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View Full Version : Kim jung il dead!

12-18-2011, 11:21 PM

12-19-2011, 12:47 AM
What is that smell? Smells like a power vacuum. Demented and sad power vacuum, however. I bet you all kinds of folks on the Pacific Rim are on the phone right now. Do you think Dear Douchebag #3 Son will take the position? I am thinking a hungry and popular General will step in. Pretty much every one in North Korea is hungry. I got $100.00 that says they throw a cool parade. The Norks love a good parade, and maybe some rice.

12-19-2011, 01:08 AM
rot in hell commie

12-19-2011, 04:17 PM
better dead than red! glad he decided to take the initiative so we didnt have to

12-19-2011, 07:03 PM
We will now see how this plays out on the world circus this asshole said he would at one time go to war with south Korea to make them one big happy family I think his son should have an accident before sliding into power bad to say but Look at maybe what would happen

12-19-2011, 08:15 PM
His son looks even more evil dictator than dad so my money is on the new small dick wants to make the world aware he is in charge and do some military exercise and possible south Korean killing. I say it happens in the next three months if not sooner.

12-19-2011, 08:51 PM
I beleive he will try to assert his role through conflict with South Korea, whether it be an Artillary attack or sinking of a South korean ship. I'd expect this to happen within the next 2 years. However, I do not expect any signifigant military action within the next 6 months as Kim Jung has not been able to put in place supporting party members, dedicated to him. The military generals are probably having a fuckfest trying to take advantage of the death and shift in leaders. We ( the US) need to establish better intel on North Korea and get in place satellites and personnel to help get a better picture of North Korea as US officals didnt even learn about the death until 24 hours afterwards. But the US has nothing to fear as it will take months before Kim Jung has established his role and is able to gain the trust of the generals.