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View Full Version : Kill all jews, annihilate israel

02-06-2012, 12:20 AM
By Reza Kahlili

The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people.

The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.

Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification” to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”

The article, written by Alireza Forghani, a conservative analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned conservative sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’ Fars News Agency, showing that the regime endorses this doctrine.

Because Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran is justified in launching a pre-emptive, cataclysmic attack against the Jewish state, the doctrine argues.

On Friday, in a major speech at prayers, Khamenei announced that Iran will support any nation or group that attacks the “cancerous tumor” of Israel. Though his statement was seen by some in the West as fluff, there is substance behind it.

Iran’s Defense Ministry announced this weekend that it test-fired an advanced two-stage, solid-fuel ballistic missile and boasted about successfully putting a new satellite into orbit, reminding the West that its engineers have mastered the technology for intercontinental ballistic missiles even as the Islamic state pushes its nuclear weapons program.

The commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Brig. Gen. Seyyed Mehdi Farahi, stated in August that the Safir missile, which is capable of transporting a satellite into space, can easily be launched parallel to the earth’s orbit, which will transform it into an intercontinental ballistic missile. Western analysts didn’t believe this would happen until 2015. Historically, orbiting a satellite is the criterion for crediting a nation with ICBM capability.

Forghani details the Islamic duty of jihad as laid out in the Quran for the sake of Allah and states that “primary jihad,” according to some Shiite jurists, can only occur when the Hidden Imam, the Shiites’ 12th Imam Mahdi, returns. Shiites believe Mahdi’’s return will usher in Armageddon.

In the absence of the hidden Imam, Forghani says, “defensive jihad” could certainly take place when Islam is threatened, and Muslims must defend Islam and kill their enemies. To justify such action, Alef quotes the Shiites’ first imam, Ali, who stated “Waging war against the enemies with whom war is inevitable and there is a strong possibility that in near future they will attack Muslims is a must and the duty of Muslims.”

The article then quotes the Quran (Albaghara 2:191-193): “And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers] … and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.”

It is the duty for all Muslims to participate in this defensive jihad, Forghani says. A fatwa by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini made it clear that any political domination by infidels over Muslims authorizes Muslims to defend Islam by all means. Iran now has the ICBM means to deliver destruction on Israel and soon will have nuclear warheads for those missiles.

In order to attack Iran, the article says, Israel needs the approval and assistance of America, and under the current passive climate in the United States, the opportunity must not be lost to wipe out Israel before it attacks Iran.

Under this pre-emptive defensive doctrine, several Ground Zero points of Israel must be destroyed and its people annihilated. Forghani cites the last census by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics that shows Israel has a population of 7.5 million citizens of which a majority of 5.7 million are Jewish. Then it breaks down the districts with the highest concentration of Jewish people, indicating that three cities, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, contain over 60 percent of the Jewish population that Iran could target with its Shahab 3 ballistic missiles, killing all its inhabitants.

Forghani suggests that Iran’s Sejil missile, which is a two-stage rocket with a trajectory and speed that make it impossible to intercept, should target such Israeli facilities as: the Rafael nuclear plant, which is the main nuclear engineering center of Israel; the Eilun nuclear plant; another Israeli reactor in Nebrin; and the Dimona reactor in the nuclear research center in Neqeb, the most critical nuclear reactor in Israel because it produces 90 percent enriched uranium for Israel’s nuclear weapons.

Other targets, according to the article, include airports and air force bases such as the Sedot Mikha Air Base, which contains Jericho ballistic missiles and is located southwest of the Tel Nof Air Base, where aircraft equipped with nuclear weapons are based. Secondary targets include power plants, sewage treatment facilities, energy resources, and transportation and communication infrastructures.

Finally, Forghani says, Shahab 3 and Ghadr missiles can target urban settlements until the Israelis are wiped out.

Forghani claims that Israel could be destroyed in less than nine minutes and that Khamenei, as utmost authority, the Velayete Faghih (Islamic Jurist), also believes that Israel and America not only must be defeated but annihilated.

The radicals ruling Iran today not only posses over 1,000 ballistic missiles but are on the verge of ICBM delivery and have sufficient enriched uranium for six nuclear bombs even as they continue to highly enrich uranium despite four sets of U.N. sanctions.

The Iranian secret documentary “The Coming Is Upon Us” clearly indicates that these radicals believe the destruction of Israel will trigger the coming of the last Islamic Messiah and that even Jesus Christ, who will convert to Islam, will act as Mahdi’s deputy, praying to Allah as he stands behind the 12th Imam.

