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View Full Version : Battlefield 2 Machinima "Sands of Fire" Released

10-05-2011, 11:54 AM
I don;t normally post stuff like this, but this is damm impressive as to what they done, they Spent 6 Years making this, only 2 People, filming, editing, sound effects, camera effects.

Enjoy this 43 Minute Movie.


Finally, after 6 years, Sands of Fire has been finished and released. This movie, created by Davy Staelens and Daniele Ciccone, tells the story of a captured US Marine in Iraq and his struggle to survive.


10-05-2011, 12:48 PM
Six years!!!?!?!?!

i dunno man - its okay i guess - but since BF2 is so outdated it looks just weird in some ways - however thats some dedication six years, damn AC didn;t exist when they started lol - that's equal to

I jerked off already before the big bang and human life existed.

10-05-2011, 02:20 PM
well considering the camera angles are Unique, and the maps are custom made, along with the ropes and soldier's movement is all special effects, it's damm amazing, six years in the making, however i think they spent 3-4 years doing this as they both had some personal stuff to sort out for a very long time.

i really enjoyed it, especially the jet footage in the middle of the video.

10-08-2011, 05:05 AM
Dam that was put together so well I really Dug it will be telling a few peeps about this. Well done.

10-08-2011, 10:58 AM
Dam that was put together so well I really Dug it will be telling a few peeps about this. Well done.it is one of the best machinima's out their, i have worked on a few myself, acting and editing.... if anyone has played Battlefield 2 they will realise what effects and how much work has been put into this, infact if you count up all the hours they have worked on this, it would probably come to 4-6 months solid work. 6 years in the making, they started the very first day of the BF2 Release.

10-08-2011, 11:03 PM
Very good Scott,A lot of work involved in that video.
Nice find.