitutional equal protection guarantees,” “the Tenth Amendment and constitutional principles of federalism,” it says.

“Given the military’s ‘zero tolerance’ for discrimination based on sexual orientation, it is unconscionable that DOMA forces the military to engage in the very discrimination that it prohibits its service members from engaging in through its ‘zero tolerance’ policy,” the suit claims.

Since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the Defense Department has been engaging in “a careful and deliberate review of the possibility of extending eligibility for benefits, when legally permitted, to other individuals including same-sex partners.”

Obama previously announced that he would stop defending the constitutionality of DOMA on February 23, 2011 and has similarly permitted Republicans in Congress to take up that fight.


02-21-2012, 11:36 PM
I personally think that homosexuality is disgusting, vial, and a disgrace to the human race. That is my personal view on the subject. At the same time, there is absolutely no reason that people of that sexual orientation should be denied the rights that are guarenteed to any other hetrosexual couple in America. If it were to be determined that their way of life crosses my view of morality and I could ban their right to liberty, justice, and an equal way of life, then how could someone else not do the same to me? For example some people in this country seem to think that guns, weapons, are an evil which needs to be stamped out. If the tables were turned against me I would be singing a broad and bloody song.

There is no reason to deny these individuals the rights they should be guarenteed, as is any other American. Along with that the fact that they are serving in the military, well they already have my full support :) . They are doing a lot more than most of our politicians and "representatives" have ever done for this country.

Good post Jamieooh I hadn't seen this yet!

02-21-2012, 11:48 PM
Thank Brenden
I found this through a website I like to go to for my news.
As I was posting the article I started to get cold feet.
There is a lot of gay/lesbian ads around this story.
I heard nothing of this either and the story is dated the 17th.
I have heard that the best time to release a story that you want nobody to notice is on Friday. The 17th was a Friday. hmmm

02-22-2012, 02:05 PM
obama is a train wreck going full speed ahead. He is so inconsistent and now alienating those that supported him in 2008. He of course had gay support as all democraps do but he is not following through here and that will either force some to vote against him or keep his previous supporters home on election day. He is alienating the rich with his push to tax the rich. He may have had some Catholic support from minority races in that faith but his attempt to force contraception on churches hit the wall with a big thud. So those people see him as who he is and that is a socialist/marxist/communist.

He would control every single thing in our lives if it not for our Constitution.

02-22-2012, 08:18 PM
I hope he alienates all his voter.
But he was elected once and remember "you can't fix stupid"
I think it will be a close race in November.

02-22-2012, 09:12 PM
100 bucks that lame Obama gets reelected due to a garbage GOP candidate.

We might as well embrace the suck that will be hitting us harder than ever.....

02-22-2012, 10:15 PM
honestly I have been republican my entire life but for voting for Perot. He knew that NAFTA was a bad policy and look what NAFTA has brought our country. The republican party is also a train wreck so I agree with Jamie Nov election should be close because its bad versus horrible.

The brain dead obama voters that only voted for him cuz he is black just like them will vote for him again despite the fact that he hasn't improved their lives and with gas going up he has literally made everyone's life more miserable.

We will see what happens with iran and Israel although in my opinion it shouldn't be touted as iran vs Israel it should be America vs iran. Iran wants America destroyed more than they want Israel destroyed. They just use Israel as a distraction while they are planning to hit us with their ICBM with their new nuclear warheads. This conflict could create some serious issues to deal with before the election.

02-22-2012, 10:33 PM
Six I agree with you. The GOP has some of the most uninspiring candidates ever. The gum on the bottom of my shoe is more exciting. I think the idea of Newt having an open relationship is the most interesting thing about him. Jesus who in the hell would think he is attractive?
Santorum reminds me of Mr. Rogers.The only thing to come out of his mouth that was worth a crap was when he was talking about barry's environmental cult.
Barry on the other hand is poised to hammer us into the ground whether he gets re-elected or not. Ever notice that O'barry care will take full effect in 2013? The Keystone XL pipeline won't be decided upon until 2013.