See the video:

<object width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WwiadYT-N9k?version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WwiadYT-N9k?version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

02-06-2012, 03:30 AM
Pay attention to what America does in this conflict because if we do not stand with Israel then we are waiting for our own destruction.

02-06-2012, 11:44 AM
Israel will do it with or without us. Our communist in chief will not do it. Simply because he is up for re-electioniranians know this, Israel knows this. If they launch a nuclear ICBM Israel will respond as will the US. Russia will not. China will not. MAD comes to mind. US can intercept ICBM's but Israel might not have that luxury. The same can be said for Iran from any one of Israel's missile's. Again MAD.

02-06-2012, 12:55 PM
WASHINGTON/TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Sunday there were important risks to consider before any military strike against Iran and made clear he does not want to see more conflict in the oil-producing Gulf region.
In a television interview, Obama also said he did not believe Tehran had the "intentions or capabilities" to attack the United States, playing down the threats from Tehran and saying he wanted a diplomatic end to the nuclear standoff.
"Any kind of additional military activity inside the Gulf is disruptive and has a big effect on us. It could have a big effect on oil prices. We've still got troops in Afghanistan, which borders Iran. And so our preferred solution here is diplomatic," Obama said.
His comments echoed concerns expressed by earlier by Iran's neighbor Turkey that an attack on Iran would be disastrous.
Obama, who is up for re-election in November, has ended the U.S. war in Iraq and is winding down combat in Afghanistan amid growing public discontent about American war spending at a time when the economy remains shaky.
He said Israel had not yet decided what to do in response to the escalating tension but was "rightly" concerned about Tehran's plans.
"My number one priority continues to be the security of the United States, but also the security of Israel, and we are going to make sure that we work in lockstep as we proceed to try to solve this, hopefully diplomatically," he told NBC.
Iranian leaders have responded sharply to speculation that Israel could bomb Iran within months to stop it from assembling nuclear weapons, threatening to retaliate against any country that launches an attack against the Islamic Republic.
Iran says its nuclear program is meant to produce energy, not weapons.
But its recent shift of uranium enrichment to a mountain bunker - possibly impervious to conventional bombing - and refusal to negotiate peaceful guarantees for the program or open up to U.N. inspectors have raised fears about Iran's ambitions as well as concerns about Gulf oil supplies.
Although tough sanctions from the United States and Europe have begun to inflict economic pain in Iran, its oil minister asserted on Saturday it would make no nuclear retreat even if its energy exports ground to a halt.
Betraying nervousness about the possibility of a military strike on Iran, two of its neighbors - Qatar and Turkey - urged Western powers on Sunday to make greater efforts to negotiate a solution to the nuclear dispute.
Speaking at a security conference in Munich, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said an attack would be a disaster and suggested the dispute over Iran's nuclear program could be ended very rapidly.
"If there is strong political will and mutual confidence being established, this issue could be resolved in a few days," he said. "The technical disputes are not so big. The problem is mutual confidence and strong political will."
He added: "A military option will create a disaster in our region. So before that disaster, everybody must be serious in negotiations. We hope soon both sides will meet again but this time there will be a complete result."
Qatari Deputy Foreign Minister Khalid Mohamed al-Attiyah said an attack "is not a solution."
"I believe that with our allies and friends in the West we should open a serious dialogue with the Iranians to get out of this dilemma. This is what we feel in our region," he said.
Turkey hosted talks between Western powers and Iran a year ago that ended in stalemate because the participants could not agree on an agenda.
Despite Obama's stated preference for a diplomatic solution, he said from the White House on Sunday he would not take options off the table to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons.
"We're going to do everything we can to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and creating an arms race - a nuclear arms race - in a volatile region," he said in the interview.
Any military strike on Iran, which might include an attack on the oilfields of No. 1 exporter Saudi Arabia, could send oil prices soaring, which could seriously harm the global economy.
Tehran has warned its response to any such strike would be "painful," threatening to target Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf, and warning it may close the Strait of Hormuz used by one third of the world's seaborne oil traffic.
The elite Revolutionary Guards began two days of military maneuvers in southern Iran on Saturday in a show of force for Iran's adversaries. On Sunday, the deputy of that unit said Iran was ready to attack any country whose territory is used by "enemies" to launch a military strike against it.
"Any spot used by the enemy for hostile operations against Iran will be subjected to retaliatory aggression by our armed forces," Hossein Salami told the semi-official Fars news agency. The Gulf states that host U.S. military facilities are Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait.
Experts currently estimate the longest range of an Iranian missile to be 1,500 miles, capable of reaching Israel and Europe. Las week, Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon said Iran had been working on a missile that could strike the United States, with a range of 6,000 miles.
Asked about that risk, Obama said there was little sign of a pending Iranian attack on U.S. soil. "We don't see any evidence they have those intentions or capabilities right now," he said.
(Additional reporting by William Maclean in Munich, Michael Holden in London and Aruna Viswanatha in Washington; Writing by Laura MacInnis; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

