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08-23-2011, 10:26 PM
At the time of this posting, the President was vacationing "On" Martha's Vineyard.
Why do they always say; "On Martha's Vineyard?"

08-23-2011, 11:03 PM
because he allows Martha's Vineyard to be under his feet :evilgrin:

08-24-2011, 12:07 AM
Limited access and limited number of full time population. Boring answer but its the truth

08-24-2011, 12:13 AM
He is so in touch with the people

08-24-2011, 06:05 AM
What's wrong with him being on vacation lol? Like all politicians all over the world have them hehe.

You should be grateful, in most other countries they spend way more money on their personal needs then some buses or other stuff lol.

Hell, i wouldn't mind taking a vacation as well hehe :P


Damn captcha is killing me...

08-24-2011, 10:35 AM
Oh look it's Captain Save-a-Ho coming to Obama's aid again. :D

MIR I broke this Obama thing down to Gazz and yourself a couple weeks ago.
We are Americans. Most of us are Veterans, and Veterans of War at that.
We have the right to say whatever we want about Obama. Even if it's true, stretched truth, or false ....We are American citizens OK, he is OUR president OK. You understand what I mean?

Give it a rest hehehe. You don't need to hop into every Obama thread sticking up for him and telling us how great he is. We already know and felt it. Nobody will listen to you anyway.

Democrats and some non-partisan citizens ragged on Bush when he went on vacations...especially during the Katrina issue.

But the difference now is that Dems, Repubs, and non-partisans are all ragging on Obama because of his shortcomings, his vacations, and vacations during shitty times in the United States in which Obama has effectively killed off jobs for people and the rest of the Gov not pushing for more job creation.

It's a vicious cycle in our type of political system.

2012 will be here soon enough.
And if we do get a new president the same thing will happen here at AC, unless he/she is one down to earth awesome fucking President....I doubt that will be the case.
A shitbag leaves, another comes in.

I doubt he will get re-elected, however I doubted that Bush would get another term either. I was wrong lol. I blame it on a convenient OBL recording release during his campaign scaring people, which produced more votes for for Bush :)

I'm only telling you how it is,
Of course you can stick up for Obama...it's your choice.
I mean if I were attracted to someone, I'd stick up for him too. I bet he's hung like a NBA center.
J/k :)

Oh and it's not just certain Americans that dislike him, I've seen some pretty funny Euro political cartoons regarding Obama


08-24-2011, 02:10 PM

Oh i'm not saying that you can't say what you think, where did i said that? :)

But it doesn't mean that i can't say what i think, does it? :)

I'm not sticking up for him, i could care less who's the next president of what ever country. Myself, i never vote, it's easier to adjust yourself to some minor changes then to waist your time on voting.

Just the deeper i do my research, more i see that most of that critic don't stand a chance in the face of facts.

I never say anything to any one when they call us commies (Even though its been 20 years now) or when they have an opinion about Putin or you name it. So i would expect pretty much the same in return.

08-24-2011, 02:18 PM
No, I didn't say you couldn't. It just makes you look like a choad.

I'm just asking
Why are you always defending Obama? Like you voted for him or something?
It does not make any sense at all. Why? Please explain whenever there is a Obama post or reference, why do you hop out of the phone booth like Captain save-a-ho?


08-24-2011, 02:24 PM
There is a clear difference between "commenting" on American topics and talking down to Americans or telling Americans how things are there.

I will never comment on something to do with obama or American politics that require me to have actually lived in the US to comment on, because i cant. But alot of ideas and comments on American politics , just like every countries politics can be researched and commented on. If you have to have "lived" something to comment on it then we might as well get rid of the study of history for one. Its faulty logic.

"Why are you always defending Obama?"

Even though this was directed at MadeInRu ill answer as well. I comment on this website about things i disagree with or to express approval of a video/answer a question, Thats why i dont comment on normal military videos much as there is nothing to disagree with when it comes to "awesome video" etc etc. politics is very opinionated subject, people must expect responses if they post them in a public area. If the comment is wrong, prove them wrong, simply falling back on "your not american so you cant comment" seems more often than not, a reaction that seems to underlines the frustration in not being able to counter an argument, this may not be the case but thats what it seems.

08-24-2011, 02:30 PM
I will answer with a question, why when ever i or some one else posts a picture or a video of T-50 there is always some smart azz screaming stolen tech or copy!!! ;)

Or when ever i comment something about US there is always some one who will tell me in a 'polite' way, you're not from here so piss off.

And yet that very same person will comment on everything else with out bothering from which country it's coming?

So which magic rights those people have that i can not have myself? Did i ever offended any one? Or was disrespectful in any way?

Why when we EU dudes say that we don't need guns on the street and yet its being pushed on us that we do, we try to explain but no one listens.

