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View Full Version : Un-American Screw-up at Wall Street Occupation

10-15-2011, 07:51 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/305822_271200256252850_116488801723997_838893_1947 33021_n.jpg

10-15-2011, 08:09 AM
I don't have too much of an opinion on this 'Occupy Wall Street' as i don't know enough about it, But some good videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8o3peQq79Q&feature=player_embedded (<<<Important)




10-15-2011, 01:23 PM
The thing I don't like about the "occupy" protests is that it's attracting the wrong people.
Just watch a bunch of the videos.....I see a bunch of people that never worked for many years...trying to blame others.

However there are some well organized people that have legitimate reasons to complain.....they are not being covered by mainstream media like Fox News.

Political Parties are using this shit for ammo..
But the truth is.....Republicans and democrats are both to blame for putting our country in this situation.

10-15-2011, 03:42 PM
What's funny to me is that the Right Wingers love Socialism when the government is bailing them out with our tax money!

**Fun Fact**
The 10 poorest states in the USA wth the lowest wages are rock hard REPUBLICAN.

10-15-2011, 10:02 PM
What's funny to me is that the Right Wingers love Socialism when the government is bailing them out with our tax money!

**Fun Fact**
The 10 poorest states in the USA wth the lowest wages are rock hard REPUBLICAN.
Your fun fact is mostly correct. With exception of New Mexico (2004 Presidential election) D49.0 R49.8 (2008) D56.9 R41.8 and most of the lower 10 were with in a few percentage points.
http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0104652.html <--------- no pretty pictures
http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/ranks/rank33.html <---- no pictures just numbers
http://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/12statab/election.pdf <----- goto page 8
http://www.gallup.com/poll/125450/party-affiliation-despite-gop-gains-states-remain-blue.aspx#1 <----- a good read
I couldn't find any information about right wingers liking socialism.

10-16-2011, 05:40 PM
I agree most of these shit for brain protesters look like they need to get a job.
But I also think that if these billionaires were paying the tax rate that myself and other working stiffs are paying.Those fuckers would be protesting right along side these clowns.
I have nothing against people getting rich,or making lots-O-money.But why in the hell should they get to keep more of their hard earned money than me.
Even Warren Buffett said he pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary.
Whether you agree with the protest or not,It's got to start somewhere.

10-19-2011, 09:56 AM

10-19-2011, 12:30 PM
A friend of mine said it best....

"Occupy your Job not Bay Street" (Toronto's financial center)

I guess you guys could say "Occupy your job, not Wall Street"

10-27-2011, 03:18 PM

10-27-2011, 10:43 PM
the Tea Party is peaceful i have noticed, but these Occupyers just seem to want something for nothing from other people and there have been waves of violence.

Either way, they have the right to protest peacefull.

I work hard for my money and sacrificed alot along the way and I sure don't want to give it away unwillingly to people who don't try. Especially hippies. illegals and dopers.
This is America. We are Capitalists. Get over it
Just my 2 cents

I read the top comment with the guy holding up a tablet. That is what America is all about.

10-28-2011, 12:35 PM

10-28-2011, 01:18 PM
Yeah that dude got fucked up Gazz......you can hear the rubber bullets zinging by. Also I think those grenades disperse rubber pellets as well.

Even though I dislike conscientious objectors(why join the marines?) and love to give them a whoopin'....I feel this is messed up.
The fact that they were first denying that they used rubber bullets on them and tried to pin it on another protester(by saying he was hit by a paint can thrown by other protesters)

I expect some Kent State shit coming in the near future....

10-28-2011, 02:46 PM
I'd like a voice here, please read.

I worked part time in high school to save for college as well , (and I still work on the weekends) I'm a fulltime student studying biochemistry and neurology. I have NEVER received or asked for a government handout.

I went to occupy to protest the fraudulent over-the-counter-derivative trading done on wall street, did we really forget the subprime mortgage crisis already? That's what people are protesting, not capitalism. I went to occupy to call for a separation of commercial and personal banking to protect my family's assets, many of whom served consecutive tours in the Navy, so I'd watch who you're calling unamerican. I went to occupy to call attention to how democrats, republicans, practically all our politicians are bought and cater to the interests of certain defense contractors, banks, and multinational corporations, whatever SUPER-PAC happened to fund them, that sort of corporate plutocracy is what creates an unstable environment for small business. Why can't we go back to sound money?

I went with my neighbor who manages a large branch of his family's company at 21 years old, HE CREATES JOBS. We were talking about surtaxes for the huge dividend flash trades that go on today, to ensure people are investing and not playing slots in the market, we talked about tax incentives for local job creation and more penalty for mass outsourcing to foreign countries, for more spending on actual DEFENSE and less on a global empire we claim integral to "defense" because we just can't fucking afford to do it anymore, and we certainly can't afford KBR's service year after year, but now we're just socialists, now we're just hippies who hate capitalism? Come on guys, I know you're smarter than that. Yes there are a lot of stupid hippies there, but this atmosphere of animosity that exists between parties is keeping people divided and incapable of addressing serious issues in this country.

You know I went to the tea-party and the same sort of misdirection happened, the protests started because people were pissed off about the bank bailout but then got taken over by corporate interests and directed totally toward just hating Obama and keeping the real systemic issues peripheral.


Fucking Ron Paul 2012

10-28-2011, 03:08 PM
My dad made a pretty good analogy for this whole "Occupy Wall Street" thing. We were watching the news about the "Arab Spring". Right after that there was a report on "Occupy Wall Street". My dad said, "I guess this is the "American Fall". Only difference is, it's that many of these numb nuts like Pzycho said, have never worked in years and are intent on getting their monthly welfare check and bitch about Wall Street at the same time.

I'm just fine with being an 11B slogging around in the cold, rain and mud just to get an E-2 pay check which gets cut in half after taxes and all the other bull shit. Cause at the end of the day, I might think this shit sucks and fuck it, but at least I have a job that I work at and earn money doing work, instead of eating chips and drinking beer wating for the next welfare check.

Just my humble opinion.

10-28-2011, 11:19 PM
Yeah that dude got fucked up Gazz......you can hear the rubber bullets zinging by. Also I think those grenades disperse rubber pellets as well.

Even though I dislike conscientious objectors(why join the marines?) and love to give them a whoopin'....I feel this is messed up.
The fact that they were first denying that they used rubber bullets on them and tried to pin it on another protester(by saying he was hit by a paint can thrown by other protesters)

I expect some Kent State shit coming in the near future....

Update to god another Kent state does not happen again. Hippies or not Americans killing Americans is horrible. Unless they do indeed side with terrorists.