02-06-2012, 02:21 PM
"obama says its risky to attack iran"

REALLY? going to war is risky mr president? This amazing piece of information comes from a man who attended Harvard? Has he put much thought into it is equally if not more risky to not attack iran and allow them to make the first move in a military strike?

Here is the bottom line with many of these fools. They are playing politics while iran with real threats of war and killing going on.

Do they think iran is running their mouth and wont make a military strike? bullshit

iran is right now buying time until they have their nukes ready and their new ICBM ready.

Then once they have a nuke and a ICBM to send that nuke they will strike.

What is irrelevant is whether they want to strike Israel only or America and Israel.

It is extremely dangerous to allow iran to strike Israel without U.S. support.

That shows weakness with our president and his stomach for war and protecting our country.

He would be looked at as a patsy.

It is also being twisted that this is Israel and Americas decision to go to war like we are the ones who are making the final decision to make war.

I dont follow that as the entire world has asked iran politely for a long time to stop with their nuclear program allow inspections so on and so on. iran has said fuck the world we are going to do this and then fuck you world some more as your sanctions wont stop us either.

Now the latest is their supreme leader the I-a-told-ya Clam-meany saying to the world killing Jews and destroying Israel is legal and justified.

That is hitler 2.0.

What other country in the history of mankind has been able to say they have decided to destroy a specific people because that is their religious beliefs? And the world just dismisses this?

We ignored all the terrorist attacks toward America prior to 9/11 what did that get us?

Of course we waited until people were killed in Pearl Harbor before we got involved in WW2.

When is it good to wait for war to come to you?

"How many wars have been averted by patience and good will?"-Winston Churchhill

02-06-2012, 04:00 PM
not sure where this is headed, but I'm sure not in a good direction. We need to strike Iran and behead the government. The people are generally nice, and many are against their government and pro-US. I have a few friends who were born in and currently live in Iran, and they are really nice people. It is a shame that the dictator can ruin a country by himself and potentially send the world into even more of a shithole.

02-06-2012, 05:58 PM
Well my mother was 100% German she was an orphan in the early 50's in Germany. My grandparents both served in the U.S. military in Germany after the war and then adopted her. Hitler was evil and he had plenty of men and women who went along with his beliefs. Had one person just killed Hitler would that have stopped them from their mission?

I dont think so I believe the next guy would have stepped up and continued. This is what I see with Iran. Ahmadinejad could be killed assassinated but there are men behind him and not only that their supreme leader the Itoldya cromanny wants Israel gone and all Jews dead. Why is it for them they want that? Simple one simple answer is their islam. This like every other war is an issue of superiority and subservience. The nation that wants to dominate is forcing others to stop them or be dominated. America stands for freedom always has and always will. So iran isnt going to take over the world with us around. They know that too. They are working toward fixing their American problem. How close are they well it looks like very close.

02-06-2012, 07:37 PM
There's time for stricter sanctions to get Iran to abandon its nuclear weapons program, but the Islamic republic is much closer to such weapons than previously believed and a military strike may be necessary, foreign policy experts say.

By Majid Asgaripour, AFP/Getty Images
Reactor building at the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran last year.
By Majid Asgaripour, AFP/Getty Images
Reactor building at the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran last year.
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"With each time we have used sanctions, they've had more impact, but ultimately if Iran wants to pay the cost, it can get nuclear weapons," says Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "The question is, can we raise the cost enough?"
Western diplomats and nuclear experts who reviewed intelligence on the Iranian nuclear program say Iran has continued work on nuclear weapons with the help of foreign scientists, despite sanctions organized by the Obama administration, a report in The Washington Post said.
The U.S. State Department has said repeatedly that the Obama administration's policy is to stiffen enforcement of existing sanctions imposed on Iran to have it comply with United Nations nuclear non-proliferation agreements.
Israel officially has said it supports sanctions but it has acted militarily in the past to stop an enemy's nuclear program, such as in Iraq. Israel has also recently tested long-range missiles that can penetrate hardened underground targets.
The sanctions in place focus mostly on individuals in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and blocking Iranian access to nuclear materials and technology.
A report due out this week by the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency is likely to show that Iran is closer than ever to a workable nuclear weapon, Cordesman said. The report will say that Iran received technological assistance from a Russian scientist and a higher level of assistance from North Korea, Cordesman said.
For the U.S. and Israel, "a military strike is going to be the last resort," says Michael Singh, managing director of the Washington Institute for Middle East Policy and ex-director for Middle East affairs at the National Security Council.
Tougher sanctions on the central bank of Iran or its oil exports could come first, "but whether those would be enough to convince the Iranian regime to abandon its weapons program is uncertain," Singh said.
"As Iran gets closer to having a nuclear device, your options are use military means … or deploy an improved defense," Cordesman says.
Singh agrees. Israel, Gulf states and others "will be looking for the United States to be making a credible threat of military force against Iran," he said. "They see that as making the Iranians to seriously think about what they're doing."