In other words, why when ever something is being said about other countries on constant bases it's fine, but when we try to express what we think about what's happening in US (Which effects all of us for obvious reason) we get fck off reaction?

08-24-2011, 02:32 PM
What you and gazz are doing is not the same.
Getting called a commie and defending your country's pride along with yours is another thing. It's a totally different scenario. There are only about 4 or so members on the commie shit.

Americans and Russians have deep rooted rivalry. The duration of the Cold War can be debated.
However the "Commie" thing is expected on a website full of American's raised during that era. It's called educate not fucking troll on every Obama post.

So again, I asked you why do you post on every Obama thread/upload defending him like you voted for him.
I want a legit answer, can you not provide one?

Deal with the posted issue at hand via education and knowledge.
Just because some asshole on another thread/upload talks shit about European issues or commies shit does not open the door to go to other uploads on AC and troll stupid Obama threads.

So in other words you just admitted to trolling?
You cant deal with someone on a upload by providing knowledge, so instead you get butt-hurt and troll Obama posts.

That is pretty adult like huh?

08-24-2011, 02:41 PM
Gazz, no matter what excuses you guys use. It is baiting for arguments. Which go hand in hand with trolling.
You guys are telling me when some idiot makes stupid ignorant comments such as UK gun control or Commie spy shit, you guys respond by going to Obama threads and stuff?

You guys honestly cannot handle a couple closet living knuckleheads by using knowledge and personal experience? It cannot be that hard to put someone in their place especially if you are from the country they are talking negatively about?

It's getting lame and annoying.
I'm trying to understand here.

I love watching people get owned in arguments.
This tactic is weak and trollish.

Oh and for the record, just because I am American...does not mean I am biased.
I stick up for and help European members as well. MIR, I have put plenty of people into time-out for talking bad shit about Europeans etc. Ask Eagle
Don't try that favorites shit with me.

I handle problem members. If you cant beat someone with knowledge then that is your problem.
Problem members are people that like to troll the same shit over and over again. Whether it's some American repeated posting ignorant shit about Europeans and Russians(as we speak there is one that has a foot out the door) or people repeatedly trolling Obama/political posts

By being an outsider, as in not living in the United States and commenting on Obama, Bush and the rest of America's shitty politicians and broke political system....makes you look just as ignorant as those undereducated Euro hating people that link everything to communism. Same thing with NON-UK people thinking they are smart and try to comment on how detrimental your firearms policies and laws are to your people.

How can you comment on that shit when you have not lived in the country? If I had an American member doing this on every "Euro Issue" post, he would get the same treatment.

Think about it.
Why make yourself look stupid in the process? and stoop to their level.
You won't make an impact that way....but it does make you stand out like a TURD IN THE PUNCHBOWL

You don't fix the problem by doing the same shit they are doing.

I'm looking for a better resolution to this type of crap.

08-24-2011, 02:42 PM
"So again, I asked you why do you post on every Obama thread/upload defending him like you voted for him."

Because i disagree with what's being said. Its that simple.

"So in other words you just admitted to trolling?"

Because i said " I comment on this website about things i disagree with or to express approval of a video/answer a question"

how did you get trolling from that?

"Gazz, no matter what excuses you guys use. It is baiting for arguments."

Its not, its replying to a comment you disagree with.

"You guys are telling me when some idiot makes stupid ignorant comments such as UK gun control or Commie spy shit, you guys respond by going to Obama threads and stuff?"

No? when did i ever say that?

08-24-2011, 02:44 PM

We're not jot commenting on every Obama threat, we only comment on obvious Obama trolling with good facts.

Simple example is when Obama was blamed for shutting down Space shuttle program while he had nothing to do with it.

IT's natural, we spend time on this site, we see how people are negative towards him, so we simply look it up and do some research. Then when we see some obvious trolling and misinterpretation of facts, we respond with facts.

For what we're being marked as Obama defenders. While in fact we only defending the truth with proper arguments and no trolling or offensive talks to any one.

08-24-2011, 02:49 PM
Oh and im not an obama supporter, id vote ron paul if i could (if he gets GOP Candidate for President)

08-24-2011, 02:49 PM
Gazz, no matter what excuses you guys use. It is baiting for arguments. Which go hand in hand with trolling.
You guys are telling me when some idiot makes stupid ignorant comments such as UK gun control or Commie spy shit, you guys respond by going to Obama threads and stuff?

You cannot handle a couple closet living knuckleheads by using knowledge and personal experience?

It's getting lame and annoying.
I'm trying to understand here.

I love watching people get owned in arguments.

This is weak and trollish.

Oh no, i didn't said that it's a response to something, i just asked why i can not comment on something which i think is not right when every one else can comment on everything they want and they never addressed on their comments?

