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View Full Version : Tsa experimenting with new screening.

08-18-2011, 01:55 PM
PHOENIX -- PhoenixSkyHarbor Airport is considering new security measures that would focus on what the TransportationSecurity Administration calls "high-risk" passengers.

The TSA is experimenting with specially-trained behavior detection officers to recognize passengers who might pose a security threat.

That means not everyone would be subject to the same security procedures, said Nico Melendez with the TSA.

"They might not have to take their shoes off, they might not have to take their computer out of the bag, they might not have to take their coat off," Melendez said.

Passengers often display facial expressions that indicate they have something to hide, Melendez said, and those passengers would be subject to a few questions and possibly pat-downs.

"We've had people who are hiding large sums of money, drugs, people who have warrants. They see a uniformed officer and they get nervous, and there's facial expressions that they have that our people are trained to identify."

The new security measure are being tested right now at Logan International Airport in Boston.