02-23-2012, 02:33 PM
not sure where this is headed, but I'm sure not in a good direction. We need to strike Iran and behead the government. The people are generally nice, and many are against their government and pro-US. I have a few friends who were born in and currently live in Iran, and they are really nice people. It is a shame that the dictator can ruin a country by himself and potentially send the world into even more of a shithole.Are you talking about America?

02-23-2012, 03:23 PM
Are you talking about America?

I think what he was trying to say is that the Iranian Government does not represent the people. He sounded pro USA to me.

I don't know where this is headed with Iran but if they do or will have nuclear weapons very soon in the future then Israel has every right to attack to protect their nation. The thing that has me worried is what will China and Russia do? What if all this crap that's going on leads into another world conflict? The possible repercussions are much worse now. I feel like a lot of the American people choose to sleep then pay attention. Personally I'm tired and wish people would just get along.

02-23-2012, 05:31 PM
Are you talking about America?

I think what he was trying to say is that the Iranian Government does not represent the people. He sounded pro USA to me.

I don't know where this is headed with Iran but if they do or will have nuclear weapons very soon in the future then Israel has every right to attack to protect their nation. The thing that has me worried is what will China and Russia do? What if all this crap that's going on leads into another world conflict? The possible repercussions are much worse now. I feel like a lot of the American people choose to sleep then pay attention. Personally I'm tired and wish people would just get along.

yes, that is what I meant, thanks

02-23-2012, 08:21 PM
Sadly kids and some adults cant even find Iran on a map. Iran is a problem. Period. Does anyone see the fact that they got a satellite into space as a problem (if they did in fact)? All you need is a nuke payload and detonate it above your target in space and presto! EMP strike. That would do more damage than a single nuke. That can in effect shut down part or all of a country. And kill millions... slowly... No im not paranoid,it just came to mind.

02-23-2012, 10:24 PM
Sadly kids and some adults cant even find Iran on a map. Iran is a problem. Period. Does anyone see the fact that they got a satellite into space as a problem (if they did in fact)? All you need is a nuke payload and detonate it above your target in space and presto! EMP strike. That would do more damage than a single nuke. That can in effect shut down part or all of a country. And kill millions... slowly... No im not paranoid,it just came to mind.

I heard about them launching a satellite. Has there been any substantiated reports to validate this? If they did do this then hell yea its alarming. That would mean they have pretty much all they need to make a ICBM that can carry MIRVs. I could of sworn I read some where that some one was warning that Iran is working on long range missile technology much like a ICBM or could be retro fitted for that purpose. If they did do a upper atmosphere nuclear blast "EMP attack" it wouldn't be the radiation that would scare me because radiation can take years to kill. It's how people would react to not having electricity and the every day luxuries like a grocery store. It's people who can not survive on their own and who have little or no training that I worry about. That is something more people need to think about and how they will react to it. It will help make a community stronger in the event of such a horrible event.

03-05-2012, 11:43 AM
Israel will do it with or without us. Our communist in chief will not do it. Simply because he is up for re-electioniranians know this, Israel knows this. If they launch a nuclear ICBM Israel will respond as will the US. Russia will not. China will not. MAD comes to mind. US can intercept ICBM's but Israel might not have that luxury. The same can be said for Iran from any one of Israel's missile's. Again MAD.
1. Because he is running for reelection Obama will defend Israel and do what is necessary to stop Iran. If it seems politically expedient.
2. The United States may or may not have the ability to defend against incoming missiles. Israel has an operational multi-level missile defense for each of her cities.
3. The radicals take literally their religious teachings to eradicate non-Muslims and consider martyrdom the most exquisite religious thing they can do, therefore MAD is a useless theory in this case.