And again, i'm using arguments when i do so, not just simple bushing of things.

08-24-2011, 02:52 PM
Gazz, no matter what excuses you guys use. It is baiting for arguments. Which go hand in hand with trolling.
You guys are telling me when some idiot makes stupid ignorant comments such as UK gun control or Commie spy shit, you guys respond by going to Obama threads and stuff?

You cannot handle a couple closet living knuckleheads by using knowledge and personal experience?

It's getting lame and annoying.
I'm trying to understand here.

I love watching people get owned in arguments.

This is weak and trollish.

Oh and for the record, just because I am American...does not mean I am biased.
I stick up for and help European members as well.

By being an outsider, as in not living in the United States and commenting on Obama, Bush and the rest of America's shitty politicians and broke political system....makes you look just as ignorant as those undereducated Euro hating people that link everything to communism.

Think about it.
Why make yourself look stupid in the process? and stoop to their level.
You won't make an impact that way.

Man, only difference is we try to use facts, and in return we get only bashing.

08-24-2011, 03:05 PM
I see no facts being used anywhere.

08-24-2011, 03:15 PM
Of course the people you argue with will get butthurt when you provide cold hard facts. A few members here have complexes like that.

08-24-2011, 03:23 PM
Not to mention she wants to abolish pornography....lol


Ron Paul seems a good candidate, but seems to have suffering a media black out for what ever reason.

08-24-2011, 03:35 PM
Oh no, i didn't said that it's a response to something, i just asked why i can not comment on something which i think is not right when every one else can comment on everything they want and they never addressed on their comments?

And again, i'm using arguments when i do so, not just simple bushing of things.

"i just asked why i can not comment on something which i think is not right when every one else can comment on everything they want and they never addressed on their comments?"

MIR, like I said you can comment on anything you feel. You just don't want to look like the rest of the tools.
Oh and the others do get addressed if it's a problem. A problem could very well be a member that always posts "commie this and commie that" repeatedly on specific uploads.

The thing is bro, most of the time you do not see it as it's done through PM's, sometimes they will get a response by me on the frontpage if it is truly an issue.

What I am saying is you two stand out.
I can type "OBAMA" in the search box and almost all of the media has both of your comments in it.

What is the fetish with Obama? Why bother arguing with an AMERICAN's opinion on Obama and current political events?
Just for arguments sake? It's pretty hard to google accurate information due to so many personal biases, political biases and media biases.

Same thing can be said about knuckleheads that say "ALL ISLAM IS BAD" and Google their crappy little "facts" so they can post.

Inaccuracies and disinformation are rampant on the internet. The days of getting solid info on the internet are over.

I'm only trying to give you advice and my viewpoint on this situation, which could be interpreted as trolling in the eyes of others.
You guys are better than that.

Don't stoop to their levels.

08-24-2011, 03:55 PM
"i just asked why i can not comment on something which i think is not right when every one else can comment on everything they want and they never addressed on their comments?"

MIR, like I said you can comment on anything you feel. You just don't want to look like the rest of the tools.
Oh and the others do get addressed if it's a problem. A problem could very well be a member that always posts "commie this and commie that" repeatedly on specific uploads.

The thing is bro, most of the time you do not see it as it's done through PM's, sometimes they will get a response by me on the frontpage if it is truly an issue.

What I am saying is you two stand out.
I can type "OBAMA" in the search box and almost all of the media has both of your comments in it.

What is the fetish with Obama?

I'm only trying to give you advice and my viewpoint on this......
You guys are better than that.

Don't stoop to their levels.

Again it has nothing to do with Obama but rather with people. We just see basic ignorance and close minded opinions and we can prove them wrong, perhaps some day they will see the light and start learning things instead of just making dumb comments. I'm on the mission to make a world a smarter place if you like ;).

08-24-2011, 04:16 PM

Sounds good to me.
I like that mission

But, I suggest you don't troll to achieve your goal.

08-24-2011, 04:59 PM
This is what I missed here on the boards. Open discusion about what is going on in the world. With that said. I don't like Obama because of his policies. I didn't like Bush because of choices and policies he made for example micro managing the wars.

08-24-2011, 05:12 PM
This is what I missed here on the boards. Open discusion about what is going on in the world. With that said. I don't like Obama because of his policies. I didn't like Bush because of choices and policies he made for example micro managing the wars.


But how often it ends up in the simply "Who are you to comment on this" instead of simply proving your point with information...

How often we try to start a discussion and end up with simple bushing of our comments with no facts to back it up?

We're all up for putting more effort in to the forums.

But it's hard to fight ignorance and lack of will to acknowledge that even Obama does certain things right.

What kind of discussion can i have with some one when he simply answers me: You're not from US so piss off or you're a commie and who gave you the right to speak?