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View Full Version : Server question

10-20-2011, 07:51 PM
Hi Apaches, I wrote a couple comments to this effect but didn't hear back about it so I am coming to the forums. I am not a webmaster or anything, and I don't know what sort of technical specifications this website requires from its server. But if we're having problems making the server bill, let's research comparable services for less of a monthly price. Can Stark or someone who knows the technical server details (bandwidth etc.) post them here so I can price shop for a cheaper host? For comparison (again I don't know how these numbers compare to our server) a site I frequent pays $199 per month from ServInt ( I think it's servint dot net) for a dedicated server with the following specs:

Quad Core Xeon X3430 Processor, 4 x 2.4 GHz Cores, 8 MB L3 Cache - 1333 MHz FSB, 4 GB 1333MHz DDR3 Memory

These may be close to ours or waaay below ours, I have no idea. Let me know and I can maybe find us a better deal. That we nobody has to "monetize" this site, but members could toss a buck or two a month towards the server hosting instead of the huge monthly requirement we have now.

